DEAR BROTHER:—There is one thing in which we can never become bankrupt, that never suspends: the matchless, limitless Jove of our God and Father. And wonderful are its ways of manifestation. Oftentimes we are too full, too busy, too wise, too anything. It wants a fair field and an empty vessel, to be received in its fullness. Somehow, I feel like congratulating you. It is not unkindness, but only a confidence that you are to be led into a deeper joy, that has waited many a long year to get an entrance into you, and at last has found a breach through which it will effect it. Oh, what a God! " He spared not His own Son " is the starting point for us, and in that are included all things. He has raised us up and seated us in Him, as dear as He is to Him, and as near.
Now I go back and look at the life He led that Son through here, and I say, perfect love, that has put me in the same sonship, will show itself in loading me into poverty and suffering, rather than keeping me from them, for I must have fellowship with Him. But if I insist upon shirking the poverty and dodging the suffering, how can He come to show His fellowship with me? What else did He go through, and how does He know the road of prosperity and self-building? Fellowship is always in His things, not mine.
You will find you are in the neighborhood of His sweetest communications, within the range of His own blessed thoughts, and that is a better place than having the most thriving business. He knows what He is doing. He loves you infinitely, having made you His own on purpose. So I do congratulate you, and leave you in the hands that know how to mold as well as lead. Soon we shall be with the Lord in the glory, and I am sure the bread-procuring part of life will then seem very insignificant in its value, and the learning of Himself and of His ways the only thing worth the journey, or the stay here.
I hail you in these few hours till He come, falling more richly and heavily into His hands, discerning in His word an answer and a vindication of all His ways with you, and proving daily the depth and breadth of His peculiar title as the God of all comfort, and the Father of all mercies. It is blessed to be His. This sums up all bliss, indeed. Now keep up the eyes on the One who is in the glory, only waiting the little while to come after us all, that where He is there we may be also.