The Way Home

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NOT far from the great city of S. there are beautiful farms on Lake Washington, and many of these farmers have their own little ferry boats, so that when they have to come to the city to buy what they need, they can do so, and then return home. This is the means they have of reaching their homes. They have other ways as well, but many use the ferry boat. Some way is needed in order to cross the lake.
I wonder, dear children, if you have ever thought how you are going to get to heaven. I am sure you would all like to go there, at least when you have to leave this world. But what means have you of getting there?
A boat of some kind was necessary to convey the farmers and their families from S. to their farms, but what means could be suitable to take us to heaven? Some perhaps will say, prayer; other, to do good. But the Lord Jesus says:
“I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME.” John 14:66Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6).
He does not say, I am a way, but “I am the way.” There is no other.
Have you, dear reader, come to the Father by the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus been assured that your way into heaven is secured? Prayers, and doing good, are important things, but are by no means ways to heaven.
O, how simple God has made it for us. Simply to take Jesus as our Saviour, the One who died for our sins, and He will take us safely there. If we believe this, we shall delight to please Him while we are down here.
ML 07/23/1933