The Power of Satan Deceiving Men

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The Characteristics of the False Christ: Precisely the Opposite of Those of Christ
The false Christ as the man of sin presents himself without restraint in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. This is the culminating point in his character as an apostate who has renounced grace. The 9th and following verses of 2 Thessalonians 2 develop his positive and deceitful activity by which he seeks to win men. This explains the mixture of atheism in will and superstition.
In relation to the lying power of Satan and his efficient work, he presents himself in the character of Christ—he is the Antichrist assuming consequently a Jewish character. It is not only the pride of man exalting itself against God, but the power of Satan in man deceiving men, and the Jews in particular, by a false Christ. The conditions are such that, if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. We may remark that all these characteristics are precisely the opposite of Christ—falsehood instead of truth, iniquity instead of righteousness, perdition instead of salvation.
The Occasion of the Evil and the Scene in which it Develops
It is to a power like this, of lies and destruction, that man—having forsaken Christianity and exalted himself in pride against God—will be given up. The apostasy (that is to say, the renunciation of Christianity) will be the occasion of this evil; Judea and Jewry will be the scene in which it ripens and develops itself in a positive way.
The Antichrist Allied with Jewish Unbelief; Satan's Throne Among the Gentiles Strengthened; Idolatry Brought In
The Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son (that is, Christianity). He will deny that Jesus is the Christ (that is, Jewish unbelief). With the burden upon him of sin against Christianity, grace and the presence of the Holy Spirit, he will ally himself with Jewish unbelief in order that there may be not only the full expression of human pride, but also for a time the Satanic influence of a false Christ. This false Christ will strengthen the throne of Satan among the Gentiles, occupied by the first beast, to whom the authority of the dragon has been given.
He will also set up his own subordinate throne over the Jews, as being the Messiah whom their unbelief is expecting. At the same time he will bring in idolatry, the unclean spirit long gone out, who then returns to his house which is devoid of God.
The Judgment of Antichrist and its Means: The Return of the Lord Jesus in Glory
And now we consider the destruction of this one whom the Lord Jesus will consume with the spirit of His mouth and destroy with the manifestation of His presence (or of His coming). The first of these means characterizes the judgment; it is the Word of truth applied in judgment according to the power of God. In the Revelation it says that the sword proceeds out of His mouth. Here in Thessalonians He is not spoken of in the character of a man of war, as in Rev. 19. The spirit of His mouth is that inward and divine power which kindles and executes the judgment. It is not an instrument; it is the divine source of power which executes its purpose by a word. (Compare Isa. 30:3333For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it. (Isaiah 30:33).)
But there is another aspect of this judgment. The Lord, the Man Jesus, will return. His return has two parts—the return into the air to take His assembly to Himself, and the public manifestation in glory of His return.
The Lord's Public Manifestation in Glory: The Obedient Man who Humbled Himself Destroying the Lawless One who Exalted Himself
In the first verse of 2 Thess. 2, we read of His return and our gathering together unto Him. In the same chapter in verse 8 is the manifestation of His presence publicly in creation. At the time of this public manifestation of His coming He destroys the whole work and power of the wicked one. It is the Man formerly obedient and humbling Himself on the earth, exalted of God, and become Lord of all, who destroys the lawless man that has exalted himself above everything and made himself as God, instead of being obedient to God.
The Taking Away of the Assembly and the Apostasy Necessary Before Satan Displays His Power in the Man of Sin
This evil—on the side of Satan's influence—was already working in the apostle's time, only it was bridled and kept back until that which restrained it should no longer be on the scene. Then should the wicked one be revealed. To sum up: the taking away of the assembly and the apostasy were first necessary; then this man should present himself as an unbelieving Jew, and the power of Satan would be displayed in him.
The Far Different Future of the Thessalonian Believers as Companions of the Lord Himself
Now this Satanic influence was for those who had rejected the truth. Of the Thessalonians (to whom he had given these explanations respecting the day which they believed had already come) the apostle thought very differently. God had chosen these "brethren beloved of the Lord" from the beginning for salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, to which He had called them by Paul's gospel (and that of His companions), and to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jesus. How different was this from the visitations of the day of the Lord, and the circumstances of which the apostle had spoken. They were numbered among those who should be the companions of the Lord Jesus Himself in that day.
J.N. Darby