About the only thing most people know about a flounder fish is that it is very good eating and can be purchased at fish markets year-round. There are two unusual things about this fish, however. It can change its color to match the surroundings as it moves from place to place, and early in its life one of its eyes changes location.
The female lays about a million eggs in spring, which do not hatch until late summer. Various creatures eat many of the eggs, but those that survive to hatch soon develop into small “fry.” These are also choice food to other fish, so that out of a million eggs only a few hundred are likely ever to become full-sized fish.
At first a baby flounder looks like a typical fish, but within a few days its body begins flattening as something amazing takes place. While the right eye remains in the same location, the left eye begins to move up and over the top of the head—a little bit each day—and finally comes to rest beside the right one. (In a few species the right eye does the traveling.)
Why do you suppose the Creator provides this unusual experience to these little fish? The reason is that the flounder is a member of the “flatfish” family. Being a rather inactive fish, a flounder will spend most of its life lying flat on its left side in the sand or muddy bottom of the ocean floor, snatching whatever food comes by. If the left eye remained in its original place on the left side, it would be of no use and would only be harmed by the sand or mud on which it was lying. So the Creator provided this unusual way of placing both eyes where they are useful. We can see this as an example of the pleasure He had in designing so many amazing things throughout His creation, as stated in the opening Bible verse and again in Revelation 4:1111Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11): “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Another verse tells us to “stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:1414Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God. (Job 37:14)). This is good advice.
You are of much more value to God than a little flounder fish. He loves you and wants you to accept His love by confessing that you are a sinner and need the Saviour who is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. When this is done sincerely, He immediately accepts you as His own child and assures you of a place in heaven with Him when you leave this world. If you have not yet taken this important step, come to the Lord Jesus today!