To Him Be Glory

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
GLORY give to Jesus' name,
Glory to God, from whom He came.
He who hung upon the cross,
Saved us at a mighty cost,
Bore our sins upon the tree,
Won for us the victory.
Glory to Him who rose again,
Jesus Christ for sinners slain.
He whose life had set in blood,
Rose from death to be with God.
Made a palace of the tomb,
Angels lighting up its gloom.
Worship Him and praise his Name;
Who to bring, salvation came;
Came to save the sinner's soul,
Came to make the leper whole,
The lame to walk, the blind to see,
To set the slave at liberty.
He who was, and is to come,
Counted up the countless sum,
Mortal lips can never tell-
What could save a soul from hell;
Nothing but His blood would save,
So His blood for us He gave.
He Himself the sacrifice,
Nothing less could pay the price,
Or could stay th' uplifted hand,
Outraged justice's full demand-
Nothing less divert the rod,
Give the sinner peace with God.
On the Christ th' avenging stroke
In its weight and fury broke;
On His head the wrath was pour'd,
For our sakes He all endured.
Sin for us was made, that we
In Himself might righteous be.
Wondrous pow'r and grace are here,
Those once far away brought near.
Sinners purged by Jesus' blood,
Cleansed and reconciled to God,
Glory give to Jesus' Name,
Glory to God! from whom He came.