We Believe in Tomorrow”

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
What a striking slogan! Printed across the front page of a newspaper, it attracted my attention recently. How far, I wondered, could such a bold assertion be justified, and what could be the character of that "tomorrow" upon which its claimants' faith was thus pinned?
What, indeed, does this present life hold for you? The memory of your past may cause some uneasiness, and your present may depress you; but what, I repeat, of tomorrow? Can you honestly face the unknown which lies beyond your immediate horizon without one single feeling of apprehension?
This is no attempt to spread despondency. Far from it, for we know the unfailing goodness of a God "Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy." 1 Tim. 6:1717Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; (1 Timothy 6:17). However, we must face up to facts as they stand. Where, indeed shall we find peace in a world of confusion? If the present be insecure-what, what of the future? What of tomorrow?
The present period of confusion and chaos is a legacy inherited from a godless past. The system of this world is fast being carried forward to a future of judgment. The solemn fact stands out that the boasted "tomorrow" of this world may be one of despair. The ugly stain of a crime perpetrated two thousand years ago remains indelibly impressed on its system. The world's choice then is irrevocable. The hollow echo of the impassioned clamor at Pilate's court continues today as the children of this godless generation repeat, "Away with Him! Away!" to the Savior of sinners.
Friend, are you among these Christ rejecters? If so, let me tell you of your TOMORROW. Unless you come forward and declare your allegiance to Christ, you stand, at this moment, identified with those who are guilty of the crime of Calvary, and you with them will be judged by it.
Your position is one of extreme peril! Apart from Christ, and the efficacy of His atoning work, you stand now on the very threshold of a lost eternity. Let the awful significance of your present position awaken your soul to a sense of your dire need!
The jailor at Philippi (of whom we read in Acts 16), was aroused to his peril when he uttered those anguished words: "WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?”
The answer he received is the reply we give you. "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED!”
The key to a bright tomorrow is found only in the Lord Jesus. He died to secure it for us, so that TODAY we can rightly emphasize that TOMORROW belongs to the Christian; it holds not a single ray of hope for the unbeliever or procrastinator. However, in another sense, we can also assert that today belongs to the sinner. Your hope, my friend, lies in this present moment.
Remember, decisions made in time affect our destiny in eternity; but, in eternity, conditions will be fixed-there will be no further opportunity! An eternity of bliss has been made available to undeserving sinners through Calvary's work of atonement.
"We expect a bright tomorrow,
All will be well!
Faith can sing through days of sorrow—
All, all is well!”
But what will your tomorrow be? The tomorrow of the Christian is one of eternal glory with the Savior we adore. The tomorrow of the work' is one of uncertainty and gloom. The choice is with you.