To most people spiders are a nuisance, but they do serve many good purposes, including eating great numbers of flies, mosquitos and other insects. Many birds not only eat spiders, but steal their webs to weave into their nests for added strength or to make a smooth inner lining.
There are about 40,000 different kinds of spiders in the world. Most can spin webs, and they come in a great variety of shapes. The most clever are the outdoor spiders who make the most beautiful webs. These webs can be seen best in early morning while silvery dew clings to them. The garden spider stretches its beautiful webs between branches of tall plants. Another, the orb-spider’s creation, when covered with dewdrops looks like a grand display of lovely pearls hanging on drooping strings.
But the webs of all are creations no human being could ever duplicate. They vary in size and shape, but commonly have two dozen or more strands forming circles around a tiny center (the spider’s home). These are held at proper distance from each other and strengthened by a number of “ribs” that, like the spokes of a wheel, stretch straight out from the center. All is so cleverly done that it looks like a blueprint had been followed. But spiders don’t need blueprints, for the Creator has given them the instinct and ability to make their own webs in God-given patterns and designs.
Two or more “spinnerets” are attached to the rear of the spider’s abdomen from which the liquid silk threads flow, finer than a human hair. The reason for more than one spinneret is so a spider can produce different types of silk for a particular purpose. The different spinnerets can produce liquid silk in a very thin thread or a thick, wide band, or silk that quickly dries or remains sticky. It can even produce a thread that looks like a beaded necklace.
The webs are amazingly strong. Most can withstand the force of a bumblebee or other large insect flying straight into them, as well as the insect’s frantic struggles to break loose. The Creator has provided spinnerets that make just the right kind of web for each purpose, all stronger than rayon, silk, or rubber. Even snakes that get entangled in webs sometimes can’t get away.
The Lord God, the Creator of all things, has given the spiders these wonderful capabilities and His watchful eye cares for them just as He cares for every living thing. That includes every boy, and girl, and man, and woman. A verse from the Bible tells us: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest [seen] in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:1313Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. (Hebrews 4:13). Besides knowing Him as your Creator, do you know Him as your Saviour too?