The work of Christ, finished once for all upon the cross, is the means of the sinner's salvation. The Word of God, which endureth forever, is the ground of his assurance of that salvation. The work of Christ makes safe; the Word of God makes sure.
Nothing can be added to the finished work to make it more complete. Neither prayers, nor works, nor tears are needed from the sinner. All has been done to God's eternal satisfaction. The proof of this is Christ raised from the dead. Had there been a single jot of the work unfinished, a single demand of God unfulfilled, the resurrection of Christ would have been impossible. His resurrection is the seal of a satisfied God upon the perfect atonement which Christ has wrought. What satisfies God should surely satisfy man. When it does, there is reconciliation, salvation, peace.
So long as the sinner wants to do something, to add some merit of his own to the perfect work of Christ, or to find some cause in himself for the acceptance of it, he remains afar off and in the dark. God is jealous for the honor of His Christ. He will allow nothing to be put up alongside of Him. It must be Christ alone for salvation, and the Word alone for assurance.
Not even the work of the Spirit within, nor the results of that working, are the ground of peace. The finished work of Christ, the complete and accepted atonement which He made, is the only ground for peace with God. The Word declares it, and faith receives the testimony of God. No feelings, no evidences, no experiences will God give to make His Word more sure. It is enough.
Are you satisfied with it, with the bare Word of God alone, to give the knowledge of your salvation? Accept Christ's work, dear soul, and believe God's Word. Christ alone saves; the Word alone assures.