But at the close of such a meditation as this, what does my soul suggest to my conscience? Oh for that faith that converts statements into facts, and ideas into realities! Not that I question what I have written, but am so sure of its small influence and authority over me. I am conscious that it is one thing to have communion with truth, and another thing to have it with the Lord Himself. And I join in judgment with one who has lately written thus: “The dispensational aspect of truth must be secondary to that which is eternal. The exclusive or disproportionate study of dispensational truth has frequently engendered that knowledge which puffeth up, to the weakening of the love which buildeth up. Often may be heard students on this lower form speak slightingly of others much more deeply rooted in Christ than themselves, by reason of their non-acquaintance with theories which were often mere human speculations grafted on the truth of God.” And he adds: “There is a possibility of being dazzled in the stead of being illuminated by light.”
For myself, I desire thankfully to listen to these words, and to take the admonition and warning they convey to myself. They are seasonable and healthful.
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