ALONG SIDE of the public road by which we went to school, there was a footpath through a pretty field, which seemed to be a private road to a large house in the woods. Close by the gate a notice board was placed with the words
“No Road This Way” distinctly painted in bold letters.
Notwithstanding this plain order, a number of the boys suggested that it was a shorter road to school and advised me to take it. I did so, and was just about to climb over the gate at the far-off end, when who should appear but the owner of the house.
“Did you see that notice board by the gate?” he asked.
“Yes,” I replied, quite ashamed of myself.
“Why didn’t you believe it then?” he said. “Always go by the order, boy, and take no notice of what your companions say.”
I was glad to get off so easily, but that word was not forgotten. It holds good in the things of eternity. Always go by God’s order, never mind what others say. What God’s Word declares, be it warning or promise, is sure to be true. Here is one,
Dear boys and girls, do go by God’s order. No matter what others may say, or advise you to do, take your orders from the Word of God alone.
ML 01/03/1937