Titus 2

Duration: 1hr 1min
Titus 2
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Titus chapter 2, the beginning of verse one, but speak the things that become sound doctrine that the age of men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith and charity and patience. The Asian women, likewise that they be in behavior has become a holiness, not false accusers, not given too much wine, teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet.
Keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands. That the word of God be not blasphemy. Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded and all things showing thyself a pattern of good words in doctrine, showing on corruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech.
Cannot be condemned. He that is of a contrary, that he that is of a contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things, Not answering again, not prevoining, but showing all good fatality. But they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation to all men.
Teaching us that relying on godliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak.
And absorb.
And reviews of all authorities let no man despise.
The world sometimes has a concept that.
People grow older, they become less and less important and less valuable.
Less able to contribute in whatever particular environment they've been moving it, whether it's in the business world or whatever world it is. There is that thought that has people become older?
And I think it's especially marked in our Western society that there becomes less and less value and importance to an individual. That's certainly not what the word of God here presents to us. Is it the very first group that are addressed as to.
The effects of sound doctrine are the older, the Asian brothers, the Asian sisters, and probably there is nothing more I want to say. I say this carefully, but I suppose there is very little that has more impact or more value than our beloved older brethren who have gone on for years faithfully walking with the Lord.
And see from those years of experience.
To encourage and support and the health of their brethren. And so it's just the opposite and the things of God that with those who go on in in age and go on that way, they're very, very important. And I think too, perhaps we might say from this.
Quite responsible.
They're mentioned 1St and brethren, just as a little practical thing for those of us who are younger and others sitting in this room or even much younger. Yet the older brother represent a priceless heritage and we do well to seek before God to get the value of that heritage, the value of what God has given to our older brethren, not always through the spoken ministry and certainly not with sisters.
Quickly, but the value of lives lived for the Lord over many, many years. It's a priceless treasure that nothing else, wisdom, or anything else can give. We do well, beloved brethren, the two value that very, very much and seek to get the good out of it and to thank God for it.
What you were saying, Brother Doug reminded me it was a a brother exercised about the assembly and Brother Lawson Richards living at that time, he was in his 90s, went to visit this brother and later the brother said the things he said to me really showed me that this is the fastest walking. And I said, well, what did he say?
Well, he said mainly that the longer I go on, the better it gets.
What you say too is certainly shown out in the Apostle Paul at what you read this morning, Second Timothy 3, to go back a few verses, and I think this verse is referred to, but I like to point it out again. Paul is speaking about the apostasy that is so evident in our world today. And then he says to Timothy.
Second Timothy 3 and verse 10.
Has fully known my doctrine. What comes immediately after manner of life purpose.
Faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions which came unto me at Antioch, but it certainly shown out of that Paul lived what he taught, and that's where they stopped.
We no doubt whether Bob could all of us here give example after example and there are examples sitting here with us today of these older ones who have gone on. But the point is brethren, that all of us, you might say by the grace of God.
Probably none of us, I should say it this way. By the grace of God, none of us probably can realize.
The impact?
That these brethren and these brothers and sisters have had on us. And I was thinking our very sitting here this afternoon, God alone in the coming day will show us the effect of faithful older brethren. We all know of brethren who have been in in assemblies we've been in and perhaps said very little.
But never, ever, hardly missed the meeting. That says something, and we're recipients of it this afternoon.
And I just want to plead with the beloved young people here. You live in a world that has little room or time or interest in elderly.
They are mightily used in Scripture if they're walking in that path that you talked about, and we need to treasure them and be thankful for them and learn them.
The Word of God is beautiful and it's moral bearing and it comes out over and over, you find.
That it's the Asian women who seem to be specifically pointed out as teaching the young women. That's a beautiful thing.
Timothy was told when he would be.
Teaching that he would teach the younger sisters in all purity and so it's not that brothers would never talk with or seek to encourage and help sisters, but the.
The and especially in the day that we live, this is beautiful to see those ancient sisters who have that godly life and walk have an absolutely vital service to perform. And that's verse four that they may teach the younger women what a vital, vital thing. Not again I say that there isn't teaching from other sources, but let it never be thought that.
Our beloved older brothers in here. Our beloved older sisters.
Don't have a vital service and ministry to perform and I want to say again, I want to say this carefully.
Brothers cannot, I believe, perform that service as a godly elder sister can to the younger sisters. And we're not, we're not able to do that. It's not that we can in some measures, I said Timothy was told to teach with all purity.
If you remove godly older sisters and remove them from the scene, what a hole is left that cannot be really filled up properly any other way?
Is there anything that said to the other great deal to his grandmother and his?
Mother. Grandmother.
From a young man and he knew them and that's their role so that he would be educated.
Seems to me we need to encourage our older sisters to do this work as well.
We live in a society that tries to be self-sufficient without God and wisdom of his word.
And yet we can't get away from the value of the principles of God's Word. This is what God has said about who is to do the educating of the younger women and Christian principles of the older women. Sister, you've gone on the Lord. You have a responsibility to pass on those things that you have learned.
You see, it's interesting to see what it says is that they may teach the younger, young women.
To be sober, to love their husbands. I think this is the only place in scripture where a wife is.
Be taught to love their husbands. Actually, husbands are exhorted very strongly to love their wives. But if I'm not mistaken, this word for love here is the delay of love. It's the love of appreciation. And there's a way that that's to be done. And if this is done in the proper way, it strengthens home life.
I think it's so important in our day when homes are being destroyed through lack of scriptural principles. But here is an older woman that teaches a younger woman how to love her husband. Interesting, isn't it? To love their children? How do you do it? To love their children is not to give them everything they want.
But according to the psychology of our day, you're not supposed to correct the child. You're supposed to let them have everything they want. That's not loving them.
They need to be taught sometimes younger sisters, how to love their children, to be discreet, chaste keepers at home. There's lots of things in today's world where the woman is encouraged to go to work. There's a lot of things that she can do at home to supplement.
The family budget If it's necessary to work, you look at the virtuous woman in.
Proverbs 31, she is one that did some business at home. She knew what to do. She could do in that home circle without abandoning her home. So there's a lot that can be taught and her older sisters need to realize that in a day when every Christian principle is under attack that they are ones that can go in and be a help and strengthening the home.
I think some of the basics we got in the descriptions, we could go back to the very beginning where it said the Lord God created the male and female, and we live in a day when that principle is trying to be set aside by Satan's world. But there's a verse in Deuteronomy 22 That I'd like to. It gives a little picture, I think of perhaps a principle that we get in a picture form here that might be an encouragement to some of.
All of us concerned with this, what we're talking about.
It says in Deuteronomy 22. It says in verse #5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man.
Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment. The character of a woman is distinctive to the home, and that's what we're talking about. The young, the older women would instruct the younger. So the character of the woman's garment would bring that character of the female in the household directing the household. But let's read the next verse.
Verse six. If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree or on the ground.
Oh, now we got a picture of the birds nest. You know, that's like the home. We can also apply it to the assembly, whether it's the assembly of the people of God, where is like a nest where the young are nurtured with the word of God. We can apply it that way. But let's bring it back to #1 The family. And here's a little picture of the bird's nest and the mother bird. What's she doing? It says whether they the young ones or eggs.
And the damn sitting upon the young or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the damn with the young.
But verse 7 But thou shalt, and any wise let the dam go, and take the young to thee, that it may be well with thee that thou mayest belong thy days. And there's another place where it speaks about the nest, that they weren't to rob the nest always to leave a young bird or the egg in the nest. I think that's the principle it's seen here. But the wonderful thing, beloved, is that the the apostle Paul could say first that which is natural, afterwards that which.
He said what things were written a part-time or written for what? Our instruction and learning in picture form in the Old Testament, that doctrine as our brother was bringing before us the teaching of the New Testament and the two combined to give you and me a foundation. That is, is, is. I want to use the word viable, but I want a simpler word, practical, a practical picture. How can I apply it well when in the assembly?
I need to be very careful not to upset the Mother's spirit. What's the mother's spirit? The nurture of the young. If we could almost make a horse of it. The nurture of the young. The nurture of the young.
And so the apostles giving us something that goes way back to the very beginning, and the Lord Moses that gives us a picture perhaps for our instruction or encourage. It seems to me that the subject here answers that. I think that's certainly a valid question, but it seems the subject here answers that. It says that they teach young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
It talks about to be discreet chaste keepers at home.
Obedient to their own husbands. Those are specific moral subjects that I believe are much more fittingly taught by sisters. It doesn't mean because we still have a diverse where Timothy is going to be teaching and he's teaching younger sisters, but he does it with all purity. So there's there's a certainly an ability and an openness for a brother, as you point out, perhaps a Sunday school.
Or young people that certainly is acceptable, but there are particular realms of things that would get into details that would get into kinds of teaching that really of godly elderly sister is is wonderfully fit to teach that may be very difficult and in fact in some cases would be unseemly for a brother to teach brother and I noticed that.
Almost each of these categories the characteristic.
That is urged upon us is to be sober. You look, it's in verse 2 for the Asian men, the first thing that they be sober.
That the young women first floor teach them to be sober.
Very good young men likewise exhort to be sober and in the summary in verse 12, teaching us that denying ungodliness worldly lest we should live overly.
What does that tell us? Accomplice that, That with which we are concerned is a serious matter. We belong to the Lord, have a responsibility of war in this life. It's not frivolous. It's not superficial. I take it that sober doesn't mean necessarily that you go around with a long face, but it means that you're serious about your loss. So each one of us has that responsibility if we're observed by others.
We don't come across those who are privileged.
Treating things as if there are no consequences, particularly when we consider the eternal consequences of being with or without Christ. So it strikes me that that's a common theme. And I'd like to point out that one of my favorite thoughts in Scripture is that we should be joyful. We know that it's repeated before or repeated to us in many ways.
Desire that we should be full of joy, and what makes us full of joy is to know one is a true God, to know that we have been made fit for His presence for all eternity. To know of His constant love, not only in forgiving of His Son to die in Calvary sports and his care every day in the way. So that's a joyful thing.
But to be sober I think is most important in a day for men. Look for frivolous, light hearted things that distract the mind.
Turn their minds away from serious matters. And so I think it's important that we each recognize, no matter what category we're in, male or female, young or old, that we are to be sober. Life is a serious matter. We have the most wonderful resources and your children of God, but we should reflect it in our lives and never give anyone the thought.
Other than the fact that life on this earth is a sober matter.
Umm, **** if we could turn to 2nd Kings, I think there's a little picture there that points out very practically what you've been bringing before us. And I think it's very vital for us to to under score that, that you've been sharing in Second Kings Chapter 6. We know the story well.
There was this horrible famine in Samaria and it brought them to this Strait. In verse 25, verse 24, the enemy comes up in the seizure scenario, verse 25, and there was a great famine in Samaria. And behold, they besieged it until an ass's head was sold through force, four pieces of silver, and the 4th part of a cab of doves dumped for five pieces of silver.
We live in an incredible moral famine today in this world that we live in and the thing that marks it is there's a there's a tremendous price put on foolishness and fill and people will pay huge amounts fortune to in this moral famine in which we live to indulge themselves with what answers to the ***** head and it behooves us brethren, as those who belong to Christ to be ever so.
As our brother Nick is brought out that we do not by our ways act as though we too are putting a great price on food and filth, we must walk separate from that. Rejoice always, rejoice evermore is the verse. We have every right to be rejoiced.
But what the world values brethren, May God preserve us over here to not put stock and not put emphasis and interest in the foolishness in the field of this famine start world make a point that.
You see how it affected the children?
They consumed the children make your point We're speaking about being sober. What's the opposite of sober being intoxicated. What's your brain before us about the these terrible the greatest things what the world is feeding on southern and if I get cite a simple story of a man that years ago there was a brother in California that had had a property out in the desert.
And he took a brother from the meeting. They were both at the Lord's table. This man was a multimillionaire.
And he came to the brother. He said, brother, I want to show you something that I have out in the desert.
And he took him, drove him out to this place near Boron, California, and he stood there on this little spot and he pointed to him, to this vast land in column 1700 acres that he had the title to it. He said underneath that 1700 acres is the world's second largest Borax deposit.
You think of that?
And the brother stood there with an arms folded, and he said nothing for a while, and finally he said one word. Intoxicating.
We talk about being sober, but there's things of this world, brother, that can we can become intoxicated with. I'm not saying that God may not prosper some people in their work and their business and so forth, but to have that to be intoxicated with. And then he wanted a couple of younger brothers that were in the meeting to go out of the velvet form. And one of them said to him, he said you could draw $7500 a day by hauling that Borax out from underneath his sand.
And the brother said to him, what about being close to the meeting?
Oh, he said you could start a meeting out there. Well, I just mentioned this. The brother told him. He said, no brother, I would rather be dependent on the Lord and live or where the meeting was and be with the Lords people. I just mentioned that because sometimes the temperature comes in different ways, even from among our brethren where we might be tempted or I could have a lot of money in the bank.
And this is the same man said to the brothers, you could have $100,000 in the bank. And the brother said to him, I'd like to ask you one question.
Could I learn dependence and obedience on the Lord if I had $100 on $1000 in the bank? And the man thought for several minutes and finally he said no. And the brother said, that's your answer. I just mentioned that because we've been speaking about sobriety, but sobriety includes a lot of things of this world. And our brother mentioned a cab of dogs. Don't. That's what this world is feeding on. And what have they got? Satan's got this great arena.
Of activity that you see with your eyes and you hear with your ears and they type it right into the living room of homes and people expect the children to resist the satans intoxication system. That's what it's about. I'd like to read 2 scriptures 1.
Connection with what Doug said and one connection with what Bob just said in Ephesians 5 verse one. He therefore followers of God as dear children, and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, that given himself for us, and offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour but fornication.
And all uncleanness or covetousness.
But it not be once named among you as become a St. I hear is the verse. I was thinking of her in connection with Doug's comments. Neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting, which are not convenient, but rather giving of thanks. And I want to read that fifth verse, and I hope it comes home in real power to us.
For this she know that no ***** ****** nor unclean person.
Nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. So as we were saying this morning in the reading, Those that would turn the grace of God into.
And evil living, they will never see the Kingdom of God.
He had no inheritance and the comment the verse that I want to read in connection with what you said Bob is First Timothy six First Timothy 6 and verse 9. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts.
Which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil.
Which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Now a word to the man of God. But thou, O man of God, are you a man of God? But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life.
Where unto thou art also called, and has professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Does grace give freedom to do as we wish, to do as the flesh desires? No, not a word of it, not a bit of it. We have all of these scriptures to support godly holy living and condemn anything that's contrary to that. They that will be rich, isn't it? It's not they that are rich, they that will be rich. And I like in South America sometimes going over these scriptures.
Alas, the brother. And who is it that?
Has the love of money a rich man or a poor man? First answer I get inevitably as a rich man, say the poor doesn't have a love of money. Well, after thinking a bit, they admit that that's the truth too. But I think it's the will that's the intoxicating thing. It's the will, the direction. This is even Todd in Christian circles to be godliness. Gain is godliness. You show that God has blessed you if you have lots of things.
That is Judaism, that is not Christianity, and I think it is important that we distinguish that it is the will to be rich. That can be intoxicated and it can affect us as believers and the Lord Jesus if we're not being careful.
You know, you mentioned about joy, brother, I love to think of that first part of the first epistle of John. If I could just read a few verses, brother Hey ho used to test this with this verse. Let me read it the way he would read it in first John one it says that which was from the beginning.
Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon on our hands and handled at the word of life. But the life was manifested, and we have seen it and bear witness. And Sean, to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested unto us, that's which we have seen and heard, declaring unto you that He also may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, and these things.
To you that your joy may be full.
Used to read it that your joy may be half full. Many would stop and everyone in the conferences was at a conference meeting. Everyone would be shaking their head. You know, he said that I say that, right, brother? But first it would shake their heads no, but he would emphasize the point that your joy may be full. And what was it that the psalmist says in the 23rd Psalm? He says my cuff runs over. That's the full joy.
Is that right?
In thy presence is full of security and at my right hand their pleasure is getting back to our chapter verse five, the teaching of the older sisters of the younger sisters. Isn't that wonderful brethren? I mean sisters, now I'm talking to you more is the result of order in the home.
Is that the word of God is not last thing? Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that wonderful?
To think that through that teaching and through proper help in the home of the older to the younger, the word of God is not gladly. I mean, that is so wonderful. It's in the practical down to earth, where sometimes we say the rubber meets the road.
Christianity, it's right there that you bear a testimony in a way so that the word of God is not blessing. But isn't it precious, brethren, that if there are young sisters who have not grown up in Christian homes, here's the remedy. Older godly sisters that can teach them. And that precious that every circumstance of our life, God knows it and he makes provision for it and he.
Do it and would do it using brothers and sisters. So whether having the joy as I did and many of us here have of growing up in Christian homes or not growing up in Christian homes and being and now being saved and wanting to go on for the Lord, Here's a here's a wonderful service, dear sisters.
To teach those that haven't had that wonderful privilege. And what she teaches them is not a study in Daniel and Revelation, but she teaches them home things, how to be a good mother and a Good Wife. How important that is. Sometimes a girl gets married and she doesn't know how to cook.
She doesn't know how to make a bed, she really doesn't. And she has to be taught now for.
Maybe her mother was a drunkard, maybe she was ungodly unsaved, so she saved right out of the world. She needs help in these things, and an older sister can do that. And when it says that the word of God be not blasphemy, does that give us the sense that although the world departs from godly order very often, they know full well?
What godly order is not perhaps in the way that they should, but man has a conscience. Man knows that many of these things are wrong.
Some of us were just talking the other day, and I suppose it doesn't hurt to mention it publicly, how people are so ready to criticize the president of this country while in fact their own lives in many cases are not much better. But they expect better things of a man who takes a public position and the position of leadership. And the world expects better things of you and of me as Christians, doesn't it? And I think it's.
Significant that the reference to the Word of God not being blasphemy is in connection with young sisters in the home. Today we see those who would advocate women getting out into the workplace and doing all kinds of things, and if you were to ask them, is this right, is this proper, is this the way it should be, they would answer yes. But I have spoken to some of them in private conversation.
And when it really gets down, as Brother Bob said, to where the rubber meets the road.
They will tell you the incredible struggles, the incredible difficulties, the incredible guilty feelings and so on that they go through and trying to bring together home responsibilities and the responsibilities of work. And if you read the not that I'm advocating it, but if you read some of the magazines of today, many of the articles are man's attempt to overcome the difficulties that result when God's orders departed from.
Well, the world is looking at you and at me and saying, well, if they really are believers, if they really do hold the word of God to be their guide, then let's see if it works. Is it working in practice? What kind of a family does that believer have? What kind of a home life does he have? How do his children behave? How do that husband and wife get along with one another? Is there real love and joy and happiness in their relationship?
Well, these are very searching things for us, aren't they? We've been speaking much about the sisters. The brothers have their part here too now. And it's every bit as public and every bit as evident. It says the young men likewise exhort to be sober minded and it goes on in these various things. Why verse 8? Sound speech that cannot be condemned. And I'm going to read this out of New Translation. It's really quite striking in verse 8.
Sound word not to be condemned that he who has opposed may be ashamed having no evil thing to say about us when we read it in the King James and that's the way it's translated in the text is receptors. It's you but beloved young brothers your actions, your grabbing your soberness, your sound speech is going to cause that those in the world who seek to find fault and criticize and make life of Christianity of believers that they'll have.
No evil thing to say about us, corporate. Us as a group, us as those called Christians. It's more than just you. It's more than just your life that's affected. But beloved young brothers, we've been talking here much about our beloved sisters and how important it is.
Your role is equally important in terms of the testimony that is given to the name of Christ. They were first called Christians. At Antioch, we carry the name of Christ. The world doesn't think much that now. It's kind of almost like a social thing, but it isn't to God.
And those who bear that name ought to bear it, men and women, in a way that brings honor to that precious name, Amen. That name that was given to the early Christians was the name of contempt. It was not approvation. We've been living in a society where to be a Christian is to be approved, but the society back then when they were first called Christians.
Their followers of that despised Jesus of Nazareth. It's interesting here in verse six is specifically the charge he's to give to the young men.
Young men likewise exhort to these silver minded. And then in verse seven he reflects on Titus in all things showing thyself a pattern. And then he goes through those different things of good works and doctrine, showing uncorruptness, gravities and serious sound speech that cannot be condemned. It's interesting.
The the teaching of a good example.
Has real real weight. May not say a lot in words.
But the example says a lot.
Made the comment some time ago that I really liked.
Was a comment from somebody else, I forget where he got it, that at all times preach Christ. If necessary, use words you know. I was rather impressed on my visits to Romania to hear many of the dear believers there, not only those who are now happily gathered to the Lord's name, but many of them.
In the course of meeting various ones and traveling around the country.
They and their motives, their ambitions.
That nothing has changed. Technology may have changed in our modern life, but human nature hasn't changed.
It's not enemies of Christ, but enemies of the cross. That is, if I don't pick up, if I'm not willing to walk in separation, and the cross is that which separates me from the world. Well, an individual. And perhaps if they didn't know him or her very well, they would ask someone who didn't know them and use words, of course, in the Romanian language like this.
Is he serious? Is she serious? And when this was translated for me, I understood immediately what they were saying.
It was just what we get here in the sixth verse, sober minded as we, we don't need to dwell on it. We've already had the truth brought out that it doesn't mean walking around with a long face. That means being alive to the soberness and seriousness of following a rejected Christ. And those dear believers knew what it meant because throughout those communist years, if one were going to bear a testimony for Christ.
You had to be, to use their word, serious.
It was number like thing to bear the name of Christ during those years. It might cost you imprisonment, it might cost you bodily harm, it might cost you the loss of whatever little you had. It might even cost you your life. And so they would ask that question and they still do, even though the threat of that persecution is no longer there in the same way. Is he serious? Is she serious? And I listened for the answers because.
Sometimes the answer was a very positive yes, sometimes it was a somewhat qualified yes, and sometimes it was a very
Clear and definite, no. But they categorize people in that way. And I believe that the world is looking on, and perhaps other believers too, on you and me to see whether in fact we're serious. We say again, it does not mean for young people to behold beyond your years. It does not mean to live and talk like someone who's 10:15, 20-30 years older than you are. But it does mean.
The seriousness, the solemnity of following a rejected Christ, whether we live in North America or whether we live in a land where it's much more difficult. I noticed the word in the new translation in verse six is young men likewise exhort to be discreet. Discreet says sober minded.
Discreet explain about it, not overly forward.
Showing respect to the elders.
Keeping one's place.
As a young man getting honored to whom honors do so, eyes are all parts of description. I've been impressed with how much good works is spoken of in the New Testament. Brother mentioned here in verse 7.
Showing myself as a pattern of good works.
In this epistle, I think it's mentioned six times for once in chapter one, twice in chapter 2, three times in chapter 3.
But good works has a tremendous part in Christianity, and sometimes we emphasize the matter, and it needs to be emphasized that salvation is a matter of faith without works for God. But.
As before, men, brethren, it has There is a there's a necessity of good works. It's exhorted again and again and again. We're not saved by good works, but we are saved to work good works. And it's to be on the alert all times conscious. What can I do to show?
Through my activity.
Some kindness to others. In Hebrews chapter 10 it says, Let us provoke one another unto love and to good works.
Consider one another to provoke. So I consider my brother. I know there's certain things that he likes, so I do something that would provoke in the right direction rather than the Lord help us. That's what's characteristic of Christians, that they're occupied in good works and it should be a vital part of our activity. What are you doing today?
That would be a help to somebody else. We live in such a self-centered society. All we think of it is what I would like to do, what would be neat for me and interesting for me.
Get beyond yourself, dear young people.
And that goes for us all. Let's get beyond ourselves. Let's think of somebody else, think of the Lord. Let's think of the need of someone else. And in thinking of someone else, you're going to find your own self ministry too, without even wanting to minister to yourself. That will be the case.
He's at water that shall be watered himself. That paraphrase something that you just said. The next three verses I like to read the verse #11.
I'm going to paraphrase a little to make it personal like our brother Bob just did. But the grace of God that that brings salvation hath appeared to me, teaching me denying on godliness and worldly lust that I should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. What's the object in view? Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and my Savior Jesus Christ who gave.
For me, that He might redeem me from all iniquity, and purify unto himself of his Julia 1St, and zealous of good work. Let me just to bring it right down to where we're sitting, some good works.
I'm dressing young people now. Before you leave your room in the morning, is your bed made? Have you picked up your clothes? Put them in the hamper if they have to be washed as you walk through the house.
Do you pick up things that maybe are in the way that someone could stumble over or he just passed them by as though they weren't there? Do you help with the dishes at night?
Do you go out to the barn and bring in the eggs or whatever? Each one has their own assignments, you know, And I've been in homes where each one after the meal, they go to their assignment. One does the dishes, one clears the table and one washes, 1 dries and on and on and on. Everyone has something to do. Are those good works? Absolutely. Absolutely. When you're sitting in, sitting in a room, young person.
And an older person walks in.
You totally ignore them or do you greet them and do you stand up and offer them your chair or do you act as though they hadn't come in? Every one of those little things are good works and so missing sometimes you're you're in a purely world with family and the children show more respect and good manners than the children.
I think in practical ways, sometimes you can walk into a meeting and you know, personal passions should buy and this is so you weren't there. Don't they don't say hello or anything like that. And let me give you the positive side of one meeting. I come in, as soon as I come in, the children line up in front of me. Go to Stratford, how are you? The next one comes in, how are you?
That just is such a joy and unfortunately.
Far too uncommon. So good works. There's so many ways. Visiting a nursing home, passing out tracks, visiting a sick neighbor, using your time when maybe the others are out, doing some fun things to pass out some tracks in in the in the neighborhood. There's all kinds of good works that we can do.
That we don't do because we please ourselves.
But we say, because I think you landed on this, Good works are not necessarily large organized efforts. Good works as appreciated by our Lord, as we know from reading the work of those things that are not necessarily seen of others.
Things that we do that his honor and glory, not looking for the approval of others. So good work is almost our state of mind, aren't they?
Good works or thoughtfulness. For those about us, good works are consideration.
They aren't necessarily giving large amounts of money or things of that nature. So it's almost a state of mind, isn't it? And this relates to the thing that all things you do, you should do for the glory of God, because God is truly a loving God. He cares for us. He provides for us, He delights to bless.
And if we are to walk in the steps of our Savior, who could weep over Jerusalem? Who could manifest the love of God to those of lowly estate?
If we're to walk in those steps, we don't have to do grand things, do we? It's really an attitude, the state of art.
There are greater things to be done, but where it starts is in the little things, isn't it? And I think that's something to be encouraged. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. So start with the little things. For as much as somebody doesn't notice you or nobody notices you, keep on. The Lord is watching. And if you're faithful.
And those little things that the Lord gives you to do.
The Lord is going to give you more to do. He will. That's the principle of God's Word. And so if you're faithful in that, the Lord is going to use you in larger things as well.
The world puts a great stock in what it calls calls common courtesy. There's nothing wrong with common courtesy, but we have a far higher motive for displaying what's called common courtesy. Being kind, tender hearted, forgiving one another even as God, for Christ's sake, forgiving you so that.
Kind and tender hearted cover the whole umbrella of whatever.
The Lord might lay on your heart as things to do. They ought to be based on kindness, tender heartedness. Have we been treated kindly in a tender hearted way by our Lord Jesus? Every one of us know the answer to that. That's the that's the standard, the measure which ought to measure whatever we do in our world. And I say again, we don't do it as the world teaches.
Because that makes you well thought of and you can get ahead in the world. We do it because it's what's pleasing to the Lord. We have a much higher standard because of the way we've been treated by our Lord Jesus, and it ought to be the natural outflow of our heart to seek ways to show kindness to others.
The next verse of Ephesians 432 That you quoted it says even as God, who for Christ sake hath forgive you.
Suspended, Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify you. Glorify your Father, which is inevitable, Beloved.
You know, we are so occupied with selfish horse and and we'd like to do something and someone will say among the same, but who did that? Oh, brother so and so or sister so and so they they helped, they did this or that, but how much nicer it is if something has happened.
And they don't know who they'll they and the man of the brother to pass on a nose.
We so likely knows and glorify your Father.
And noticed by all but one. He noticed.
I going to got to read a verse in Luke 17 and verse 7.
But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he has come from the field?
Go and sit down to meet, and will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may Sup and gird thyself, and serve me till I have eaten and drunken Afterward thou shalt eat and drink.
He thanked that servant because he did the things that were commanded him. I try not so likewise ye when he shall have done all those things which are commanded. You say we are unprofitable servants. We have done that which was our duty to do. That's the other side, isn't it? He rewards us for everything that we do for him.
That's Grace.
Because why should he reward us? The servant's duty is to serve his master. And when we serve our master as we should, why shouldn't he reward us for that? But he does. He does the next thing in this verse seven, I think is so important too.
In doctrine showing.
It's the natural human tendency. Perhaps we can say that when our lives don't measure up to the standard of the Word of God is to try to change those standards.
Better, brethren, if we don't measure up to the standards of the Word of God.
To confess it, to admit it, and to seek to go on.
Better confessing it to the Lord, but not to change those standards. I think it's so important in doctrine showing uncorrect. We've mentioned President Clinton, someone mentioned him.
We can learn a lot from him. Proverbs says He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsake of them shall find mercy. We can learn that.
If we lie, we will be found out. I don't have the scripture right at my tongue for that, but one brother said this and I really appreciate it. Appreciate it reading it.
He said we made punishment for lying in our family when we raised our children, much more severe than other failures, other sins, because that's not really a failure. It's a sin of lying. It's a sin. Satan is a liar from the beginning. He's the father of lies. And we made punishment for lying so serious.
So severe.
That our children were afraid of the consequences of being caught by it. And when we do lie, we will be caught. We will find that we have to lie to cover up that lie, and lie to cover up that one, and so on. And finally we will be caught. Well, that has happened.
That has happened.
He's no worse than any of us by nature.
We all have that sinful heart, but we can learn a lot from what's happened.
To this man who is our president, whom we are to respect for his office, not for what he's done, but.
Like if if your child gets away with lying, then he won't tell you the truth. You never know when you can believe them.
But if you're they're taught not to lie, then they're they're taught that when they do sin, they'll tell you the truth of what they've done and they won't try to cover it up with a lie. Well, I thought that observation as I read it was very excellent. All liars last book in the Bible shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and Grinstone, which is the second death. I used to wonder why.
Put there. Why is that so important? Satan committed the first lie. You shall not sure, God said In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die. And he completely contradicted that and he lied. Isn't it nice?
I I I've often made this comment when I worked that the most common sin I came across is every day, repeatedly was people lying? If you're right in the eyes lie.
Why? Who can you trust?
Isn't it a faithful man who can find?
Required in Stuart's that a man be found faithful. He says what he means and he means what he says, and he won't go back on it.
And it's refreshing to find such a person.
One who is true, they ask the Lord Jesus, Who art thou? He said altogether and absolutely what I say to him. There was the truth number #23.
God is not a man that is not a man that he should lie. That's the verse. He was clean.
Telling 1/2 truth.
Abraham did that. He kind of justified himself, He said, Well, she is half my.
She's my half sister. When he said that Sarah was his queen.
Ananias did that too. He gave a portion of money as if it were the wholesale of the price of the property.
She told the lie, he acted a lie, and we're all guilty. Comes back to Jeremiah 17. Nine of them.
Quote it, the heart is deceitful and desperate and wicked, and who can know? And then the Lord says, I the Lord search the heart. It says, He that covered the sins shall not prosper, but he that confesseth them, and forsaken them shall find mercy.
So that's what the grace comes in and makes a provision with his repentance. Now grace. Genesis 6 God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil. God repented that he'd made man on the earth.
Noah found grace in his sake.