V. Redman

Gospel—V. Redman
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Hi, I'd like to welcome any visitors that we might have in this room tonight on our first gospel and, uh, let's begin with him number.
It says life at best is very brief.
Thee in time some brothers start that, please.
And we're going to be in the morning point. May not, Lord, in your eyes be joy. That's all. And I have a little reason to call over.
In my God, my darkness day to your life on the way that came across.
On the dark, what happened to my life?
I am surprising not to die in.
Some of the scriptures that I had on my heart.
To read today, tonight, I just wanted to make a few comments on this song that we just sang. It's a very solemn song, isn't it? Really speaks the message one could give the gospel on this song alone.
But notice the first line of the first verse. It says life at best.
Well, life, you know, and I know, we know that life isn't always at its best, is there?
There's difficulties, there's disappointments, there's discouragement, there's sicknesses, loss of jobs, disappointments all along the way. And there's even death in the family, isn't there? We've all experienced it. There's probably not one in this room that hasn't experienced a death of a loved one or a relative that hasn't been to a funeral. Life at best is not always at its best, is it?
But suppose young people I particular mention this. Suppose life was at its best.
Suppose you had everything going for you. Everything was going smoothly.
Well, we know one in the in the in the Bible, Solomon, he had everything at his disposal, didn't he? Everything his heart desired. And what was his conclusion? Everything was just void. It was not worth anything. He came to the conclusion that was all vanity, his expectation of spirit.
So let's say you had everything.
There are very wealthy people today.
That have just everything at their fingertips.
And yet it says right here.
Life might be at its best that the world could offer.
But it's gonna be very brief.
It's gonna be very brief. It's appointed unto man wants to die, but after this the judgment.
And we're all, everyone in this room, if the Lord should tarry, is rushing on to eternity.
We're all going to spend eternity in one place or another, and I want you to be honest with yourself tonight.
Where would you spend eternity?
If you were taken from this scene, do you have any guarantees how long you're gonna be, how long life is gonna be? No, it says right here. It says that, uh.
Time is gliding swiftly by death and judgment both. Draw an eye to the arms of Jesus. Fly thee in time.
Oh, there once a night how important it is to be in time, because you know, and we all know that time is running out in this world. Soon judgment is going to commence. The Lord Jesus when he was on this earth, he said now is the judgment of this world.
They took the Lord Jesus and they said we don't want this man and they nailed him to a cross and God's gonna judge this world very soon. The day of grace will soon close.
Are you gonna be part of those that are being caught up, taken out? And you say tonight that your sins are forgiven, forced in the precious blood of Christ?
So with this in mind, please turn through Second Corinthians chapter 4.
And we'll begin reading verse 3.
But if our gospel be hid.
It is hid to them that are lost.
In whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Less the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine.
Unto them, for we preach, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus.
The Lord and I wonder, dear friend, tonight.
Is there one in here that the gospel is still hid?
Is it still hid from you?
Well, you say, what do you mean hid from me? I have the Bible, I can read it.
What do you mean Is it hid from me?
Well, if you've never.
Gotten on your knees before a holy righteous God and confessed to God that you are a lost, guilty, hell deserving, hell bound Sinner.
If you've never received the Lord Jesus into your heart.
And asked him to be your Lord and Savior. Then the gospel was still hid.
It's like what we had this afternoon, Peter. He got on his knees before the Lord and he said he parked for me, for I'm a sinful man. Have you taken your place at the foot of the cross? Have you gone in the very presence of God?
And have you acknowledged before God, that before God and him alone you have sinned like David? Did he acknowledge his sin?
Lost condition and that's what you need to do. We have the perfect formula in Acts 20. It says repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is what we need. If you haven't done that, dear friend.
The gospel is still hit. Or you might know the Bible probably better than me. You might be able to quote verses Sunday school. You might live a very good and a very upright moral life.
But that doesn't count 1 bit towards salvation.
Because neither is there a salvation in any other, for there's none other name given among men.
Whereby we must be saved.
It's only through the finished work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. But it says that if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost. And I trust there's not one in this room that falls in that category. We only read of two people. 2 Two classes of people in the word of God.
That you're a Sinner saved by grace.
Are your sinners still lost on your way to your lost eternity?
There's no other choice. There's no other way, either one or the other. Either you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Either you can say the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me, or the gospel is still hid. And who's hiding it? Who's hiding it from you? And whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Are blinded your hearts.
Well, he's doing more than that.
I want to turn over to another verse.
In the.
Second Timothy, chapter 2.
And the 26th verse, the end of that chapter, we read that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taking captive by him at his will. And we can read other scriptures that tell us.
That those are still lost are LED away captive, bound by him. Not only does he blind those who believe not.
But he's leading them away, bound by his will. Do you realize that today? Do you realize that, dear one?
But Satan?
The God of this world is under control. He's under control of your soul and he doesn't care whether you have a relationship with God. He wants to keep you from that relationship that we were talking about our brother earlier, a relationship and a knowledge. He doesn't want you to make that right choice either. I'm gonna talk about that later. I hope to carry that theme across because it's a good one, the relationship.
And choices without a personal relationship for the Lord Jesus Christ. You can't have the knowledge of the glorious gospel of Christ. You can't understand the word of God because it says a natural man receiveth not the things of God, neither can he know them. He can't know them. You can't know the word of God because Satan.
Is blinding your mind, your hearts, and he's leading you away. Captivity.
But God's not hiding the gospel. Oh no, he's still proclaiming the good news. It says the grace of God that bringeth salvation.
Has appeared to all men.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
I want to turn to another verse.
In Luke's gospel this is at the beginning of the Lord Jesus pathway down here in Luke 4.
Listen carefully to what the Lord said to his own, when He came unto his own.
And I'm sure that some of these have heard this, this, uh, words that the Lord Jesus said.
Must have been.
Good news to their ears.
It says in verse 18 chapter 4 of Luke, it says the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has appointed me.
To preach the gospel to the poor.
Well, we're all poor, aren't we? If we're lost in our sins, we're poor, failing, miserable, hell deserving, hell bound sinners.
Unable it says that says that.
That we were without strength. In due time Christ died for the ungodly. We had no strength. We were down in that miry clay. We were in that horrible pit and that Miami clay. The Lord Jesus came down to take us out of that. Couldn't take ourselves out of that horrible pit, it says here.
To preach the gospel before and he has sent me to heal the broken hearted. To preach deliverance to the captives.
And recovering of the sight to the blind to set at liberty.
Them that are bruised to heal the broken hearted.
Is there somebody in this room that life isn't at its best?
You feel a heavy load.
Is the Spirit of God, through the Word of God trying to reach your conscience to awaken you to your need?
I trust that so.
Don't reject that. Listen. Listen to the Spirit of God to reach your heart.
He wants to set you at liberty.
Only the Lord Jesus can do that.
And he's come down here to this scene. I want to read just quickly. I think I have enough time. We often sing this hymn in a little flock book. What a marvelous message this is. It says in hymn #93 From the palace of his glory, from the home of joy and love, came the Lord himself to seek us. He didn't stand a powerful Angel. That wouldn't do.
God sent His beloved Son into this world.
For you, for me.
Cain, the Lord himself to seek us. He would have us there above.
There from that eternal brightness have His thoughts flowed forth in love. He and His great love would have us ever there with Him above trembling, we had hoped for mercy some long place within His door.
But the crown of thorn in the mansion, all were ready long before and in past and distant ages in those courts, so bright and fair ere we were, was he rejoicing all he won with us to share. And that's the gospel message that we are still able to preach today.
How the Lord Jesus it says, For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for our sake, for your sake he became poor. How poor did He come? He went to the cross. He was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
And he suffered untold agony, not only by man, but by God.
And if you accept the Lord Jesus tonight as your personal Savior, you can say the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me, You can say the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, has cleansed all my sins. He can do that tonight if you're willing, if you make the right choice.
Because without the relationship of God, there is no knowledge of the word of God.
And if there's no knowledge of the Word of God, you'll never make the right choices in life.
And we're gonna see, I'm gonna read what I have on my heart to read about one, one person who had the very opportunity that you have right now.
Who's standing right in the very presence of one who could bestow eternal life on him? And he walked away grieved. He walked away grieved. He made the wrong choice. And as far as we know, we've never heard from him again.
And he had to live with it, not only for time, but for eternity. We're all faced with eternity. You only have this life to make a choice.
The right choice.
You don't have any other opportunity. Once you pass in the attorney, your your, your destiny is fixed. You read that in Luke 16. Read it for yourself. That man is still looking for a drop of water. You'll never get it. He made the wrong choice. He led for himself.
Is that what you're doing, living for yourself?
If you're go, if the gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost. And I want to turn to one account that we have in Mark's gospel.
One whose gospel was hid.
And he just couldn't see the message that the Lord Jesus was right there in front of him.
That he was trying to present to this young man. He's trying to reach this man's conscience.
And the man walked away and lost.
As far as we know, Mark's Gospel chapter 10 and verse.
Verse 17.
And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good master, what shall I do?
That I may inherit eternal life. And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one that is God.
Thou knowest the commandments, do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, defraud not honor thy father and mother. Any answered and said unto him, Master, all these things have I observed from my youth.
Then Jesus, beholding him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest.
Go thy way and sell whatsoever our house, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven. And come take up the cross and follow me. He was sad at this saying, and he went away grieved, for he had great possessions.
Jesus looked about and saith unto disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God?
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again, and saith unto them, Children.
How hard it is for them that trust enriches to enter into the Kingdom of God. It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them, said, with men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible.
Now we could turn to two other gospels.
And we get a more of an insight on what was really going on in the heart and the thoughts of this young, rich, young ruler.
And it really, uh, brings before us how everything is laid bare by the word of God. It says that, uh, God searches the, the heart of man. All things are open and naked unto him whom we have to do. And on the surface, on the surface, this looks like, well, the young man is showing great respect to the Lord Jesus. He comes running. There was a sense of urgency.
He kneeled down. He sort of gave the Lord Jesus the compliment. Good master, good teacher, good rabbi.
But we if we read the the the rest of the narrative and the other two gospels, we read that he only wanted to justify himself. He sort of wanted a pat on the back.
But you know, one thing I wanted a couple of things I want to notice in this this account that even though the Lord Jesus knew all his thoughts, knew all about him.
And we read often and in the gospels where it says and Jesus knowing their thoughts.
Over and over again, he knew what this young man was all about. He was the He was the word. And we have that.
We have that in Hebrews 4, don't we, where it says that for the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword person, even in the dividing center of soul and spirit and the joints of mural. And it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. All the Lord Jesus, he knew the intents and thoughts of this young man. But you don't read any reviews, do you? You don't you don't see anywhere here read anywhere in this narrative where the Lord Jesus said I know what you're thinking. I know you're just trying to.
Get a pat on the back. No, you hear no rebuke whatsoever. And I'm sure there was a lot of people following the Lord Jesus that day, as there normally was, probably a lot of people around him. But he stopped. He stopped to talk to this young man because he tried to win his soul. He tried to reach his conscience.
For what was needed the most, he wanted this young man to make the right decision.
He wanted a relationship.
With this young man.
And so.
We find here that.
There's no rebuke of the Lord Jesus, even though He knew all about what was in the heart of this young man.
And so there's two other things I wanna point out, and I believe that the Spirit of God.
I often wondered why the Spirit of God brings.
An account in in Scripture in three different places, especially in the gospel, you often read the same account.
Various variations, but the same account.
And I think it's one of the reasons that I believe it is, is because it's so typical what we have today. I want you to notice this as we go through this. It's very typical. That is what you think of Christ. What thinking of Christ?
And our approach to God. These are two things right here that are that comes out in this part and you want to you want to know where a person's relationship is to the Lord Jesus.
Then you go up to them and you say, what do you think of the Lord Jesus? What do you think of Christ?
You'll get a lot of different answers, but just try that sometime.
Just ask somebody, what do you think of the Lord Jesus? Well, this young man, he's, he said good master, he couldn't rise any farther than the humanity of the Lord Jesus. Was the Lord Jesus a man? Yes. He was the most unique man that ever lived. He didn't have Adam's nature like you and I. He was sinless one. He could not sin. There was no sin in him.
And yeah, he could suffer hunger and thirst.
And when they hung him on that cross, he felt every bit of that pain in the nails.
And his hands and his feet, every bit of it. But he wasn't subject to death, not like you and I. Oh no. He had to expire himself. He had to give up his life, for he had eternal life in himself. And he gave up his life willingly. No man could take his life, but he gave up his life willingly.
That's how poor he came, that we might be rich in him.
And so he did not see that divine one, that Holy One sent from God.
And we read and another part of the Gospel believe it in Matthew and in Luke. We're another one confessed.
And what a difference in his confession.
When the Lord was here, he asked his disciples, whom do men say the Son of Man is? And they gave him various answers.
But then he said, well, who do you think I am? Oh, that's quite a question. And I asked you, my friends, who do you think the Lord Jesus is? The one that was here sent from God? And Peter, Simon Peter, we had him today, didn't we? The dollars of Christ, the son of the living God. What a confession. The Lord Jesus said, blessed art thou, son of Jonah.
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, blessed are you, happy are you you have peace with God.
And that's what we're preaching tonight, being justified by faith.
We have peace through peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Is that what you're longing for tonight? Do you have peace with God? Do you have rest in your soul? Can you say that you can walk out of this room tonight rejoicing, knowing that your sins are forgiven? That's the gospel of the grace of God, and it still goes out tonight. Time is running out, like we said. And so he says here.
What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
Well, we know today there's many doers out there. Everybody wants to do something to win favor with God. Well, I know there are some who would give vast amounts to churches and other charitable organization trying to win favor of God. But the Word of God is very plain, not by works of righteousness, but that is doing the right thing.
Not by works of righteousness, which we have done according to His mercy, For by grace are we saved through faith, not of ourselves. It's a gift of God, and God is offering that gift tonight. What a wonderful gift. Are you going to reject this? A wonderful gift of salvation?
So there's a lot of doers out there, but there's nothing we can do. All has been done as our brother.
Mentioned a few weeks ago in his gospel message, all has been done, all is prepared and the message to you and I is to come. Come for all. Things are ready and He wants to invite us into His bank greenhouse. His message over us is love.
MMM. And so the Lord Jesus says here.
He answers this man, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one that is God.
Was the Lord Jesus good? Oh by.
To be sure, he was the only good man that ever walked the face of the earth.
At his birth this the Spirit of God would say, That holy thing that will be born unto you shall be called the Son of God.
And the thief on the cross.
He could look at the Lord Jesus and say this man has done nothing in this.
He was the only perfect one. He said he could say in his life, I do all those things that please the Father. Any of us say that he always went about doing good and at the cross they mocked him and said, well, he saved others himself he could not save.
That's the Blessed One. What was he meaning here? What was he trying to convey to this man? Well, this man thought he lived a good life. I suppose he had. Life was pretty. Pretty at its best. Life was pretty. But there was something missing, something lacking in his life, something that was empty, some void in his life.
So what was he trying to convey to this man? Oh, he was trying to reach his conscience.
Trying to reach your conscience tonight too.
But it says here, what may I do to inherit eternal life? Well, he was concerned about eternal life.
We got to give him credit, I guess. But I want to ask you tonight, are you thinking about eternal life? You think this life is going to last forever? Oh no. As I mentioned earlier, we're all heading for eternity, some quicker than others. You never know.
When you go to pass into eternity on the way out here from California, we passed many a graveyard.
And I suppose if we went into all those, we'd see many dates, many ages.
But we don't have to. You don't have to come under the judgment of God, because he sent the Lord Jesus.
Calvary's cross and if you come to him tonight and like my brother, like the brother said a few weeks ago, you don't have to wait till this gospel meeting is over. You can bow your head right now because if you wait till this gospel meetings over, it may be too late. Do you know when the Lord Jesus is coming?
He could come before this Gospel meaning.
Over with. And if you're left behind here after the the rapture, after those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus and are sheltered under your precious blood, you'll be left behind and you'll be left behind for a horrible, terrible judgment.
And after that, you'll be lost for all eternity. All men would like to proclaim there's a second chance. There's always another opportunity while there isn't.
Because you're responsible, you're accountable.
And so he was trying to bring before this young man.
So what we have in Romans 3, I believe he was trying to point out to this young man that there is none righteous, no, not one, there's none that seeketh after God, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You know, we always like to compare ourselves and I guess it's human nature. We look at one another. Well, that that person is a lot worse than me. I don't do all that. I live a pretty good, decent moral life.
And you probably do.
But compare yours, your, your life to the glory and the holiness of God. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous. No, not one.
And that's the place you have to take before a holy, righteous God. You have to get on your knees and confess to God that you are a lost, guilty Sinner. Otherwise, why would you need a Savior?
And if you don't do that, you make God a liar. You wanna make God a liar? You wanna get into his presence and his face.
And say, God, you're a liar because I wasn't a Sinner, I didn't need your salvation. Is that what you're going to do?
Uh, it says that God be true and every man a liar. And so we have to take our place, don't we, as guilty sinners lost. Oh, but what a remedy he has, for he doesn't leave us in that because Christ is the Savior of sinners.
Why were we at sinners? Christ died for us. Isn't that wonderful? What a message we have. He doesn't leave us in that condition.
I want to tell the story about a young man that I knew many years ago.
And this young man?
He didn't come from the best of life. He didn't have life wasn't at its best for him. He came from what you call a dysfunctional family. He had it pretty rough.
I saw this young man struggled through school.
Graduated and as most young people did in that time, went into the Armed Services.
And on occasion when he got liberty leave on the weekend, he'd go and visit his his girlfriend.
And this one particular weekend he came there.
And he knocked on the door.
And his friend there had a strange look on her face, and he asked, well, what's going on? He's ready for a date. He's ready to take off.
And a friend of hers had a friend over girlfriend over there and she just didn't want to get rid of her.
So he thought, well, what should I do? Should I stay there with the parents? No, that'd be a good idea.
Or should I just take them both along and see what happens? So he chose that one and they weren't driving.
And this young girl?
Was just recently come to the Lord Jesus herself. Now I might point out this young man.
He never knew anything about God.
Never. And I think he was around 2021 years old. He knew nothing of the Word of God, the Bible. He never went to church. No one ever gave him the gospel. 21 years old in the Armed Services could have been shot, who knows, Could have been in harm's way. But I think the Lord had his eye on this person, so they went driving around.
And uh.
She started to talk to this couple.
Telling them that, uh.
All had sinned. There was none. Righteous. No, not good. Well, his girlfriend had a hard time with that because she had been raised in a very religious church.
But you couldn't. You didn't have much trouble convincing him that he was a Sinner. He knew he was a Sinner.
But what he didn't realize, and what he didn't know until she told him.
That he was unaccountable to God. He had to answer to God.
While he was terrified.
Just fear for a moment flood his soul.
Because we're all responsible to our Creator, we all have to give an accounting.
So pointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment.
But then she poured in that cool, wonderful, refreshing water and told her about the love of God and sending his Son the Lord Jesus to die on the cross, and that God at that moment was willing to wipe his slate completely clean.
And that was power enough in the precious blood of Christ to wash his sins all the way.
And he really took that home. What a message it was.
And they never saw this young girl ever again. It was that one time, one time a faithful servant of the Lord, the young girl gave the gospel to these two people. Well, she continued. I I don't remember the whole story.
But he decided to go back to his girlfriend's house and drop him off and said, well, he said, I know what I have to do.
And his girlfriend said, well, what are you gonna do? He said, well, I'm gonna go home right now and get on my knees and confess to God that I'm a lost, guilty Sinner and I'm gonna receive the Lord Jesus into my heart.
Well, his girlfriend was dumbfounded, but yet the young lady that was with us, with her, with the young man and his girlfriend, she just was tears of joy. And this young man, he went home for the very first time, got on his knees.
And he confessed his sins. He confessed and acknowledged his sinful lost condition and he asked the Lord Jesus to come in his heart and save him. He made the right choice. He got a relationship with God. Did he have any knowledge of the word of God? Just what she said. If you would have went up to this young man and said, well, why do you base your salvation on show me a verse. He couldn't turn to John 316.
But the next morning he rose out of bed and the first thing he said to himself, I'm saved. I am saved by the precious blood of Christ. How did he know that? Because the Spirit beareth witness to our Spirit that we are the sons of God. That's how you know. That's how you know you belong to the Lord Jesus. Because you have rest in your soul, you know the Lord Jesus.
Has paid the price for your sins, you can say the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
My time is quickly going by. I want to get to this one point.
And so he goes through all the commandments and everything. And so the man said, well, I've, I've observed all this. There's nothing left. I mean, I've lived a good moral, upright life.
I've kept the law. I'm a good Jew. There's nothing more. And then Jesus, beholding him, loved him and said one thing thou lackest.
Go thy well sell, sell whatsoever thy house, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasures in heaven. And come, take up the cross, and follow me.
I hear this man was given a choice, wasn't it? We talked about that today.
You young people, what you make a choice today will have an effect for the rest of your life.
You have to be careful what choices you make this young ruler who had seemingly everything going for.
Do you have everything going for you?
Is life at its best for you?
With this young man.
He was hanging under this world's goods too hard.
While the world was hanging on to him too hard.
But he couldn't give it up. What's keeping you? What are you hanging on to? Oh, I pray you count the cost. Hear that fatal line be crossed and your crisis slowly be lost. The end time.
And so he brings before this young man. He says one thing thou lackest.
And that may be the only thing that will keep you from the blessings of God. To have your sins forgiven is one thing. It only takes one thing. That's all. It only takes one thing.
He was sad at this scene and went away grief for he had great possessions.
How sad it is is that will that be your case tonight? Will you walk away grieved because it's just too much, it's too high of a cost? I can't hardly even comprehend that. Because you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. And yet if you walk out of here again, rejecting the gospel of the grace of God, you have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Your eternal soul. And what is your soul worth? What are you worth in the sight of God?
Well, the Lord Jesus went to the cross. He died for you.
And his precious blood was dead.
Built there.
Calvary's cross to wash your sins away. That's the cost. That was the cost of God of giving up his beloved Son for you and me.
It was just too much for this man.
And he walked away grieved.
He had an opportunity right there in front of one who could give him eternal life.
And at tonight.
If you still don't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
If you're going to walk away again, as perhaps many times have you had this young man that I told you a story about, he only heard the gospel once. Only once would he had a second chance. Who knows? But he acted on what the grace of God revealed to his heart. You might have sat in this under the sound of the gospel many, many times.
And yet every time you do, you are rejecting the grace of God. You are turning your back.
And the word is very plain, dear young people.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? There is no escape.
Neglect, you know what all what a neglect is. We've all kind of put things off, but we don't want to put this off because it's a great salvation. And soon the day of grace will close. Soon salvation will not go forth anymore. It won't be offered. The day of grace will close, but he's offering salvation now. Don't be like this young man that walks away grieved.
The price has been paid and it's been a high price to redeem your soul.
Being justified freely.
It says by the grace being justified freely, we have the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Through his precious blood.
And so I want you to do something for me tonight.
As you lay in your bed, quiet time and you're laying there quiet.
And restful in your bed tonight, I want you to ask this question. I want you to be honest with yourself.
As you lay there in the quietness of your room.
Just ask yourself, well, could God have done any more than He's already done to save your soul?
Could he have done any more?
As a brother pointed out to me, he wouldn't have done any less either.
Isn't that something?
Is falling free everything you need to save your soul, everything you need for all the blessings of God has for you?
You might walk again. You might walk away from this gospel one time more and say, well, I'm gonna put it off. I'm gonna wait another moment. I'm gonna wait another time. It's just not convenient.
What do we read here?
Jesus, beholding him, He loved him. He knew all about this young man. He knew his heart wasn't right. He knew He was only trying to, as they say, pull the wool over his eyes. Can we fool God? We can't fool God.
God knows all about us. He lays everything bare. Everything is laid bare by the word of God. He searches the hearts of men. He knows our intents and our thoughts. And he knew all about this man, and he knew this man was going to walk away. And yet he tried to reach this man's conscience. He tried to reach this man's terrible need.
And the man walked away grieving. Yet what do we find? Well, we don't read anywhere where the Lord Jesus said, well, he gets what he deserves then. Oh no, He said Jesus beholding him, loved him. And if you're still without the Lord Jesus on your way there lost eternity, Jesus, right now the Lord Jesus is looking down from heaven. He's right here and he's trying to reach your heart. He's trying to.
Make you understand.
He loves you, for God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Oh, this is the love of God, the love of the Lord. Jesus is looking down in your heart right now, and He knows all about you.
He knows all about you. The one who knew all about me still loved me.
And he went to the cross to die for me and my sins.
He's looking at you right now and saying, Come, come unto me, all ye that labor and our heavy laden, and I will give you rest. You have rest in your soul.
He had that peace with God.
You know your sins forgiven. Do you have that relationship, that knowledge? I'm gonna read one more verse and it's in First Timothy.
First Timothy chapter 2 and verse 3.
God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved.
That's everyone of us in here. He doesn't exclude any of us. Isn't that wonderful?
There's room for all everyone.
And to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and man. That man is Christ Jesus.
Who gave himself a ransom for all. God is not willing that any should perish. If you go to a lost eternity, you'll be going there against the will of God, because he's made everything. Everything has been provided.
To cleanse you from your sins, to bring you into an inheritance.
To bring you into that eternal life with Him.
And He wants you to know the truth. He's not hiding anything from us. Isn't that wonderful that we have the word of God, the truth of God? And He wants you to come tonight. Come as you are, Come with no excuses. Come to the Lord Jesus with no pretense.
Just come as you are. Let's sing at him in closing.
Just as I am without one plea, but that the blood was shed for me, and that thou bids me come to the old Lamb of God. I come, I come #12.