What Does God Think About Sin?

Duration: 47min
Romans 5:8
Children—Titus Buchanan
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OK, who wants to pick us up? All right, let's start here. We're trying to Which one? Number 40. All right, perfect. That's great. So good place to start. This Backpage is full of really good ones to start. Just flip it over and you've got some nice highlights. OK, let's sing #40. Everybody find it on the very back. Easy to find. I liked it in our Sunday school. In our little Sunday school back at home, we have. We usually use the other books.
It's hard to find, so I'd like to help all the kids find songs so they don't want to try to find it. Lower singing right Then you're ready to sing. These are pretty easy. They're all most of the ones are going to pick her on the back. OK, let's sing #40.
Jesus loves me. This I know.
For God tells me so.
Being as strong.
As Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
He has. Jesus loves me.
The right world tells me so.
Jesus loves me. He Good night.
And escape to open.
He will watch the way my sin.
Child, come in.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus was made.
Not by all Tamil speak, so.
Jesus loves me no my bad and give ways to make me mad. Wait till for me and his heart it's missing from everyone.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me, loves mischief.
Wherever I bury wink and then from this shining.
He will watch me where I am.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
All my whole house me so.
It's also loves me. He will stay close beside me.
All the way.
If I trust him, should I die, he will Take Me Home on my. OK, Just a second here, OK? We're going to sing a lot. We're going to sing it one more time. Yes. Jesus loves me.
You know, sometimes.
Sometimes, every now and then we like to say, well, kind of sing without words. Have to do that. How do you sing without words? Maybe it's not called singing, maybe, but it's.
Like coming that's that's a pretty good way that's better answer than what I had for you. OK. So what I what we sometimes do is we do some motions to it, OK. And sometimes if somebody can't hear you.
Maybe. You ever heard of sign language? You ever heard of sign language? Yeah, kind of like talking without words, right?
So there's somebody might actually have to help because I'm kind of might forget how you do it, but there's something like.
Like this loves.
Me. Is that right?
And then it goes again, yes.
Jesus loves.
Me and we're going to sing it like that, but we're going to just do the motions.
Singing it out loud. Well, maybe we better sing it out less. Sing it out loud. Bible is this Bible. Yeah, you know why it is.
Jesus, that's right. What does it mean? What does it mean?
Do you know?
What happened to the Lord Jesus? What did?
He died on the cross. Why would we do this?
Right, absolutely. He died on the cross.
For my sins and for yours accepted. But there's a thing like this when we do that, that's actually number one. Well, it didn't, actually.
You know what they did to his hands?
Or what they did. What did he do?
Throw nails into his hands.
OK, and that's why we do this, OK, that's isn't that interesting that that's a that's a universal sign for the Lord Jesus.
Yes. All right. Let's, let's sing it and we'll do the motions along with it, OK.
Just the last chorus, yes.
Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves. Jesus loves me.
The right world tells me so.
So it's like this or like.
This because when a judge makes a lot, he breaks his pen so that it's so. Oh, wow. All right, Lord, something new. All right, let's sing another song. Who else wants to pick one? OK, Lincoln, what do you want to sing?
You know how it doesn't have to be in in the book?
Let's sing it.
You want to pick a different one.
Which one? What do you think?
You want to do the two little. Be careful, little eyes. That's one thing you like down right. We'll sing. Oh, be careful, little eyes. How about that? All right. Oh, be careful.
What you say? Oh, be careful that your eyes what you see.
There's a father up above, looking down and tender love. Oh, be careful when Hawaii's what you see.
Oh, be careful. Let me come here as much, you hear? Oh, be careful.
There's the father of the father looking down in tender love. Oh, be careful.
What you hear?
Oh, be careful in what you say.
Oh, be careful, little tongue. What you say?
Let's the father of the father working down the gender of Be careful what you say.
Oh, be careful in the hands what you do.
Or be careful with your hands what you do.
There's a father of the public looking down the tender love. Oh, be careful, little hands, what you do.
Oh, be careful. They'll be where you go. Oh, be careful where you go.
There's a father of the father working.
Of Be careful.
Where you go?
Right, very good.
OK, let's sing maybe a couple more there. Any other kids out there?
Go ahead. Which one would you like? Can you pick one of Garden Heading? All right, that's a great one. Is that on here?
#4141 Thank you.
OK, Around the Road of God in Heaven will manage Children's Day children.
Who sins are all forgiven? Will help the and come spraying singing glory.
Glory. Glory.
To God.
It's shining roads are spotless, like each one will be alright.
Lasting life and Joyce and everything glory.
No children there singing glory.
Glory to God.
Must say their shadows want to wash away their sin.
Now watching that must Precious blood be all the white and clean singing glory.
All right. That was an excellent, you know what?
You think there will be very many little kids, little children up in heaven?
Probably more children than anything else.
You think probably something.
Little children, you know what? Isn't it nice?
That we can have a Sunday school like this.
For the children, you know what? Sometimes you want to sit back and those roads back there, you might think, you know what? There's a lot of stuff that I don't understand. You know what?
Our Jesus loves us. You know what? That's where it all starts understanding that. And that's not too hard to understand, isn't it?
The Lord Jesus he loves us, and in fact he loves us so much.
But he hung up on that cross.
And he loved this so much that he bored sins of those who will say yes. Lord Jesus, I believe that you died for me, for those things that I get, those bad things, OK? And I want to be saved. We're going to talk about that a little bit later, OK? But I think it's beautiful that there is going to be thousands and thousands and thousands of little children up in heaven.
OK, around the Lord Jesus.
Let's sing and not who else? OK, Evan, what do you want to sing?
47, All right. Right. On the back page, OK. You just stay right on that page.
Let's see.
When he comes, when he comes to make all this jewels, all this jewels, precious jewels.
Like the stars of the morning.
It's right.
And for his crown.
In a gathering for his Kingdom.
Of the same ones, All the bright ones.
Here's what that is, all right. The stars of the morning.
Righteous for his crown.
Little girl.
Won't there be humor?
Attitude, The most precious jewel.
Here's love and it's all like the stars.
It is right.
They shall shine.
Disgusting bright hands for his crown.
All right. Well, we just talked about there's going to be a lot of children in heaven, you know? And in here, what did it say? It says something about stars.
How many stars did you look up at night? And it's a really dark night.
And you start counting.
How how long would it take you to count all the stars?
What's that?
I don't think you'd ever get done right. OK, But the point is, what did it say here? It said like the stars.
There's a lot of warning. OK, so there's lots and lots of stars.
You know what? And that's the point. There's going to be lots and lots and lots of children up there in heaven. But you know, they're not just going to be there, They're going to be singing. They're going to be gathered around the Lord Jesus.
Singing and praising him. But for how long do you think it'll be? Just for maybe an hour, like you have? Or 45 minutes like we have Sunday School? No.
Longer than that.
Because you know what? We talked about how the Lord Jesus, he loved us so much he died on that cross.
Not only the little children, but everyone who loved the Lord Jesus. We're going to be up there forever. We can't understand that we've been talking about that. We can't understand. Our minds think, you know, OK, forever. That's a long, long time, but not just a long, long time. But it's not time, right? We can't understand that it's forever, right? And we're going to be praising and worshipping and giving him thanks.
For forever, there's no other way we can explain that.
Because what he did for me and for you, OK?
All right, Who else? Somebody else Pick a song out, right. We'll sing a couple more maybe.
All right, Logan, what do you want to say?
If it's not in here, you can just say it. OK some. Maybe there's one that you know which one you want to send. You can just think.
Number one.
Somebody remember what number one is in the in the other books?
All right. Perfect. Certain man. OK.
Certain man, we have something more than gold.
Oh yes. So yes, there's something more, something more than gold.
Till all your sins are of forgiveness, something more than go.
Have them down. A certain day this little man was stolen.
That Jesus stood my past death way with something more than gold.
Oh yes. So yes, there's something more, something more than gold.
Below your sensor of forgiveness, something more than gold.
Find the tree upon the crowds of that they might be cold.
Let less than one great power to give them something more than gold.
Yes, yes, there's something more, something more than gold.
To know your sins are of forgiveness, something more than gold.
Along the way and started in the tree.
When calling to him, Jesus said like my survive with me.
Oh yes, Oh yes. There's something more, something more than gold to know. Your sins are all forgiven. You something more than gold.
So in your bed and 70 from the night that not been told.
The blessing Jesus brought to him was better more than gold.
Oh, yes, Oh yes. There's something more, something more than gold.
To know your sins are all forgiveness, something more than gold.
All right. That's excellent. Right, Very good. Now we'll just sing one more. Somebody can pick it out, but somebody think of one that we can maybe maybe has a few motions with it, All right. So we can wake up a little bit and then we're going to, when we're done with that one, we're going to ask the clerk for his help.
We already did that. Somebody think of one that maybe. What do you think, Allie?
The wise man. All right, that's great. OK. All right, so can you guys all help me?
I need some help. Right. You know how to Do everybody know the wise man? All right. Sometimes I messed up before went like this. And you're supposed to do this. All right? So we'll try to keep it straight, all right?
So wise man.
Upon the run the lights and build his house upon the rock the lights and built in his house upon the rock, And the race came down, the wind down.
The rains came down and the floods came up. The rain came down as the floods came up. The rain came down as the floods came up and the house on the front stood firm.
The foolish hand built his house upon the sand. The foolish man built his house upon the sand, and foolish and built his house upon the sand. And the rains came down the wing down.
Rain stand down and the ones came up, the rain came down as the floods came up, the rains came down and the floods came up and the house on the sand.
If you build on Christ, who is the rock? So if you build on Christ with the rock, so if you build on Christ against the rock, you'll be safe when the church comes.
You will be safe when the judgment comes.
It will be safe when the judgment comes.
It will be safe when the judgment comes if you build on Christ of Rock.
What is that song talking? No, we sing a lot of these songs, but sometimes I always. I think it's really important to understand what it's talking about. OK? I remember as a little kid growing up singing songs, and sometimes I didn't even know what the words meant when I was singing. And we were just singing because we sang him every week, Right. But what does it mean when it says does this judgment? No. What's judgment? What is judgment?
Right. That's right. What is it talking about here? There's going to be judgment.
In a very in a coming day.
What is that judgment talking about?
Hey, there's, there's Eva. There's, well, there's maybe different ways to understand this, but if we don't believe in the Lord Jesus, what's going to happen? Yeah, what's going to happen?
That is right. Very good. And that is very, very solemn. That is very, very important. Understand that if we don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
A lot of people don't like to talk about that, but it's very important to understand. And we don't have to go there. We don't have to go to hell because the Lord Jesus died. We heard a beautiful gospel last night. I hope you were listening, guys. It was very nice, OK? The Lord Jesus, he died on the cross.
This side was pierced. The blood flowed out for me and for you too.
All right. Well, you better say the verse. We're going to run out of time here, right? So let's ask the Lord for his help, and then we'll say the verse about that. OK, let's close our books in our eyes, and we'll talk to the origins. Lord Jesus, we thank you so much for this time here this morning.
We just pray very specially for each of these children in a very special way that they would, if they haven't already, that they would come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, very own personal savior. We just pray Lord Jesus, that I helped this morning as we they say the verse and we just talked about it just a bit too. We asked by blessing Lord Jesus and thy precious and worthy name, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
OK, I don't know how you guys do it. I gotta don't actually bring this into the paper up here, but the verse is found in Romans and.
It is Romans chapter 5.
Verse eight. Wow.
All right. That's great. So it says.
God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us, right? Very good. Now somebody.
If if you don't want to say, you don't have to, OK, I know it's kind of, there's a lot of people here, but don't worry, OK?
You want to say you can. You don't, right? So who wants to say the words? Raise your hand. If you want to say, wow, that's great, OK, let's just start over here. And if anybody wants to go around, you can say. If you don't, that's OK. So what do you want to go ahead and say it?
Very, very good. OK.
All right, great. You want to say, Landon?
Logan, you want to say it?
God commended.
All right. Great. You want to say it, Jacqueline?
Commendeth his love.
And now, while we were yet sinners.
Died for us.
Romans 5/8.
Great. OK. Lincoln, you want to see it?
Go on.
Commendeth his love.
Toward us.
In that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
Romans 5/8.
Very good. All right. Do you want to say it? OK, go ahead.
Excellent. Excellent. Great. Anybody over here want to say You want to say it? No. OK. Would you like to say it? All right. God. God.
Amended his love. God bless his love.
For us.
And that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
Romans 5/8.
Very, very good. All right, your buddy over here, when I say it. Ellie, you want to say it?
Very good. OK. Would you like to say?
This is my.
Excellent. Excellent. Did I miss anybody else?
All right. That is very, very good. OK, so there's a let's see here, Let me find it here. It says there's a little phrase in there that says while we were yet sinners, OK, We kind of talked about this maybe a little bit this morning already. But and I've talked about this before back in our home assembly a little bit. But, you know, there's AI like to think of this.
Here yet Sinner, what do you think God thinks?
We used to be.
Well, you know what? We still sin. But God paid for those sins, right? The Lord Jesus paid for those sins. God gave his son. We talked. We're going to talk more about that, OK? And.
You know, here I think I like to think of a little piece in the Bible that that kind of shows what God thinks of sin. What do you think God thinks of sin?
What do you think he thinks of Sid?
Let's, let's read a little bit real quick, OK. We don't have very much time, but let's go back to Genesis in the very beginning. OK, in the very beginning, because I think that's a good place to look at what God thinks about sin. All right. When there was no sin yet. OK. And then what happened when sin, the first sin came in? OK. I think that's important to understand and I think it helps us. OK. So we're going to bring back to Genesis and you don't have to turn there. There is a verse that.
You all know.
Remember, you remember who we're talking about, right? Remember Adam and Eve. Raise your hand if you remember Adam and Eve.
Great. You guys all remember Adam and Cake, so.
Does anybody remember what? What happened? What happened?
They ate her. The fruit, right? Yeah. God had told him not to. Very good. All right, now we're going to read that first says I won't read much because we don't have time here, But says in Genesis chapter 2.
In verse 17, well, let's first back at 16. And the Lord God commanded the man saying of it, of every tree of the garden. Always freely you can, he said, You can eat whatever fruit you want to hear.
Except yeah, it says but.
Verse 17 Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it.
He told them. He said you can eat whatever you want in this garden. A beautiful garden. OK, is it? You can eat any of this fruit except, I said. But that is, this is the one thing.
One thing they couldn't do OK, they couldn't eat, says But.
Thou shalt not eat of it. The one, the tree, the knowledge of good and evil. We're in the day that thou eatest thereof.
Thou shalt Surely What?
Die, OK?
Thou shalt surely die.
So they knew this.
OK, And then we could read some of the verses. We won't read them because we don't have a whole lot of time here. But in the next part of the next chapter, the very beginning, it talks about the serpent. What's the serpent?
Snake OK the snake and Satan. Satan came in the form of snake OK and he told them.
You won't surely die.
And so, kind of paraphrasing a little bit, what did they end up doing? Eve said.
OK, well.
What happened?
Yeah, what happened?
They did.
What did God said? He said. Thou shalt surely die. That's right. What if? Well, she did. She took a bite of it. She gave some fruit to her husband. She gave some fruit to Adam. And what did he do? He knew it as well, right?
He ate all of it. He ate it as well, he said.
Now put that back there, OK?
They disobeyed and I told you the answer, but what is it when you disobey?
What is it when you don't do what you're told and you do the opposite? Yeah, that's right. I didn't ask that very, very good way. When you disobey, it's a sin, right?
They disobey God, and what did God think of it? He said. You are going to die if you eat of that fruit, and they did.
That's what God thinks of sin, you know. I need to help reading this real quick.
Thanks to Mr. Kaiser, he printed this off for me before Sunday school.
Who can read that for me? OK, what does it say?
God hates.
In fact, so much that he said. If you read of that group.
That's how much he hates.
Let's turn to another verse real quick, OK?
There's a person you don't have to turn there now, Adam, Eve, sin and so.
Who else is sin? Anybody here? Sin? Raise your hand if you've ever sinned. OK, Raise your hand. Wow. I'm glad to see that. I mean, everybody's hand up. OK, All right.
OK, we've all said, and in fact that's the verse I was going to read. OK, you don't have to turn to it. I'll read it here. It says I can find it here. The 23rd verse of Romans chapter 3 says 4/3 little letters.
ALL spells? What is that spell?
What is ALL spell?
All very good. All And what does it all mean?
Everybody right? So we all sin and the next part says.
And come short of the glory of God.
How many sins do you think are going to be up in heaven?
Zero, thank you. That's a very good answer. Zero, I like that answer.
Absolutely none.
I said earlier, maybe I didn't say it, but I'm going to heaven.
OK, I'm going to heaven. I have no doubt in my mind. I'm going to heaven. OK, And there's going to be 0 sins in heaven and we've all sinned.
Let's take a look here.
In Romans chapter 6 and verse 23 says the wages of sin is death, we talked about that.