
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Men are wanted: men of might,
Walking in the paths of light;
Men of purpose, men of power,
Fearless in the darkest hour.

Men of firmness, men so meek,
Who the Savior's glory seek;
Men of wisdom, men upright,
Guiding foolish ones aright!

Men of prayer, men so grave,
Used of God the lost to save:
Men of weeping, men who wait,
Watching still at Wisdom's gate.

Men so ready, men alert,
Powers of darkness to avert;
Men of candor, men who dare
Every secret thing lay bare!

Men so happy, men so glad,
Raise the drooping, cheer the sad;
Men so restful, men so calm,
Carry with them healing balm!

Men of singing, men of joy,
Tell of love without alloy;
Men of heaven, not of earth,
Witness of celestial birth.

"Who will stand, and who will go
Armor clad to meet the foe?"
"Master, here am I, send me;
Let me but Thy glory see!

"Transformation shall be mine,
I shall go in strength divine;
Fit me, fill me, bid me be
Just a witness here for Thee.”
"He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”