A most interesting character in our Seamen's Mission was Daniel Matthews. Night after night he sat by the stove, always alert and eager, joining heartily in the singing.
As a youth he had been wild and reckless, causing much sorrow by his irreligious ways and rebellion.
The one thing he loved was the sea, reveling in its perils. He was daring beyond all the boys of his age; and many a man, hardened by life on the sea, would not have dared to do the things he did.
His unbelief became more definite as he grew up; and hour after hour, as he and his mates smoked about the fire, or in summer sat on the quay, he would with forceful language and powerful argument "prove," as he thought, that religion was a fallacy and God was a myth.
One night the fleet was far out at sea when a hurricane of unusual intensity sprang up. Nets had to be cut adrift, and every boat made for the harbor. It was such a tempest that even Dan became alarmed. He said it was the first time in his life that he was really afraid.
His Christian friend and companion, Tom Rogers, was at the wheel with him when a great sea broke over the bows and swept the little craft from stem to stern. Tom was torn from the wheel and hurled into the raging waters There was no time to think or grieve over the loss of the friend who had tried to lead him to trust in Christ. It was now a desperate and lonely struggle to reach the shore. For what seemed like hours of terror he clung to the wheel, driving on and on through the darkness with no sign of the harbor light. He was losing strength, realizing that he could not carry on much longer. The icy wind chilled him to the bone. The spray that broke in clouds over the vessel blinded him and cut his face.
Dan felt sure that he must be near the harbor, where, unknown to him, the light had been extinguished by the gale; though beyond the gleam of the white breakers there was nothing but intense blackness. Through the roar of the wind he could hear the waves beating against the breakwater like distant thunder, and his heart seemed to freeze with fear.
In that terrible moment he prayed. Despairing, utterly helpless and hopeless, he cried to God for help. It was only the cry of despair: "O God, help me!" Then a strange thing happened. He felt that a strong Hand was on the wheel, turning it in spite of his own despairing grip turning it, and swinging the vessel from its course; and in a moment the fury of the wind dropped. They had steered through the harbor mouth into the quieter waters within.
What Dan Matthews felt at that movement he could never describe. At first he was terribly afraid. He knew—yes—he knew, that God had taken the wheel from his hand and brought him into harbor; and he was afraid of the Unseen Helmsman whom he had mocked and ridiculed. But it changed his whole life; and he had the courage to tell his mates what had happened, and how God had come to his help. As soon as he was able he came straight to the Mission Hall to ask for help and guidance; and there he found the way to the Lord Jesus Christ, and knew himself "a sinner saved by grace."
Until that same strong and loving Hand steered his vessel into "the desired haven" he was rarely absent from the services, and never tired of telling all who would listen the wonderful story of the Unseen Helmsman.