Their Joy

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
We know that a believer to whom death comes is instantaneously "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." But we have the same affections and emotions as those who are not believers, and when death comes to one we love, we cannot but feel keenly the loss to ourselves and others. Although we may not give expression to our feelings, we may still in our human failure secretly grudge the premature breaking of a precious bond, and grieve over the wrecking of our plans, the blighting of our cherished hopes. If we are to get rid of these depressing feelings, we should dwell on the bliss of those who are "with Christ, which is far better." How can we possibly grudge to any the bliss of being in the Lord's presence, no matter how much we miss them, nor how poignant and difficult the circumstances those left behind may be in?