True Again

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
Say, Friend, as you hurry and worry through life,
With its fleeting pleasures and endless strife,
What, pray, is your hurry, and where are you bound?
Is your goal at the end but a hole in the ground?

You sweat and labor and stew and fret,
You skimp and save and hoard; and yet
Your days are all numbered, your life is soon past.
Though you gain the whole world, you must
leave it at last.

Each soul ever follows the course that it takes,
And you, Friend, must choose, make no mistake;
The world you may gain, and lose your own soul,
Or Christ you can have while eternity rolls.

No stewing or fretting, no worry or strife;—
Believe and receive Christ Jesus and life.
Take resting for working, abundance for dearth,
Take treasure in heaven for treasure on earth.