Friend, do you always want "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”
Many do not like it. They refuse to be told that they are sinners needing a Savior. They do not want to have their consciences disturbed.
"What do you mean by conversion?" asked one. "I am as happy as I can be as I am. I'll take my chances on being all right for heaven.”
What folly! When one is on a wrong course, he should be grateful to a guide who would tell him of his mistake, and could direct him aright.
A South Sea Island queen was told by her courtiers that she was beautiful. She believed them and reveled in her imagined beauty. One day some traders brought mirrors to the island, and used them as collateral in bargaining with the natives.
One of these mirrors came into the queen's possession. Gazing into it she learned the truth—she was very far from beautiful. In a fury, she threw the mirror to the hard dirt floor where it splintered into many pieces. But simply knowing the truth did not make her better looking. To improve her looks, she must use the means provided.
The holy Scriptures are God's mirror to show us our lack and ugliness as sinners. We may refuse to believe it. We may throw it from us. But does such an action or attitude improve our appearance before God? No.
However, if we turn to God and confess our need, and accept His Son, He will clothe us with His comeliness. The truth is, we are all sinners, for God's Word says: "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3.23.
Friend, look in God's mirror today. See yourself as He sees you—lost and ruined—and accept His way, the only way, to life eternal.