Translation of Genesis 1:1-12-4:26

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SECTION 1. In ye beginning Elohim PcreatedA The heavens ands The earth: 2 and The earth P was without form, and void; and darkness on ye face of ye deep. And y° Spirit of Elohim 'moving on ye face of The waters.
3 And Elohim zsaith, light zis, and z there is light. 4 And Elohim zsees The light, that it is good; and Elohim Z divides between The light and The darkness. 5 And Elohim Zcalls The light day, and The darkness Phe called night. And evening zis and morning zis, a first day.
6 And Elohim zsaith, z there shall be a firmament in ye midst of The waters, and L it shall be adividing between waters and waters. 7 And Elohim zmakes The
firmament, and zhe divides between The waters which are under The firmament, and The waters which are above The firmament; and Zit is so. 8 And Elohim z calls The firmament heavens. And evening zis and morning zis, a second day.
9 And Elohim zsaith, The waters under The heavens zshall be gathered together to one place, and The dry land Zshall be seen, and so zit is; and Elohim zcalls The dry land earth, and ye gathering together of The waters Phe called seas, and Elohim zsees that it is good. " And Elohim zsaith, The earth z brings forth grass, herb a seeding seed, and tree of fruit aproducing fruit after its kind, whose seed is in it, on The earth; and so zit is. 'a And The earth zbrings forth
grass, herb aseeding seed after its kind, and tree aproducing fruit, whose seed is in it, after its kind; and Elohim zsees that it is good. 13 And evening zis and morning zis, a third day.
14 And Elohim zsaith, zthere shall be lights in ye firmament of The heavens, to "divide between The day and The night; and P they have been (or were) for signs and for seasons, and for days and years: 15 and P they have been (or were) for lights in ye firmament of The heavens to give light on The earth, and so zit shall be.
i6 And Elohim zmakes,,Those two The lights The great ones; That light that great one for ye rule of The day, and That light, That lesser (lit. little one) for ye rule of The night;,,The stars also. 17 And Elohim z sets Athem in ye firmament of The heavens to bgive light on The earth, and " b to rule over The day and over The night, and to bdivide between The light and The darkness, and Elohim 2sees that it is good. '9 And evening zis and morning zis, a fourth day.
2° And Elohim zsaith, The waters zbring forth (or shall.bring forth) abundantly ye creeping things of living being, and fowl allies (or shall fly) over The earth in ye face of ye firmament of The heavens; 21 and Elohim z creates great whales [The whales The great] and,every living being aThat is creeping, which The waters P brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and,every winged fowl after its kind, and Elohim zsees that it is good. 22 And Elohim zblesses Athem, "saying, ebe fruitful and emultiply and efill,The waters in The seas, and The fowl zshall multiply on The earth. 23 And evening zis and morning zis, a fifth day.
24 And Elohim zsaith, The earth z brings forth ye living being after its kind, cattle and reptile and its living creature of ye earth after its kind, and so zit is. 25 And
Elohim zmakes Aye living creature of The earth after its kind and,,The cattle after its kind and A every reptile of The earth after its kind, and Elohim zsees that it is good.
26 And Elohim zsaith, z we will make man (Adam) in, our image, after our likeness, and zthey shall have dominion over ye fish of The sea, and over ye fowl of The heavens, and over The cattle, and over all The earth, and over.every reptile aThat is creeping on The earth.
27 So Elohim zcreates The man (Adam) in his own image, in ye image of Elohim Pcreated he,him; male and female Pcreated he,,them. 28 And Elohim zblesses Ahem, and Elohim zsaith to them, e Be fruitful, and emultiply, and ereplenish „The earth, and e subdue it; and ehave dominion over ye fish of The sea, and over ye fowl of The heavens and over every living thing a That is creeping on The earth.
29 And Elohim zsaith, behold PI have given to you,every herb aseeding seed, which is on ye face of all The earth, and every tree, in which is ye fruit of a tree ayielding seed, to you zit is for food; 3° and to every living creature of The earth and to every fowl of The heavens and to everything acreeping on The earth, wherein is living being, „every green herb for food, and so zit is. 31 And Elohim zsees everything that Phe made, and, behold, it is very good. And evening zis and morning zis, The sixth day.
Chap. ii. And The heavens and The earth zbecome finished, and all their host. 2 And, on The 7th day Elohim zfinishes his work which Phe made, and zhe rests on The seventh day from all his work which Phe made.
3 And Elohim zblesses The seventh day, and zsancti:-. fies it; because that in it Phe rested from all his work which Elohim Pcreated b to make.
SECTION 2. 4 These are ye generations of The heavens and The earth in btheir being created, in ye day of,bye making by (of) Jehovah Elohim of earth and heavens: 5 and of every plant of The field before zit is on earth; and of every herb of The field before zit grows; for Jehovah Elohim P caused it not to rain on The earth, and man (Adam) there was none to btill.,The ground, 6 and a mist zgoes up from The earth and P watered ye face of The ground.
7 And Jehovah Elohim z forms.The man (or, Adam) of dust from The ground, and.° breathes in his nostrils ye breath of life; and The man (or, Adam) zbecomes a living soul. 8 And Jehovah Elohim plants a garden in Eden, eastward, and zputs there,,The man (Adam) whom Phe formed. 9 And Jehovah Elohim °causes to grow out of The ground every tree apleasant to sight, and good for food; and tree of The life in ye midst of The garden, and tree of The knowledge of good and evil.
je And a river a is going out of Eden bto water,,The garden; and thence zit is parted, and Pbecanie four heads. 12 ye name of The first Pishon; that is aThe one compassing,all ye land of The Havilah, where there is The gold; 22 and gold of. The land The that (or, of that very land) is-good; there is The bdellium and a stone The onyx. '3 And ye name of The river The second is Gihon; that aThe one compassing,.all ye land of Cush. 14 And ye name of The river The third Hiddekel, that is aThe one going eastward of Assyria (or, Ashur), and The river The fourth that is Euphrates.
of z; which the Rabbis call a future, and many moderns a present tense. Read and consider the matter for yourself. That the writer or speaker in Hebrew, if he started with a P, was free to bring in another, and start again, is indisputable. The circumstances under which he would do so and the effect or ejects of so doing we have to weigh up and get light upon.
is And Jehovah Elohim 'takes,The man (or, Adam) and °puts him in ye garden of Eden, to btill it and to bkeep it. i6 And Jehovah Elohim 'commands The man (or, Adam), bsaying, Of every tree of The garden beating zthou shalt eat: '7 but of ye tree of The knowledge of good and evil, zthou shalt not eat of it; for in the day of bthy eating of it, tidying zthou wilt die. i8,And Jehovah Elohim zsaith, It is not good bye being of The man (Adam) alone, zI will make for him a helpmeet for him. '9 And Jehovah Elohim forms out of The ground every living creature of The field, and every fowl of The heavens, and zbrings to The man (Adam) to bsee what zhe calls it: and all that which The man zcalls ye living being, that is its name. '° And The man zcalls names to The every cattle, and to ye fowl of The heavens, and to every living thing of The field; but for man (Adam) P there was not found a help meet for him 2' And Jehovah Elohim 'causes a deep sleep to fall on The man (Adam), and zhe sleeps; and zhe takes one of his ribs, and zhe closes up ye flesh instead of it: " and Jehovah Elohim /builds AThe rib which Phe took out of The man (Adam) for a wife (isha), and zhe causes her to come to The man (Adam). n And The man (Adam) zsays, This (this time, now) is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: for this 'she shall be called woman- (isha), for out of man (ish) this P was taken. '4 Therefore 'shall a man (ish) leave „his father and „his mother, and Phas cleaved to his wife (isha); and Pthey were one flesh. 25 And zthey two were naked, The man (Adam) and his wife (isha), and zare not ashamed.
SECTION 3. And a certain serpent P was subtle above every living creature of The field which Jehovah Elohim Pmade, and 'he says to The woman (isha), It is good sure
that Elohim Psaid; Of every tree of The garden Aye shall not eat. 2 And The woman (isha) zsays to The serpent, Of_ y° fruit of ye tree of The garden zwe eat. 3 And of y° fruit of The tree that is in ye midst of The garden Elohim P said zye shall not eat of it, and zye shall not touch it, lest zye die. 4 And zsays The serpent to The woman, Not bdying zyou shall die. 5 For Elohim ais knowing that in ye day of byour eating of it your eyes P were even opened, and Pyou became as Elohim aknowing good and evil. 6 And The woman zsees that The tree is good for food, and that it is pleasant to The eyes, and The tree ato be desired to bina,ke wise, and zshe takes of its fruit and zeats, and zgives also to her husband with her, and zhe eats.- 7 And zare opened ye eyes of them both, and zthey know that they are naked, and zthey sew leaf of fig and zthey make aprons for themselves. And zthey hear Aye voice of Jehovah Elohim awalking in The garden in ye wind-rise of The day; and The man (Adam) and his wife (ishah) xhide themselves from y9 faee of Jehovah Elohim in ye midst of ye trees of The garden. 9 And Jehovah Elohim °calls to The man (Adam) and zsays to him, Where art thou? '° And zhe says,,Thy voice PI heard in the garden, and 21 fear, for naked am I, and ZI hide myself. " And zhe says, Who Ptold thee that naked art thou? Whether of The tree which PI commanded thee not bto eat of it Phast thou 'eaten? 12 And The man (Adam) zsays, The woman (ishah) that Pthou gavest to be with me, she Pgave to me of The tree, and 31 eat. " And Jehovah Elohim zsays to The woman (ishah), What this Pthou hast done? and zsays The woman (ishah), The serpent Pbeguiled me, and 21 eat. '4 And Jehovah Elohim zsaith•to The serpent, Because Pthou hast done this, a cursed art thou above all The cattle and above all living creature of The field; on thy belly
178 TRANSLATION OF Gen. 3:15-W. 1.
zshalt thou go, and dust zshalt thou eat all ye days of thy life. '5 And zI put enmity between thee and The woman (ishah), and between thy seed and her seed; he zshall bruise thee as to ye head, and thou zshalt bruise him as 6) ye heel. " To The woman (ishah) Pile said, bMultiplying zI will multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow z thou shalt bring forth children, and to thy husband (ish) shall be thy desire, and he zshall rule over thee. 17 And to man (Adam) Phe said, Because Pthou hast hearkened to ye voice of thy wife (ishah), and neatest of The tree which PI commanded thee, bsaying, zThou shalt not eat of it, acursed is The ground by reason of thee, in sorrow 'shalt thou eat of it all ye days of thy life. " And thorns and thistles zshalt it cause to bud for thee, and Pthou hast eaten ',the herb of The field. le In sweat of thy face 'shalt thou eat bread till "thy returning to The ground, for out of it P was t thou taken; for dust thou art and to dust 'thou returnest. " And The man (Adam)
zcalls ye name of his wife (ishah) Living; for she P was
mother of all living. 21 And Jehovah Elohim zmakes for Adam and for his wife (ishah) coats of skin and zclothes them. 22 And Jehovah Elohim zsaith, Behold, The man,(Adam) Phas become as one of us to bknow good and evil; and now, lest zhe puts forth his hand, and Phas taken also of ye tree of The life, and Phas eaten and Phas lived forever; '3 and Jehovah, Elohim zsends him forth from ye garden of Eden to btill The ground whence Phe was taken. 24 And zhe drives The man out; and zhe makes to dwell,eastward to ye garden of Eden,,The cherubim and eye flame of The sword a That turns every way, to bkeep the way of ye tree of The life.
SECTION 4. 1 And The man (Adam) Pknew 4Chavah his
wife, and zshe conceives and Mears,,Cain, and zsays, PI, have gotten a man (ish) from Jehovah. 2 And zshe repeats (adds) b to bear his brother,,Hehvel (Abel); and Abel zis a feeding (a feeder of) sheep, and Cain r was atilling (a tiller of) ground. 3 And zit comes to pass at ye end of some days, and Cain zbrings of ye fruit of The ground an offering to Jehovah. 4 And Abel he also Pbrought of ye firstlings of his sheep and of their fat,, and Jehovah has respect to Abel and to his offering. 5 And to Cain and to his offering 1?he had not respect, and Cain zis very wrath, and his countenance (features) z fall (are lowering). 6 And zsaith Jehovah to Cain, Why is there wrath (Phas wrath kindled in) to thee, and why Phas thy countenance fallen? ' Whether is there not, if zthou doest well acceptance (a rising up, rgik,), and if zthou doest not well at The door a sin (offering) a iS lying and to thee his desire, and thou zrulest (zor shalt rule) over him. a And Cain ztalks with (or to) Abel his brother; and zit comes to pass in btheir being in The field and zCain rises up against Abel his brother, and z slays him. 9 And Jehovah zsaith to Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And z he says, r I have not known.. a The keeper.of my brother am I? '° And zhe says, What Phast thou done? Voice of thy brother's blood a ig crying to me from The ground. "And now acursed art thou from The ground which Phas opened AitS mouth to blood of thy brother from tliy hand.
12 Whei zthou Wiest NThe ground, not zshall it repeat to give its strength to thee; a fugitive and a wanderer zshalt thou be on The earth. 13 And Cain zsays to Jehovah, My iniquity is greater than bto be forgiven. 14 Behold, Pthou hast driven Mme out This day from off ye face of The ground, and from thy face 21 shall be hid, and PI have become a fugitive •and a wanderer on The earth, and Pit
has come to pass that any one a finding me -zwill slay me. is And Jehovah zsaith to him, therefore any one aslaying Cain zhe shall be avenged sevenfold; and Jehovah zsets a sign on Cain, that any one afinding him bmight not kill
'6 And Cain zgoes out from ye presence of Jehovah, and z dwells in ye land of Nod, eastward of Eden.
17 And Cain zknows this wife; and zshe conceives, and zbears.Enoch: and zhe becomes abuilder of a city, and zhe calls ye name of The city according to ye name of his son Chanoch (Enoch). " And z there was born to Enoch
',Ind, and Irad Pbegat,,Mehujael, and Mehujael Pbegat
Methusael, and Methusael P begat ALamech. 19 And
Lamech ztakes to him two wives; y° name of The one Adah, and y° name of The second Zillah. 2° And Adah 2 bears,Jabal; he Pwas father of akin dwelling in tent and cattle. 2' And ye name of his brother was Jubal; he Pwas father of all ahandling harp and organ. "And Zillah, she also P bare,,Tubal-vain a an instructer (improver)
of every aworker in brass and iron; and ye sister of
Tubal-cain was Naamah. And Lamech zsays to his wives, Adah and Zillah, °Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, °hearken to my speech; for PI have slain an individual (ish) to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt 24 for Cain zshall be avenged sevenfold and Lamech seventy and seven-fold.
25 And Adam zknows Allis wife again; and zshe bears a son, and z calls ',his name Sheth: for Elohim Phas set to me another seed instead of Abel, for Cain P slew him. 26 And to Sheth, to him also a son P was born; and zhe calls this name Enosh. Then Pbegan some (or, it was begun) to bcall 2 in the name of Jehovah.
Letters 1.
Switzerland, November 18th, 1853.
Your letter, dear brother in the Lord, was very acceptable to me. It followed me from London, and found me in one of the more remote parts of this land, among the poor brethren in the mountains. I think I have delayed to answer it, as also many others, from a pressure of work, which tied me up to imperative duties, and left your letter, and several others, which were the expression of brotherly communion, unanswered. Now I am laid aside from active work by influenza and pains in the limbs, with partial loss of the voice, and I take up my pen to clear off some of my said arrears.
Your letter did not touch my hand save as a gratuity from the Lord, a token of free grace recognition of me of which I am little worthy; for I count not myself worthy to be thought of by the saints in their exercises and services, as one to whom they can unburden their souls in any way; and when any such communication comes, it is not a liberty they take, but a grace the Lord confers on me.
Every one of us that has been called of God finds more or less that he is isolate unto Him that called him. Those that are in service find it in circumstance as much as all do in spirit. Christ was apart to God. All that Paul got for his own blessing came from God direct; and as to those to whom he, Paul, communicated, if they did not see the Lord, only and apart in what they heard of Paul, it profited not much. There were that heard it as Paul's word, and had high thoughts; of Paul, but the word entered not into their souls, and had not its divine height; and when the whim was passed in them, or when Paul's conduct pleased them not, they turned against, not him only, but His Master's work in him. It is clear if God send me a word by A. B., I must see and hold it as God's word if I am to profit or even love A. B. aright; much more if I am to love A. B. when he does not glitter as the messenger of peace to my soul, but as a rebuker in the Lord's name; or if so it be, as was the case with Paul sometimes, as a man whose will and way are not always divinely perfect.
View the saints as God's heritage, as Balaam viewed the rebellious house of Israel in his visions in the wilderness, and you will find in God what covers a multitude of sins and gives you strength to minister to them. Yet never forget that what makes them precious is that they have received the gospel of peace, Christ Jesus. This keeps our souls in the right place, a luster to theirs in our eyes, an renews in ourselves the value of the grace divine which has expressed itself in so amazing a way by means of the humiliation unto death of Christ Jesus, and of the privileges which flow to us through the Spirit, from Him exalted in glory. The presence of the Spirit and subjection to Him is, I know, the power and measure of our communion down here. We love many as believers in Christ, and wish them well, from whom we are obliged to keep separated. To be a child of God and to hold the place down here proper for a child of God are two things; as they say here, "The Church," and "the testimony," but Christ and the Spirit, are in divine grace united in reality together. But our carnal hearts receive not the testimony of God as to Christ in simplicity, but oft only parts of it, and such parts as we can hold with as little inconvenience to self as possible. So was it not with Paul in the epistle to the Philippians; so shall we wish it not to have been when we see the Lord Himself
G. V. W.