The Wages of Sin

Duration: 39min
Gospel—Chuy Garza
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I'd like to start with a song and it's gonna be #4 on your hymn sheet.
Because it's about the good news, Christ the Savior of sinners. And that's what we're going to speak about tonight. So if a brother would raise the tune, the number 4.
Her rice is, let's say.
Right is not saying I'm sorry.
Long as it ain't anything bright and nobody is great, I am free.
The world and.
All 995.
In that second verse, there's a a little phrase that says.
Happy and justified. Free happy. I was in a store the other day where they sell all these plaques and umm, have little sayings and stuff on them. I was struck by one that said it's never too late to be forever happy.
No, that's the gospel.
Because the good news is it's never too late to be saved. It's never too late to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. And so I thought that's most appropriate.
Uh, expression to have.
So tonight we're gonna have a little bit different gospel because I'm not gonna give the gospel.
I'm going to ask my brother Joey Garza to give the gospel tonight and his native language is Spanish and he's going to be using his Spanish Bible.
And when he refers to scripture verses, I'll read them in English for the rest of us. I'm sure some of you in here wouldn't have any problem with the Spanish. And in in doing that, I think it'll it'll make things kind of go smoothly for us. So I'm going to.
Uh, ask the for the Lord's help for our brother Chewie and for each one of you out there, you might have ears to hear the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of sinners. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thus Romans 623.
3 words I see in this verse that I would like to say a little bit about each one. The first one is wages.
Everybody who has a job, they get paid, they go to work and usually in many places you have a time card there you go in and you they have a clock in the wall. You, you put your timesheet there and tell you what time you enter. And then at the end of the day you go back and you punch again and it was your time, how many, how many hours you work so you can get paid.
At the end of the week.
They have maybe another employee that is in charge of the bookkeeping.
And they wanna make sure you get paid fairly. They don't wanna pay you less than what you work, and they don't wanna pay you more than what you wore. So in this verse, it says that these wages for send. So that's one of the worst. The second one is send. We're gonna make sure everybody understand what send means.
I went back and looked in the original on the scriptures what send means and it it it means means the mark. So in other words.
Is in this case is missing the standards of the perfection established by God. So every single person who has lived in this planet, with a SEPTA exception of one, has missed the mark. We missed the March from the first day that we are born all the way until we live in this world. It don't matter if you was born on a Christian family.
Maybe you are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation.
Of a Christian family, everybody has missed their mark. Everybody's a Senate.
The other word is gift.
Gift is the opposition of wages. For you to get paid you have to work. To get a gift doesn't cost you anything.
It comes to my mind when I graduate from school.
My dad give me a gift.
UH back then was in 1995, the minimum wage, if I'm not wrong, was 425. My dad was a framer. He built houses and he got paid minimum wage in South Texas. We live in Mexico and Reynosa. So we was a family of nine. I was not there. I was, I went out to UH to school in Houston. Well, it was a family of seven and it was hard to, for a family to, to be able to make it for.
425 an hour is very little money. My dad make a sacrifice and he's safe because he wanted to give me a gift. That gift was worth it. Maybe like two weeks of work, hard work in the sun.
There I went to work with him a couple of times and really was very hard to do Carpenter work. I know some brothers here maybe know that that that trade and it's not easy. So he works a couple of weeks, maybe close to three weeks to give me that gift. So was his. It was a great sacrifice.
God be the great sacrifice to provide for us a gift.
He's not gonna force us to get this gift by the invitation is out today. If we read in Romans 3 I will start to would like to see what the scripture says about our position in front of God.
Romans 3 chapter verse 9 to 12. Chapter 3, verse 9:00 to 12:00.
Romans chapter 3, verses 9 through 12. What then? Are we better than they?
No, you know why. But we have before approved both Jew and Gentile, that they are all understanding. As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that understand it, There is none that seek of God. They are all gone out of the way.
They are all together become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good.
No, not once. So this is the testimony of that for human race, everybody is a celebrity. It's not even one person. Maybe it's children here. They they grow up in a Christian family.
The scripture says that everybody is a is a Sinner, so it don't matter if you grow up in a Christian home, you got a nature inside of you.
They always miss the mark. They cannot get to the standard of God. So the Scripture says that everybody is a Sinner. So it's very important for us to understand that.
The gospel, the the sacrifice that Jesus did in the cross will not be attracted to us if we don't recognize that we centers. So the scripture says that everybody is a center in Romans 323.
Romans 323 for all of sin and come short of the glory of God, so we can see each other and say I'm better.
I'm not I'm better this other person because the scripture says that everybody have sinned. We nobody is better than other persons to on God's eyes. We all are the same. We send us now it's gonna be a time if you leave this work without fixing this situation and you don't you don't come to God and fix this problem that you have of sin in your life.
The scripture says if you leave this world.
That you will leave again. God is gonna give you a body. You're gonna be in front of God and it's gonna be a second day. The scripture talks about a second death and it's gonna be a place where God is gonna open the books.
If you live 10 years, if you live it live 20 years, 30 years, everything that you have done is writing down on some books in heaven.
And God is gonna bring those books and everything that you have done against God is gonna be in there if we go to Revelation chapter 20, verse 11.
Revelation 20 and verse 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
Can you read a little bit to verse 15 program? Sorry.
Continuing on with verse 12. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their words, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it.
And death and hell delivered up to that which were in them. And they were judged, every man.
According to their works, and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. So if you leave this world without fiction, your problem of sin.
You will. God is gonna resurrect you one day. He's gonna give you a body. You're gonna be in front of him, he said. The the O, the one that is sitting at the throne is, oh, Lord Jesus Christ, He's gonna be there as a Josh.
And there will be some books that will be open, and everybody who goes there is gonna be George according to what is in those books.
Now let me give you an example for Josh, because I was talking to a person the other day and this person was thinking that he can go to heaven if he does some good things. He said God is gonna see that I don't kill. I'm a hard worker. I provide for my family. I don't steal. Yes, I send. I sometimes I have some bad thinking. I get mad.
I'm not maybe good with my wife.
But God is going to see the good things and he's going to save me. And I give him this example. Say, let's say you live on a small town. Everybody knows everybody.
You know the Josh of the town, you know the chief of police, the chief of the fire department, you guys get together and and help the town to be clean, to do some fundraisers for the fire department. And one day you are driving and you have to answer the phone or you have to return a text and you make a mistake.
And you crash your car with another car.
And they take it to court and you tell the judge.
But look, everything that I do every week, I hope, I hope this time I help the fire department. I I do some fundraises. What the judge is gonna say, you're not here for your good things. You are here for what you did wrong and you have to pay. That's justice.
So God is not gonna judge you good deeds, God, God is gonna judge the send that everything that you did that means the mark.
Now, if you pay attention over here, says thereafter everybody comes in front of this great white trunk, they will be cast to the lake of fire.
I went and looked what the cast word means because I don't, I don't use it. I don't know if you guys use it, but I don't use it. So it's a little bit hard for me and this is what I found.
Throw something forcefully or full of force in a specified direction.
Here is God.
Which is full of force. I wonder how big is the force of God? And he's gonna throw this person in a specific direction, the lake of fire.
That's not a place that you want that. You don't want that to happen to you. It's gonna be terrible the whole eternity. You cannot get out of there. You're gonna be torment day and night, forever. Forever.
And nobody in this room is free of set every single one of our centers.
But you have to think about yourself today. Don't think about somebody that you know that says that he's a Christian and maybe has a bad testimony. Think about yourself. You need to fix this situation now. God didn't create a lake of fire for you and for me. He created for Satan and for the fallen angels. So God doesn't want you to go there.
He don't want you to go there. He love you so much that he don't want you to go there.
And maybe some of you guys think if God is love, why he just don't forget everybody? Why he don't take everybody to heaven if God is love? And that's true.
God can take everybody to heaven, but it's a problem.
God is just and he cannot pass, not even one small sin that was committed in this planet from the atom all the way to the last person.
He has to judge every single cent because if he don't do it, he would not be. I, I just Josh.
So his perfection, he has to judge them. Now what is the plan of that? Let's go to Frost John chapter 4, verse 10. God love you.
And he don't want you to go there. He didn't create a place for you and for me. So he loved you.
And this is the true love.
Many people talks about love hearing the scripture we wanna read what is the true love in first John chapter 4 verse 10?
Herein is love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
In Spanish this my Bible says in this love consist.
In this love consists.
Now that we love God, but he loves us and how he show that he loves us, He send his only begotten Son to take our place, to be a substitute. He don't want you to go to the lake of fire where you wanna be separate from God forever and ever. So what he did, He sang his Son.
To take your place in the cross. Now who is Jesus?
Who is Jesus?
He's not a man like us. He was a man 100% man, but he didn't have no sin. I cannot die for nobody. No brother here can die for anybody. If I die, I will die for my own sins, but I cannot die for nobody. So the onl, the only one that qualifies to die for you and for me, it has to be somebody.
Who didn't have no sense. So if we see in Frost John chapter 3.
Verse 5.
And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him was no Sinner. Excuse me? In him his no sin. So God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come to this world, and he lived in this world.
With a, with no sin, with a perfect he always.
He never missed the mark, He always do. God will all the time. He never did nothing in his own will.
He was 100% opposite than us, so he was the only one that qualified to die for us to take our place. Now if we go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21.
2nd Corinthians 521 For He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. You see, this is the plan, this is the good news that God got today for you and for me.
He don't wanna send you to the lake of fire where you have to pay. You get your paycheck for all you did all your life.
All you sense that you commit all your life. He don't want you to get that big check for the whole eternity in the lake of fire. So what he did he sent his son and he take our place and over here says in the well the birds that we read the one The Who knew no sin was may send for us how that happened.
If he was without no sense how they got make him I'm not, I don't I don't wanna say the wrong word how he says in the English version.
Uh, it was May, No. Can you read it again, brother 521? I just don't wanna make a mistake on the translation, for he hath made him to be.
Sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. So how he was made sent for us, how that He was made sent for us.
Let's go to Mark chapter 15, verse 34.
Mark 15 verse 34 and at the 9th hour Jesus Christ with a loud voice saying hello I hello I Lama Sabachthani which is being interpreted My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? You see, God cannot have no communion with them.
So the lake of fire is a place where you will be away from God the whole eternity, separate from God forever. Now Jesus in the cross, he was made sense for you. And what happened? God cannot see no sin. So in the cross God separate from his Son Jesus Christ.
The communion, the perfect communion that Jesus have every day with the Father. When he lived here and earth every day, He didn't do nothing.
In his own accord he always was in pray, in perfect communion with God the Father. But what happened in the cross, in the cross was taking you place in my place.
So what God did? He brought the communion with his Son Jesus Christ in the cross.
So Jesus was separate in the cross, so you don't have to be separate forever in the lake of fire. That's love. We can see the love of Jesus there. He was willing to sacrifice his communion with God the Father. So you don't have to have to be separate for the whole eternity in the lake of fire.
If we go to John chapter 5.
So now what God wants to tell us?
What we need to be safe.
OK, he already provide a way to be safe. He already saying his Son Jesus Christ to come and die in your place. So what you have to do? What is your part?
What do you have to do today to be safe so you don't have to go to the Gray white Tron and they give you the wages of all you send and you'll be throw up?
Or cast. I'm sorry, cast to the lake of Far with Gray force? What do you have to do? What is your obligation if you never hear this before?
Pay attention. What is your obligation? What do you have to do?
God is saying that he wants to give you a gift so you don't have to do nothing. You have to accept the gift that God is giving you is for free.
If we read in John 5 verse 24.
John 524 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent Me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.
So those who hear His word and believe the one that sent him, that is the message that God the Father has. That is that he's saying his only beloved Son to die in your place in the cross. If you believe He says that He give you eternal life and is no more.
That's the gift that God wants to give you today.
She she already provide somebody who suffer in your place, somebody who already pay the consequences of send. So you don't have to pay the consequences of send for the whole eternity. So that's the gift they got wants to give you.
Many people doesn't wanna accept that gift.
How you think somebody can feel? If you have a gift that you wanna give to somebody, that person doesn't wanna take it.
Many people hear the gospel and hear this message more than one time in their life, and they will come to Jesus one day.
He's not gonna be the savior, He's not gonna be the Lamb of God. He's gonna be a Josh.
And it's not gonna be another chance they reject the gift. Now they have to pay the consequences of sale. And what is gonna happen is gon like this bottle Right now you have maybe your own wheel.
This bottle doesn't have his own wheel. I can do whatever I want with this bottle. I can move it anywhere I want. When you if you reject the gift of God today.
You'll be in front of the the Gray white trunk and you're gonna be like this part.
The books will be open and it's gonna be every time you punch it, that timesheet, every time you send, it's gonna be there.
And after they read everything, you'll be cast with a Gray force to the Lake of fire.
Why? Because you reject the gift that God wanted to give so.
Don't go today, don't go to your house if you haven't accepted Christ. Don't leave this place without accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That's a gift.
It's nothing that you can do to buy this gift. You can be the best daughter, the best son, the best father, the best husband. Nothing of that is gonna save you. God is not gonna judge you for your good deeds.
The wages of sin is the eternal death in the lake of our separate separate from God for the whole eternity.
But he wants to give you eternal life, not to live in the lake of far. It's gonna be terrible. In the lake of fire. The devil is gonna be there. All the demons, a lot of people that refuse to believe in Christ. Some people are was so good people they didn't want nothing with Jesus. And some people that is very full of evil is gonna be there. So it's gonna be terrible.
And he says that it's gonna be torment. There will be torment day and night, forever, whatever how how bad or how expensive.
Is the price of sand.
That is gonna take the whole eternity for you to pay what you did.
And if we wanna see how big his hand, we just have to see the cross. They got the sun had to become a man living this world and die in the cross. Nobody else can take that place. He was the only one that qualifies to be in the cross. God, Emmanuel, God with us had to die for you.
How big is sin? So it's now any any other way?
They can tell you. The enemy can tell you that you have to fulfill the 10 commandments. You have to do a lot of good things. That's not true. You cannot buy salvation with nothing. It's a gift. It's for free. But you have to believe.
You have to recognize in front of the US Center that you don't. You can do nothing to save yourself. And if you die today, you will go to hell and then you wanna resurrect and you'll be thrown with Gray force to the lake of fire. And it's a point on no return after you die. If you die today is a point on off return.
We even if we pray.
And ask God to save you after your death. That's it is over. It's not gonna be a second chance. So don't leave this room without recognizing the US Center and accept the gift. The only way is that Jesus died for you and the cross. That's the only way. It's no other way that you can be safe by faith in Jesus Christ.
You know we had the same problem than other than if.
Got 12 Other than if don't eat from the tree of good and evil because you will surely die.
What Satan did he say? You will not die. So now you have a problem.
You believe God or you believe the enemy Satan, and we know the story. They didn't believe that. So what are you gonna do today? You're gonna believe that.
Do you wanna come to God and ask for forgiveness? He already he's gonna forgive you because He already provide a way to forgive him His love. He wants to forgive you and what it wasn't the way he had already provide His son died so he can get close to you and save you.
Without the death of Jesus in the cross, it was impossible for God to save us.
Because God is perfect, he he he cannot he cannot get close to send he can he without without sharing of blood is not forgiveness of sin. It it was necessary that Jesus came and died in your place and shared his blood so you don't have to die eternally. So this is the invitation for you.
The young people, you could grow up in a Christian home if you're five years old.
10 years old. You need to make a decision. Your dad cannot make it for you. Your mom cannot make it for you. You have to make your own decision. You have to come to God and accept Jesus as the only way of salvation. Don't put your faith in you. Don't put your faith in your parents. Don't put your faith in the in any kind of religion. The only way that you can be saved is through the faith of Jesus Christ.
And the birthday we just read, it says that he give you seternal life. That's another verse that I wanna read in chapter 6.
Verse 47 If today you accept Christ, it's gonna be a big change in your life.
And you will receive something that is gonna last forever. You will go different today. John chapter 6, verse 47.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. So it says that you will have. The Scripture doesn't say if you believe in this or you will have eternal life. It doesn't say that in the Scripture. He says, if you believe in Jesus, you have not, you will have, you have now you have eternal life. So if today you accept Christ as your Lawrence ever today.
You have eternal life. You don't have to die. Live this world to know that you have eternal life.
You know why?
God accept the sacrifice of Jesus, and this is the word of God.
It's not my word, it's the word of God. And God doesn't lie. He says that you have eternal life.
It's another part of the Scriptures. Let's go to Hebrews. It's a verse there I really like in Hebrews chapter 10.
We was born centers and we'll we will die centers.
Or if the Lord comes today, we're not gonna die sinners. We're gonna go to heaven. We're gonna be transformed, and it's not gonna be no more sand in heaven.
Pero look what the scripture says.
In chapter 10. Hebrews chapter 10 verse verse 10.
Hebrews 10/10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all in verse 14 brother verse 14 for by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified. So if you accept Christ today.
With one sacrifice he has sanctified you by the dead of Jesus in the cross.
The sacrifice that Jesus did in the cross.
She sent it for you, and if you are sanctified, that means if you are a believer, if you have belief, if today you believe, you know how God sees you perfect forever.
So from today you can leave this room and the way God sees you, He don't see you as a Sinner anymore, He sees you as his son.
And perfect forever. So that's the gift. Are you gonna accept the gift they got? He's giving you today that he's offering you to take because him a lot.
It was something big.
She said His only begotten Son to this world, to die for you and for me.
That was a great.
He experimented the dead, he died for three days, was in the tomb and he resurrected.
And now he's on the right hand of that.
That's a great price. The sacrifice that my dad is is nothing.
This is a what God did is Infinity diff. The difference is it doesn't have any comparison.
That he had to separate his communion with his son in the cross because he was taking our place.
He broke his communion with his son Jesus Christ.