Gospel—C.E. Lunden
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Made through Genesis chapter 3 for one. For a few verses, perhaps chapter 2.
I'm going to speak, the Lord permitting, on three temptations tonight.
Chapter 2 of Genesis.
And verse 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.
Chapter 3 and verse 6 and when the woman saw.
That the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant.
Through the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise.
It's just the fruit thereof, and their teeth. And gave also unto her husband with her.
And he did he.
And I hid myself.
And he said, Who told thee that thou hast make it? Hast thou eaten of the tree which I commanded thee that thou should not be?
And the man said, the woman whom thou gave us to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?
And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art church above all cattle.
Of every base of the field, on thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat.
All the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, if the bruise, thy head and thou shalt bruise is healed.
Under the woman, he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception.
Install. Thou shalt bring forth children.
And thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over these.
Verse 20.
And Adam called his wife, named Eve because she was the mother.
All living unto Adam, also unto his wife, did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothes them.
Verse 24.
So he drove out the man, and he placed the feast of the Garden of Eden Cherubims.
And a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way.
Of the tree of life.
I'm going to speak of the temptations, the three that a sale man.
In perhaps the reverse order, then they're usually spoken of.
Because the first one here includes all three, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye.
And the pride of life.
But I believe the emphasis here is on the pride of life.
When man sinned, he came into a new position.
To be as God, knowing good and evil.
Little did man discover, a little did man know that he would discover.
When he disobeyed God.
That he would make it.
Oh dear friends, tonight.
There's a day coming when you're going to stand before God and you're either going to stand close in that precious robe of Jesus Christ, or you're going to be naked in the presence of God.
One of the two.
Or precious Isaiah put to the man shall be a hiding place from the windy storm in Tempest. I didn't quote it exactly, pardon me, but nearly that a man shall be a hiding place.
Who's that man?
Jesus Christ the Savior.
Could it be tonight that there are souls in this room that have come and they have sat?
Under the sound of the gospel of the grace of God.
Nothing about a Savior who left the glory.
Humbled himself as a man.
Came down here and walked earth path for 3 1/2 years in the midst of all the sin and shame and ruin.
Though they might be placed on a cross and die, so that you might have eternal life. And you sit there at night, beloved 1 indifferent.
Like someone said to me, So what?
Oh my friend, that's the attitude of this poor world. Why? Because the Spirit of God has never opened your eyes to see that you're on their way to hell.
If you are, you're naked before God with no covering.
That was the discovery of the man that sinned. First. I said the man because God holds the man responsible.
Oh what a place to be in before God, and then as God comes walking in the cool of the day.
In the garden what for? To have communion with his creature.
Adam has hid himself behind the trees of the garden. Were you hiding tonight?
Which tree are you behind?
Without Christ and without God, afraid of God.
Where are you tonight at award though?
Did God say it in a harsh terms? No.
No, I'm sure he doesn't.
Adam or Arthur?
Like a father would cry for his son.
What does Jesus say to Judith? The last word he said, friend, wherefore art thou come?
Oh my friend, you don't know God if you think he's a harsh man person.
You don't know him.
He is a God of love. God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son.
And whosoever believeth in him should not perish. You know what that perish means.
That have everlasting life perish means to be transferred from a happy state to an unhappy one forever.
That's what it means.
And all the privileges.
Dear friends that you have tonight.
In the land of prosperity.
If you went into some of these countries behind the Iron Curtain tonight with one of these, they take them away from you.
And yet you can sit here with a Bible, Yes, and one for everyone of your children.
I ask you.
Are your children saved?
May I ask you this?
Have you wept about it?
When they aren't saved.
I suppose you wonder why I make these statements.
Because, dear ones, I have that.
In A room.
Where the floor was wet with tears for soul.
Crying for the sins.
Wanting to be saved.
You don't see it today.
And how often do you see a father and mother weeping over their children unsaved?
Brother for a sister.
A young lady came to me at one of the conferences weeping over her brother. Thank God.
Thank God.
Do you know what it means to be lost?
He batted from the holy God, the God who is the only one who can provide blessing for your soul.
To be separated from him forever, without one ray of light.
Without one drop of water to quench your tongue.
With not one bit of blessing.
The constant torment, forever and ever.
You know that's what it means.
No wonder Judah cries out when Joseph keeps his brother in prison.
How can I go to my father and the lad be not with me?
Adam, where art thou?
Where art thou? Well, we find human nature here, expressed immediately.
Passing the responsibility on one to the other.
And finally it lands on Satan. He was guilty, that's true, and so was he.
And so was Adam.
All guilty.
And dear friends, tonight I can say in the truth of the Word of God.
That all are guilty. There's none. Righteous. No, not one. There's not a person sitting in this room tonight. But what is guilty?
And so much so.
That if you and I got our just judgment.
We'd be undergoing the judgment of the eternal fire this very moment. The reason? The book of Jews.
Undergoing the judgment of eternal fire.
You know, it isn't popular to speak of judgment, and I'm not going to say much about it tonight.
Does the day coming and I don't think it'll be far off.
For the streets of Chicago.
New York. Montreal, Paris.
From one end of the earth to the other.
Will be all dead bodies.
But you believe that.
Read the 25th chapter of Isaiah.
And you'll see it will be solved from one end of the earth to the other.
The judgment of God.
On those who've added testimony as we've done and rejected it.
Thank God, before that happens, you and I who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will be caught away to be with him and the heavens.
20th bird.
And Adam called his wife's name Steve.
That was an act of faith.
In a scene of death.
After God had said.
In the 15 first.
I will put enmity between me and the woman, in between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise I had, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The God speaking to the serpent.
Speaking of the.
The death of Christ.
But now the Lord Jesus comes out the picture.
Through that.
Victory over death.
And so Adam takes this up because friends without faith is impossible to please him.
He that would come to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder.
Of those who diligently speaking.
I rewatched it.
Without faith, it's impossible to please him.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
And thou shalt be saved.
And Adam named his wife Eve, the mother of all living.
That's the first type of the church to the Scriptures.
The mother of all living in a scene of death.
All based on that promise not to man or to the woman. To the woman, Steve.
Oh dear friend, everything depends on Christ.
The operation of the universe depended on him as he hung on that cross of Calvary.
Your precious soul depends on that work of Calvary whether you're saved or lost.
If you receive him, you can have all the blessings that come from that work at Calvary to reject him.
You'll have to stand before the judge.
When you will have repeated before you God, command the fallen men everywhere to repent.
We believe the gospel.
Oh yes, it's a loving invitation for you tonight, but it's also a command.
And just as Adam just obeyed that command, your disobedience would be to reject Jesus.
As Savior.
From the heart of a loving God who sent his own Son.
And now we have a coat.
Of skin not make it anymore.
No standing before God clothed in something that God has provided.
Not your friend tonight. You may have your own religion, as you call it.
But I want to ask you, are you clothed in a garment that God has provided?
And the garment that God has provided is the result of death.
It's a code of sin.
It's on the basis of substitution. In order that you not die, someone else had to die. In this case, a type is used of an animal.
But my friends, there was a day when the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world.
He was hung on a cross between 2 Thieves.
He died.
Is my substitute. Was it yours?
Are you trusting in that one and that only one way of salvation?
The precious blood of Christ and death for you.
There is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved in the precious names of Jesus.
And now we have at the end of the chapter.
Angels with a flaming sword.
Man can't get back into that garden.
Turned every way.
Nor thou.
East and West.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Feet, the way of the tree of life.
Yes, my friends, as soon as Jesus appeared, the way of life was open.
To the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And those who know him now are going to eat of that pure ripe fruit of the Tree of Life.
In the glory.
Oh, what a marvelous ending to this story of Genesis 2:00 and 3:00.
Why? Because man was righteous.
No, he's with it.
Because of love, that's why.
You and I will never know.
But it has cost God to give his Son.
You and I will never know, but it costs Jesus to go through those three hours of darkness.
Turn with me please.
To another passage in Genesis.
Dennis is 18.
We're going to speak now, the lust of the eye.
And see how this turns out.
Verse 10.
Janice says, oh, I'm sorry, Genesis 13 and 10, I'm sorry.
A lot lifted up his eyes.
And beheld all the plain of Jordan.
That it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom.
And Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as our cometh unto Zohar.
Then lot go him all the plain of Jordan and journeyed.
Lot journey gifts were eastward.
12 verse 5010 towards Sodom. Now turn over to the.
19th chapter.
First verse And there came two angels to sodom and even.
And Locke sat in the Gate of Sodom.
A lot, seeing them, rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground.
And he said, Behold now my Lord, turn in, I pray you into your servants house, not pants.
Now it's a house.
We carry all night.
Wash your feet and you shall rise up early and go on your way.
And they said nay, but we will abide in the streets all night.
Now the 12Th bird and the man said unto lot, Hast thou hear any beside son-in-law, the night sons and thy daughters? And whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place, for we will destroy this place.
Words of men, carry all night. Rest yourself till tomorrow.
The words of angels get out of this place. We will destroy this place. Oh what a difference between the words of men and the word of God.
Those who can look behind the scenes.
And warn lot of what's coming. Little did he realize Abraham knew.
Abraham knew. Why was Abraham on top of the mountain?
The previous chapter is playing.
What was he praying about?
Poor lot.
That he'd taken down into Egypt and he'd shown him the world.
The lust of the eye.
And now he wants to pray for him so he won't be destroyed in the city that's going up in flames.
Oh, how careful we need to be of our example leading others into a place.
Of destruction.
Dear young people, beware of the encampment of this world, the garden.
The pleasant things will deceive you, the lust of the eyes.
What a solemn story this is.
When you read the book of Proverbs.
It leaves the wanton eyes in change.
That's proverb.
We do well to draw a curtain over the rest of this history.
Of life.
What does Solomon say?
Why you said I?
I withheld not my eyes from anything.
It was good.
What does his father say?
You read it in the 119th Psalm what he said.
Take away mine eyes from seeing evil.
And one wrote a book on the history of what you shouldn't do.
Solomon, because he'd already done it.
And the other wrote a book on what you should do because he had Christ before him.
The happy.
Psalmist of Israel.
Keep my eyes from seeing evil. The lust of the eyes.
Leaves one in change.
So what a story, what a warning for our soul.
Dear friends, tonight.
Word of God says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
But our question tonight is, have you taken the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Satan?
Don't think you can hide like Adam behind the trees of the garden because God says be sure your sins.
Will find you out, not sends your sins.
And you know what it is tonight.
Be sure your sins will find you out.
Wouldn't it be nice to have them all forgiven, all put away from forever?
And I want to tell you tonight, dear friends, if you take that precious Savior, the Lord Jesus.
God has said.
Their sins and iniquity I will remember no more.
Remember no more, never again will the sin be raised for all eternity.
You realize what a solemn thing it is to sit in a gospel meeting and hear the truth of salvation and walk out unsaved.
To hear the truth of escape.
And yet walk right into the fire, because that's what you're doing.
Little do you know what will happen as you pass out those doors tonight if you do pass out.
Little do you know.
Besides, the word of God, says he, that often being reproved and hardened at his next, will suddenly be destroyed.
Not without remedy.
With either, regardless of commandments shall be rewarded.
Oh, I've got.
Oh, how God solemnly warns us, because there is wrath. Beware lest he take thee away with a stroke.
Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee safety, only in Jesus.
Because there's no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved.
Oh, dear. One tonight I know I'm preaching to people here who are saved Mostly. Mostly saved. That is, mostly are saved, I'm sure.
But I feel, I don't know, but I feel there are some here tonight who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
That should pause for a moment there one way these things in the sight of God. Are you sheltered?
Under the precious blood of Christ have you recovering before the eye, Not a man, but God, who reads the heart.
You read the 139th Psalm, you'd see a man in the presence of God, discovering that God knew all about him.
In that Psalm we see that the day and the night are alike to God, the darkness and the light, the inside and the outside, all the same to God.
He knows this all together and he loves them.
Oh, how he loved.
How do I know why? Because back in the Council of eternity is the lighter of the sons of men, we read.
Turn with me to another passage.
It's in.
Genesis The.
We're going to speak of the lust of the flesh.
We've spoken of the pride of life, we've spoken of the lust of the eye. We're going to speak of the lust of the flesh.
And Dinah, the daughter of Leah, which she barely to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land.
And when Shechem, the son of Hammer of the Highlight, Prince of the land, as the country saw, he took her.
Lay with her and defiled her.
In the 24th chapter of the.
Now we turn to the.
49th chapter of Genesis. 1St 48th chapter of Genesis.
The 21St verse.
And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die, but God shall be with you.
We bring you again unto the land of your fathers. Moreover, I have given to thee 1 portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow.
Now Joshua Joshua 20.
And 32.
And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem.
In a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hammer, the father of Shechem, for an 100 pieces of silver, and it became the inheritance.
Of the children of Joseph.
You know, dear friends.
A man who was an engineer told me this.
He said if you drop a Pebble into a large pool of water.
The ring that it makes will not stop until it reaches the furthest shore. Think of it.
The disturbance that that Pebble makes will not stop until it reaches the furthest shore.
Do you know what happens, dear friends? Should I sin?
Tremendous effect it would have on my brethren, my children, my friends, not to think.
Of God.
Sin what is it?
Who is responsible for it? Satan.
But unless you're saved tonight, you have a heart that loves to sin. You'd love to do it.
And the only thing that keeps you from it is public opinion, and that's going out the window fast.
Dear friends, tonight this may be the last gospel meeting, and some of you, dear young people, haven't confessed Christ as your Savior.
Your sin, you love it.
You will until you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. You will hide it, sure, but that's your nature and you don't have another.
You must be born again.
There's no other way.
You must have a new life.
There must be new birds.
Receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior.
Because thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
That shall be saved.
They they.
Lost now.
Without Christ.
What the second map to do with all this?
What does Joshua have to do with all this?
Why were they so particular about the bones of Joseph?
You may be cut off tonight. Whether you're saved, you're lost. You may be cut off. And if you're saved, oh what a glorious resurrection awaits you. You're lost. Resurrection awaits you, but not a glorious 1.
There you will stand before God, naked, no covering.
No savior, no garment. Take them away.
Cast them into outer darkness, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth.
Oh beloved one tonight, is this what you want?
May God open your eyes to take Jesus tonight as your own personal Savior.
And now, as this story ends, it started with shame. So did yours.
Dotted mine.
I would ask anyone here tonight to raise their hand. It's proof to me that life didn't start with shame.
All that God would tell us and show us what we are in His presence.
The only one remedy, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses from all sins.
One portion of I given the above thy brethren, which I have taken out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow. Who is the Amorite? The Shechemite.
When did he do that?
When the sons of cruelty, Simeon and Levi, slew all the men of the city, and all was left was the widows and children.
Widowed children. That's Joseph's portion.
I know that some of you here are Christians. Understand what I mean? In the typical sense, we'll speak of need, Children speak of dependence.
That's Christ portion.
All those who take the place of need independence come into blessings. Joseph gets a double portion.
It's Shechem. That's why we read it in Joshua Shechem.
But I said this story ended well.
It started bad.
Just like your life and mine started bad. I don't care who you are in this room tonight, you're a Sinner.
On your way to hell without Christ.
There's no other way like we used to sing as young people on their way home from gospel meetings.
Hand in hand, stretched out across the plain as we walked home.
The Way of the Cross.
Leads home.
Way of the Cross leads home.
Yes, my friend, it's the way of the cross and no other way.
That leads home, Home. Oh dear one, where will your home be should you leave this world tonight?
Will it be in the arms of Jesus?
Will the father embrace you as he did the prodigal?
Or will it be like Judas? He went out and it was night.
Night, the pride of life, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh.
And like that little Pebble spreads the ring to the furthest shore. What you do and what I do.
The effects of it keeps going on and on and on. Oh, what sorrow, dear young Christian.
One false move.
Naomi tasted the fruits of it.
When she let her family down into Moab.
She lost her husband.
She lost her two sons, and then she lost one daughter-in-law. Then she woke up.
Then she turned, her eyes hearing a report.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. She heard a report.
She turns her eyes to Bethlehem, Ephrata, the land of fruitfulness, God's own land, and she takes Ruth with her.
Take one false step and you'll take someone with you. Be sure. Take one good step and you'll take someone with you. Be sure.
That's a principle of the Word of God.
Oh, blessed to walk through this world and leave a path of blessing behind us rather than one of sorrow.
But now turn to John 4, please.
He, Jesus left Judea and departed again into Galilee.
And he must needs go through Samaria. Then cometh he to a city of Samaria which is called Psycho or Shechem.
Near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey, sapped us on the well, and it was about the 6th hour.
There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
Give me the drink.
That's just the woman of Samaria to him. How is the South being a Jew? Ask the strength of me, which I'm a woman of Samaria, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that said to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given me living water.
The woman sat on him. Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with.
And the whale is deep, the well is deep.
For whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our Father? Jacob, which gave us the well, drank there of himself and his children cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water.
Shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I should give him shall never thirst.
The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up.
To everlasting life, Sir, give me this water.
Yes, what do we have here?
The happy ending.
To a tragic otherwise story.
Have you ever discovered the one who can take away all the shame?
Have you?
Jesus did.
Took all mine away.
As he yours.
The shame on Jacob's house was removed.
Like G.
Oh dear one, tonight have you found Jesus as your Savior, the one who can take away all your shame?
Have you?
So I would hate to close this meeting tonight, dear one, without you.
Yes, you and you.
Confessing Jesus Christ as your Savior now.
You don't have to make a demonstration.
Bow your head and confess Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior now.
Tomorrow may be too late.
All precarious life is.
Two men were hanging down the side of a precipice.
At Boulder Dam, they were drilling into the rock to secure.
The foundations for the dam.
Suspended on a line that was supposed to be at least five to 10 times stronger than needed to support the man.
There were men hide some Merlot.
And suddenly, without warning, one of the ropes snapped.
And the man came hurtling down.
To assure death.
One of his partners saw it.
And he kicked the clip and swung out, and he grabbed him in his arms and the rope held.
What was that sovereignty? That's what that was.
And dear friend, if you're saved tonight, it's a sovereign grace of God. It's not because you knew.
Anything or did anything but your sins, that's all.
But there's one thing you can do, and that's simply hold out your hand and take the safety.
Oh how marvelous the grace of God that allowed that man to kick his way away from the Cliff just in time to close this band in his arms.
Why do I say this? Because.
Because you could go out of this room tonight.
Never see the light of day again.
And then you go out in the blackness of darkness forever.
Without God, without Christ.
No friends.
Is that what you want? And you can have Jesus tonight, a loving Savior, one who came all the way from the glory.
To save your precious soul. Is that what you want?
Take Jesus now.
Take him as your own personal savior. Thank God for saving your precious soul.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, the precious.
Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses.
All sins, won't you come tonight?