"This Do in Remembrance of Me"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Think of all the variety of glories attached to Him who brings a people to Himself thus! Whom do I do it in remembrance of? Whom? What human mind could frame an answer? Who could speak of a glory so all-surpassing, when it comes to who and to all that He was and is! First, eternal life in Himself before all worlds, He the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father; and then turn to look at what He was down here.
In the gospel of John, the glory of His person is first spoken of, then all the different offices blending in His person, and then of eternal life brought by Him to bear on a thankless world. But that which carries to our souls the earnest of the living affections of the Lord Jesus towards His people is not the thought only of who and what He is—unspeakably blessed as that is in itself; but a fount was unsealed and flowing forth from His heart, showing the fullness and the divine unselfishness of His love.
See Him, just before going into the depths of His own sufferings, turning to His own and saying,
“Now My love can flow out.”
He knew that His people needed to have what would enable them to carry constantly in their hearts the thought of His love; therefore,
“This do in remembrance of Me.”
And now, above in the glory, He is looking upon us, caring for our love; thinking of poor things down here, and caring to be remembered by them, all these nineteen hundred years past; and in all freshness at God’s right hand, He cares for our love today. The real living affection in Him is not satisfied without the thought of His people being occupied with Himself.