I know a mother who lives in Indiana. Some years ago her son came to Chicago. He hadn't been in the city long before he was led astray.
A neighbor happened to be in Chicago, and found him drunk one night in the streets. When that neighbor went home he took the father aside, and told him what he had seen.
It was a terrible blow. When the children were in bed the husband said to his wife, "I have bad news from Chicago today."
She dropped her work in an instant and said: "Tell me what it is."
"Our son was seen on the streets of Chicago drunk."
Neither slept that night, but took their burden to Christ. At daylight the mother said: "I don't know how, when or where, but God has given me faith to believe that our son will be saved."
One week after, that boy left Chicago. He couldn't tell why—an unseen power seemed to lead him to his mother's home, and the first thing he said on coming over the threshold was, "Mother, I have come home to ask you to pray for me."
Soon after, he came back to Chicago a bright and shining light.