A young man, a South Sea Islander, came loitering about the missionary's house. This was unusual, for the native was known to be one of the baser sort. However, the missionary spoke kindly to him and asked with real interest: "Friend, have you any business with me?”
Tears gushed from the black man's eyes, and he could not speak at first. At length he said with deep emotion: "You know I am a wicked man. Shame covers my face and binds my tongue. Today I must break through all fear. I want to know, has God room for me? Can I expect mercy?”
When he was asked how such thoughts had come into his mind, he replied: "I was at work putting up my garden fence. I became greatly wearied, and sat down on a little hill bank to rest. As I looked around, I said within myself, 'All this great garden, so full of food for my body, and death for my soul. Oh, what shall I do?'”
Poor, unhappy man! He resolved that he would go to the missionary, from whom he might learn how he could find the way to a better world, where there is no death. With thankful heart the missionary explained the simplicity of God's plan of salvation and led the repentant native to Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Dear reader, you may have many things in this world for your body, but what have you for your soul for eternity? The Lord Jesus asks you, what will it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul? It is a terrible exchange, to take the things of this world and refuse God's greatest and best gift. Have you accepted Him as your Savior?