The Precious Blood of Christ

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The preciousness of Jesus' blood
An angel's tongue could never tell;
None but the Infinite conceives
The value that does in it dwell.
But this I know, Christ's precious blood
Has saved and brought me nigh to God.
Compared with it the wealth of earth
Contemptible must e'er appear;
Ten thousand worlds, with all their stores,
From one offense could never clear.
But Jesus' precious blood alone
Does for my many sins atone.
'Twas when my sins against me rose,
A catalog of darkest hue,
And works had failed to give me peace,
That Jesus' blood arose in view.
Most wondrously it met my case,
For every sin it did efface.
The chief of sinners it has cleansed,
So there are none that need despair;
The sins of crimson it removes,
And makes the soul exceeding fair.
So fair, that God Himself can see
Naught but unsullied purity.