Gospel—G.H. Hayhoe
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Now we turn to the box full of loops, the 10th chapter of The God Full of Loops.
And the 25th verse. And behold, a certain lawyers stood up and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? Only the style. And the answering said, Thou felt, Love the Lord thy God with all, thy heart, with all thy soul with all thy spring, and with all.
I'm thy neighbor as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right this do, and thou shalt live. But he willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor? And he was answering, said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
And fell among the seas which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
And by chance there came down a certain priest that way, and when he saw him pass by on the other side, and likewise the Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan anti dirty came where he was, and when he saw him he had compassion.
Yeah, and went through him, and bound up his wound, Oregon oil and wine, and set him on a golden beast, and brought him to an end, and took care of him. And on the Morrow when he marched, he took about two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto the hymn.
Take care of him, and whatsoever thou spends more, when I come again I will repay thee.
When which now these three think of Thou was neighbor unto him that fell among the sea. And he said, He had showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. Now it seemed to pass as they went. And he entered into a certain village, and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.
And he had a sister called Aunt Mary, which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word. But Martha was confident about much burning.
And came to him and said, Lord, just come up here, that my sister hath left me to serve alone. Sit her therefore that she helped me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, large, careful, and trouble about many things.
But one thing is needful, and Mary have chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.
In this little incident that we have before us tonight, friends, what a beautiful illustration we have the wondrous grace of God and meaningless sinners need. It's natural to the heart of man, the thing that you can do something for himself.
He doesn't like to acknowledge his helplessness. He always likes the feeling he can do something to obtain blessing from God. And it's one of the hardest things for us to learn that we're absolutely helpless to do anything for God and not only God, but our very heart.
Of enmity against God. And so the gospel must have brought to us to show us first of all, our home absolute helplessness, to show how God thought in that great knee and to show how he provided a failure to meet us in our knees. And it may be that the response was coming this room tonight.
And you'll feel this is this young lawyer did he wanted to do something to inherit eternal life?
And I knew what I asked, Are you ready to meet God? Are you saying perhaps you would start Speaking of the thing that you have done? Perhaps you would start and tell us about all of good deeds in your life and how you would always try to do what was right and how you would attend church, how you have given money to good causes. You want to speak in your own work and feel like that would help you to gain entrance to.
All your friends, the Word of God distinctly shows us that before God we are all sinners. And God has declared His word that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That takes in you, and it takes in me. It takes in every boy and girl and man and woman. We have all sins.
But not only that, it says come forth.
Glory of God. Most people are willing to acknowledge their sinners, but they feel that somehow God is going to take them into heaven in spite of all those things, and they don't know how they can be made fit for God's presence. They feel it's must be through some works of their own. Well, that was a thought in the mind of this man.
But another version follows us thinking of the heavenly sitting in the 21St chapter of Revelation, it says.
There shall no wise enter into it anything that be filed, neither whatsoever work with abomination, or maketh a lie, or say that our listings in the Lamb Book of life all. Then we go back to the very beginning of man's history on the earth, and we see that it was only one spin, but in that garden, and that one sin was enough.
To bring in sorrow and misery of which this world is full.
A person here tonight who hasn't felt something of the sorrows and miseries and troubles connected with this earth and your friends, all because of our that little word of three letters.
SIN. Sin has brought it all into this world, and God is not going to allow even one sin to enter heaven, not even one friend. God cannot have sinned.
Holy Presence, God hates sin, and God is not going to allow heaven to be spoiled by even one sin. And you and I know that we have committed far more than one sin. I'm sure that we're willing to acknowledge that during the day.
At least have one wrong thought, one wrong action, one wrong thought toward God and how quickly they count up all friends, have you stopped to think unlawful record of sin God has at your on your account up there in heaven and the someday you must meet God about that record of sin, unless in this day of grace you meet Him as a Savior God.
Healed in Christ unless you I brought the sea that wasn't saying your die for your sins and shed his precious blood you put them away.
Well, and this young lawyer came to the Lord Jesus. He said that, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And it's a very solemn thing that the Lord took him up on his own ground.
I entertained as one whose body could do something to inherit eternal life. So the Lord answers according to His own ground. He said, What is written in the law, I'll lead us down. He brought before him. But the law said, indeed, more than not, the man himself. Through the law the man himself was able to answer and quote the two first and great commandments upon which.
He knew that the first commandment was the Lord. Love the Lord with all his heart and soul and mind on the secondary love his neighbor is himself. And in the strange how people can know the Bible ever so well and not apply it to themselves. How many there are who know the Bible is deeply says that we have all sinned.
And know the Bible to speak and says that after death and judgment, and call a thing below some great Sinner.
And as soon as must apply this one great Sinner, but it takes a long while to turn around and point the finger to self and say.
I have.
Sinned. I have sinned for a long time, but the prodigal before he came to the point when he rested friends and money and everything else in this world.
He came to the point where he went back to his forefathers and he said, Father, I am thinned against heaven.
But a long time it took the gold to come to the point where he said I can't abhor myself in dust and ashes. The very fact that he had lived such a blameless life made it very hard for him to say that about himself.
And it may be that you two are boasting in your good character, in your uprightness, and it makes it very hard for you to say the truth about yourself. Friends, what I say tonight, have your eternal blessing depend upon the fact that you must take your place as guilty before God. As long as you justify yourself, God must condemn you.
But when you're willing to condemn yourself.
God will show himself as a forgiving, justifying God. All your friends are you are you finding experience with other people How often when you ask the person to a gospel means he says, well, I know if I command and he's a hypocrite and perhaps he'll say.
Well, I don't know why God allowed this trouble to come in my life. I only had one child.
And he took my child away. I don't know why God let that happen. He blames God, He blames this fellow man, but he never points his finger and says, I have been all dear friend. I want to tell you that if you're in that state tonight that you're blaming everyone else but yourself. There's no salvation for you until you come to the point where you're willing to just.
God and condemn yourself. Of the two men that went up into the tent of the prey, one man talked about all the good things he did. He looked at the man beside him and he said, I spank me and I am not of other men are extortioners.
God for even of this publican I fast twice a week, I get tired of all the night with that what a fine man he was in his own sight, but the Netherlands by him. He bowed his head, he didn't even listen his eyes to heaven. He's small and his breasts and he said God be merciful to be a Sinner and the Lord Jesus says.
That man went down to his house. Justified. Justified.
But this man, he was willing to justify himself. And if you're in that place tonight, I plead with you, my dear friend, before I go any farther, and you're the best living person in the whole city of Toronto, and you've lived a blameless life before your fellow man. Remember at the old Christian art of God looks in and he sees what's in your heart.
I've often said if I had two rotten eggs sitting here on the table.
And I dropped one of the eggs on the floor, and the other one still fits there on the table. You get a nasty smell from the bad one that broke on the floor, but it's not one that's better than the one that's sitting there on the table. You can lift it up and smell it, and you can't smell one bad thing about it.
But the bad boy inside, just the same. And anyone who knows anything about eggs, what be able to tell you that no matter how nice the egg looks, it was rotten. It was rotten and dear friend, if you can brought up in a Christian home and if you've had a Christian father and mother or if you've been brought under a Christian influence.
It may be the bad of your heart has not come out. I thank God for a Christian home.
Thank God for the Christian father and mother who kept me from doing things but my wretched heart would have done. But it's not because my heart can be better. And your friend, are you going to acknowledge that what God says about your heart is true? Supposing.
You'll look at that age and you said I can't see inside it so I don't believe it's bad. Why I might have to bring it on the floor and I just see it and let you have the awful smell of Thomas stomach and your friend if you want. Believe me, what God prays about your heart tonight, you're going to believe it someday when you stand before the great light from when you meet a place holy God and your record of sin.
Comes up before him. Remember God, who will stand your heart and who sees the wretchedness is there and it's in my heart still will have to bring that out. And there will be no pardon, no salvation there. But tonight there's blessing for you. There's salvation for you. It's not yet too late.
The Bible says both. Not myself tomorrow.
For thou know smart for a day may bring forth. We don't know what's going to come before tomorrow. Dear friends, I'll say again, are you willing to accept God testimony about yourself? If you don't do it now, you're going to do it someday when it's too late.
Going to face this plastic book someday for the Lord Jesus said the words that I have spoken the same self judgment in the last day. You're not going to meet the Cree of any church. You're not going to meet the ideas of any fellow man or any creature of the gospel or preacher anyone else.
You're going to have to speak this blessed book, friend and all. May God's friend, that you'll receive a message and acknowledge it first tonight that you might as well ask. This man was willing to justify himself, but the Lord still loved this dear man. The Lord still looked upon him in compassion. And tonight it may be that you have been justifying yourself.
But let me tell you that God is still looking to find you in compassion and love.
In His matchless grace He longed to save you. He wants to bless you. His heart is full of compassion for you. He's the one who's able to cleanse that file wretched sin adores and make you whiter and snow in His blessed presence. And for us, it's lovely to hear the Lord.
Telling you this little story here that's all beautifully illustrates the gospel of His grace.
Here was a man, he went down from Jerusalem.
Who dare to call what in all? Jerusalem was the place where the Lord had chosen to put His name. Jerusalem was a place where they had the temple. Jerusalem was the place where they had the law of God. Jerusalem was a place where they had so many privileges. And this man lived in Jerusalem, but it may be that he got tired of the restraint.
It may be that he was like many a young person.
Like many a boy and girl brought up in a Christian home, your feelings just like to turn your back and get away from that constant restraint. You'd like to get away from father and mother saying don't do this, don't do that, don't do another thing. I'm going to turn your back and all the premises that you have and you start down from Jerry Cold. I want to start saying his word about Jerry Cole.
I'll tell her that God pronounced the curse.
One black city, he said first is the man that refills Jerry Cole or Jerry Cole was destroyed and the children of Israel crossed the Jordan amendment, the promised land, the walls fell down flat, and God pronounced the curse upon the person that we built.
And your friend left city of Jericho, which was really a beautiful city as a picture of this world. It crucified the Son of God and judgment hangover of. What are men and women doing today? They're spending all our energy trying to make this world a pleasant place. They're fixing it up. They're crashing it up.
They're making it. This is nicer places they possibly can.
They fried and make everything so pleasant and comfortable that shall never have a pair. That you won't have to worry and that you'll have security. When you get old, you won't have to think about your old age because you'll have a tension. And then when you get sick, but you'll get free hospitalization. And then when you come here, the point of death, but you'll never feel yourself dying. But they'll put you under some dope. Well, if you won't even know.
Friends, but this world which lives at station house and station holes in his arms, and he rocks this world asleep with all its pleasures and with all their things. And you, dear young person, brought up in a Christian home, are you turning your back upon your privileges you've had? Are you turning your back upon all the opportunities of being saved and heading down?
To that place judgment or very coy place was the city of the curse and saw this world in which he lived. Hair and beautiful as it may seem, is under the judgment of God and we've been talking a little bit in these three days means are the awful judgment that is coming upon this world. All I want to tell you.
That there is such a terrible judgment coming upon this world.
That God says there shall be a kind of trouble that there never was, since there was a nation even under that same time. Think of all the horrors of the last two great wars. Think of the horrors of what man fears through the atomic bomb.
Dear friends, a time of trouble that's coming upon this world is something that has never taken place in all the most bloody and awful wars this world has known. And Christ himself is going to come out of heaven the White Horse, and judge this world in righteousness.
That day has been flat, but God has been chosen and that a day of judgment is fast. Hasten on our Braddell and sitting here are warned of how that judgment is getting near. Dear friends, and can't believe that there are young people and all the ones here who have turned his back over and over again their privileges.
And you're on your way down to that awful place of eternal judgment.
Because I want telling your friends that if you die in your sins or if you're here when the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven, my boy horse, while you're going down to a lot turning, you're going down to hell. It may be it's not fashionable today to talk about hell. One time when I was going under this very city, I satisfied a lady in the train.
Asked folks what about her soul?
And then I warned her about hell and judgment. She said, you don't believe in hell, do you? I thought people had given that up long ago. Well, I said, here's one person that believes God, your friends, God's word is true and whatever you may think.
Whatever you may say, whatever the most educated ministers or anyone else may tell you God plans is a hell and he said it's a place of everlasting torment. Don't let anyone to see you and they're thinking that it doesn't mean what it says. And it's a Greek word means something else has just as much proof for houses, for heaven. And the Lord Jesus himself was the one who warned.
That's coming, I guess your friend. He warned that this man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He was headed to that city of the Kurds. He was headed for judgment. As our brother said the other night, he was hell bound. He was on his way there. But God had desire from that man. God had desired from that man.
I suppose when the seas always took him, perhaps he might say, well, that's just my bad luck.
He might say, well, why do things like that happen to me? What have I done? Deserve all that trouble. That's the way the world talks, you know, when trouble comes into their life, they say, oh, well, it's just my bad luck. I'm not lucky. You know, some people are. Dear friend, let me tell you, it's not so when trouble comes in your life, it stops thinking. It says God speakers once.
Ye twice yet man for seed of it not, and it was not chance that this man fell among thieves. And it's no attempt if trouble has come in your life.
With some great thou has come, if you can lay this body and sit bad, if you've lost your money, whatever it may be that has come into your life, Let me tell you the hand that God is innocent. God speaketh one day twice. Yes man perceive of it lock well, here he was.
They robbed him of his money, they robbed him and his raiment, and here he was laying down *** ****.
The world doesn't care about your friends. The world is your friend as long as you've got lots of money, as long as you've got health. But when the world freeze, if you've got nothing to contribute to them, they'll soon leave you alone. They'll soon fix. They don't care. This heartless world which you live on. We want you. Or what it can get from you.
A God wants you for what he can give to you. Yes, if thou knewest, that's really giving them God.
And who it is that step under the Give me a drink the Lord Jesus planted? Thou would have asked of him, and he would have given the living water.
Well, he was this man lying in the ditch. It says he was half there. I like to think of it in this way that he was either he was lying in the kids. She couldn't do one thing for himself and your friend. That's what God says about you, your spiritual exam and physically alive.
I said spiritually dead and physically alive, it will be a terrible thing when you're sensually dead and spiritually and when you're spiritually dead and physically dead too, because it'll be too late. Then there's no more opportunity of the gospel. But a young say tonight you only have said and it's not too late, not too late because.
Because of all your spiritually sad that is. Ephesians 2 Says that is trespassing sin.
There is one who sees your condition, there's one who came to save you, there's one who loves you, there's one who cares. But man never thinks of Christ first. He always thinks of some way for himself. He said I can help myself, I can do something. So the first time came along and saw this man, who was it? It was a it was.
Yeah, that's great. Same along. And he saw this poor man lying the ditch. What would the priest do for him? Oh, what's in the Law do for a man of that spiritually dead? The law can tell him what he ought to do, but the law can't do anything for him when he is unable to keep it. The Lord has said this too, and thou shalt live. But the man couldn't do anything.
He was half dead, lying in the ditch. The man was hopeless and your friend, and that's all that the law does. It just shows that we're helpless, says in Romans chapter 3.
By the Jesus of the law, there shall be all flesh be justified in his sight. And so the priest came along, and he looked at the man, and he passed by another side. So I can't do anything for this man. I can't do anything.
I know how many preachers there are right here in the city of Toronto, and they're telling people that if they live a good life, they do the best they can, that everything will come out right in the end. By proposing a man hasn't done the best he could. Supposing a man with your life of sin.
And his long death door. What can they tell a man like that? Nothing, friend. They have to pass by and let us talk. They have to leave him.
This present to him what we might call modernism has no message for a man that knows who the Sinner. All they have is something for people that feel they can do and haven't learned their own helplessness.
But the Gospel declares us helpless, lost, dead, impressed Father, and sin following these priests passed by on the other side. Why did they came down by chance? Well, I'll tell you, I believe why it was because.
It wasn't in God's purpose to give the law. God gave the law because man asked for it. Man thought he could do something until God gave the law to man.
The truth is helpless night that says the law enters, that the offender might abound. Was it ever God's purpose, a blessed man under the law? Oh no, dear friends, God knew that no one could get blessing on that ground. It was part of His ways, but when it was not part of His purposes.
His breakfast, just like this man. It says by chance, when you have a purpose, you know the way you're going to go. But this man was this that we might say he was just out scrolling. He didn't, he didn't particularly come that way to see the man. And so the law was given because man thought he could keep it.
But the law couldn't do anything to the poor helpless man lying to this holy Levi came along.
Well, if we like to always want connected with the ceremonies of the law, there was the law, the 10 commandments, God's holy requirements of land, and then it was also the ceremonial law with all those ceremonies and with all the washing pot and the washing the pan and man putting down his head like a bulldog. As a scripture fan, I'm going into God's house and and singing there with all that.
Climbs away to sin. All know, dear friend and practice thing in the choir. Perhaps you're a so-called church members. Perhaps you put down your head like a bulldog as you go on with the open forms and ceremonies of religion.
But your friend will only leave you in the ditch. That will never put away your sins, That will never put away one sin. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can put away sin. So the Levi came along and he did the same thing. He passed by on the other side. But all of this lovely.
As certain Samaritan as Journey. It doesn't say here by chance.
All this Americans and why is he called the Samaritans? Why was he called a good Jew? Why was he, why does he say something complimentary about this man as to his position in this world?
Because it tells us in the 4th chapter of John that Jews had no dealings with the Americans, the Jews spies this imagined, and your friends. Perhaps because you thought you could do something for salvation.
Music by God's the offer of grace you've never had a personal dealing with visa are you one like it says there the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans and I suppose before this very man would have said oh I wouldn't have anything to do with this American but he did that day and your friends may be that you never wanted before to have anything to do with.
But all I tell you, listen, Mike, as you look down upon you in love, once you have to do with him a queen, now thyself with him, and be a thief. Think of this man looking up, and there was a man looking down upon him. Who was it? I despise man. That is in the 53rd of Isaiah.
He is despised and rejected of sin, a man of sorrows, and acquainted His grace, and we hid, as it were, our faces from Him.
He was despised, and we have seen him that, but he was wounded for hours on Russian. He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his right we are healed. What does this despise man do?
Art says he saw him. He had compassion on him.
He went through him all. Dear Sinner, God saw you with all your needs. Christ please your tonight in all your needs. He sees you a loss, the only help of sinners, and He has compassion upon you. He loves that precious soul of yours that you never place any value upon it, but He loves that precious soul of yours.
That blessed One who came down.
From the Father sending laws to say your precious souls, he he came down and it says he went to him all your friends. I must speak of this, the Lord Jesus to save your soul and mind must go to that cross.
And it says that God made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. God does not pass over sin as though we're nothing. If God is going to forgive sin, then must be punished. The curse of the broken law must fall upon someone.
And who could it fall upon?
In the Lord Jesus was the one, it says.
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Been made-up first for us all. Think of it to your friend and my precious Savior for the judgment for me. And I've often said judgment is in your head of you or behind you. If you can look back to calories cross and see that precious thing you die in your place. You can say that. And Judson Arvin behind me, grace and glory.
But if you will not accept that precious Savior, if you despise this one and will on hand dealing with this despised failure. Remember judgment ahead of you. That man with God is sister, but he hadn't been willing to accept the kindness of this Good Samaritan and all my friend, how blessed the things of the Savior as common and tender loud.
The list, love, is the Samaritan state of this man. Well, now, come on up out of this city. That's an awful place for a man to be. But I thought of the death. Oh, he didn't tell him that. He went to him. He fought in the oil and wine. He all lifted him up and he placed him on his arms. And all your friends the work of salvation.
Is the work of Christ from dark to finish you and I can't do one thing.
What a lesson for this man who thought he could seek God's holy law. He explained as we can do anything but right, has done it all, this man has nothing to do but it. That's the kindness of this despised stranger. And your friend is nothing for you to do tonight but to take your place as guilty helpless.
Lying in addictions of words. Half dead, century dead, though physically alive.
And look up and see that precious saying, you're looking down upon you in love, and let him throw those arms with love about you tonight and lift you up. Or you say, how can I do it? How can I do it? Oh, how simple. The blessed message of the gospel. God so loved the world, and he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever.
Believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. What's your name? In God's grace, whoever accept that precious faith, you're your own delight.
Says John 1:00 and 12:00. As many as received him to them being power and become the sons of God, even to them to leave on his name. Or you say, how can I receive him? Or just believe that he did it for you. Perhaps someone says all my face is so weak. Your friend is not a question of the amount of your faith.
The question is in whom have replaced that faith? Is your faith in the right person? It's the person that comes.
I had a check here for $100 and I have this thrown in the space that the tech is good. I take it down to the bank and I present it to the teller and I asked him to give me the $100 and he shakes his head and he says I'm sorry. Fantastic. The man doesn't have the fun.
Your friends didn't matter how much space I had did it. The question was whether the man was good for it. The question is whether it was good for us and your friend, if you will. Look away from yourself, look away from your feelings, look away from your weak face, look away from everything connected with yourself and just look up like that American did like that man that this did into the face of that failure, who would despise and look up and say.
Lord, I accept why we gifted starvation, dear friends.
Will be about to. He's a precious savior. He's able to say. He's willing to say. He's mighty to say He'll do it for you tonight as he's done it for hundreds of others. Thousands have led to his fear. There's a side welcome. They all have been. None are denied. We're late and they all have been blessed.
Joyfully down the tree and they left. Oh don't let the devil's complicated to your friends. So many people get occupied with how much space they have and all those kind of claims electric tattoos tonight when you come to the end of yourself and look up and just take that precious thing in my face.
You'll find me. You'll do everything for you, just like this American did for the man in the ditch. He'll give you all to me. I might have another check, and my faith about it is very weak, but at least I have enough space to take it to the bank. And trembling and wondering whether it's any good, I'd toss it into the cellar. And I asked him, Can it be that this one's all right? And what a smile on his face. He handed me out to Philadelphia.
How's that? Well, question whether a man was worthy, whether a man had the fund. And your friends, you may be trembling, your face may be weak, but be like the dear boy. He was caught in a storm. The ship was wrecked. He was left stranded on the rock. And in the morning, when the Coast Guard looked out to sea, if there were any survivors of the wreck, they could see this.
Glasses and there he was on that rock. Anyone else? They rushed to the end. They brought him in and they said, weren't you afraid on that rock there through that stormy night? Oh, he said, I often scrambled on the rock when he said the rock never trampled under me and all your friends. That's the precious savior that wants to save you tonight. I say the Samaritan did everything that was.
For this man, we catch him up. He's poured in the oil and the wine. He placed him on his own beast. That is the very same power that was carrying the Samaritan along was now the power that was carrying this wounded man along. And all of that lovely, all your friends filled our hearts to speak of the discover.
Perhaps someone said I could never live the Christian life. I'd like to be saved, but I can never run it.
Your friend may say this man at the same power under him that was under the Samaritan. And I want to tell you that when you take Christ as your Savior, he himself becomes your life. God gives a new life. And every one of us in this room tonight who are saying, and remember when the very same question came in our minds, we said, how can we ever live a Christian life?
But when we receive him, we not only does the forgiveness of our sins.
But we got a new life and praise and blessed name. We know that it's the same one that says that keeping us and he's going to carry everyone who's regime one all the way home, all the way home. The shepherd carried the sheep all the way home. And this precious Savior will bring you, my friend, all the way home.
He's all the way home, Savior and this man.
Now he was, he was carried along by this tower. And where was he brought? By himself. He was brought to the end. What was the end for? Well, the Samaritan was going away for a little while, and during his absence he provided for the care of this man. He didn't say, well, now I've done all this for you.
You better find a place where you'll be taken care of.
As always said, no, he didn't play that city. This same man that picked him up, brought him right to the end and gave a charge to the empty 1St to take care of him. Take care of him. And all I want to say, I know there's quite a few Christians here tonight. I know that is popular in the world to say.
After you're saved on the oath of goodness Evangelical Church and go there. But I'm not going to say that tonight. I'm going to say that what this says here.
That the same person that saved this man from *** **** was a man that took him to the place he was prepared for when he came back. And if you know that precious Savior has saved your soul, don't scratch yourself to try and find the right place. If God is precious word and if God is Holy Spirit and dwelling you and if you look up to him.
Why he'll guide you.
Word through his Holy Spirit and there's a place where he you would have to be. There's a place where he would have to be. And this place was a place where the man was cared for. And I could say to those who know the Lord, he wants to care for you. And I thank God that and the goodness of God, He not only saved my soul, but he brought me.
To the place where I could be gathered.
Under the sound of His word and my knees be cared for until my precious failure comes back again. And let me just say another little word here about the money that was given to this in keeper to take care of him.
Well, it's a different application for us, but we know here that this American took out and paid the energy for for taking care of this man until he came back.
And we've been talking a little bit in the meetings about the judgment seat of Christ and how everything that we have done is someday going to be manifested and rewarded. And, you know, I'd just like to pass on this little word that if you do anything for one of God's children, you will be repaid. Yet you will be repaid. And when the innkeeper was given the charge of this man.
He might cost a little extra.
This man might have been a little more broader than the ordinary person who stayed in the end. He's been a sick man. He's been a wolfed man, and innkeeper couldn't just assign him to his room and say, well, that man long stitches, meals, and I just barely sleep on. That's all he needs. This man isn't either less repair. And so the Samaritan said that if you have to spend any more on this man.
Always pay you for it.
And I just like to say this word to Christians, the believers here tonight. Sometimes we don't like to spend that little extra care. Maybe there's some young Christians and perhaps he's perilous in his walk. Perhaps he's a brothers. Perhaps he's always doing things that cause tears and sorrows. And we might say, well, he's too much trouble. Oh, what a lovely word this is.
If you do anything for one of the Lord's people, he'll repay you.
I'm going to tell you, well, this man was promised that when he went into the Samaritan came back, any extra trouble he went to or any extra expense would be fully repaid. All your friends are too rich. To everything you're better. He gives salvation as a free gift.
And then whatever you do for that precious Savior, he'll repay you so wonderfully that you and I will wonder how we ever could have done his love. All the blessed days there. I commend this precious Savior tonight. I commend them to your.
Which is done phase one. He's looking down upon you in love. He sees you in all your deep needs. He loves your precious souls. He doesn't want to pass you by. He saw him, he had compassion, he went to him. Can you see that precious failure standing by you tonight, my friend? When you open your eyes and look up and see him looking upon him loud?
Male Prince in his blessed hands. And what do you just say? All out of God I come. Oh, she'll just do that tonight. His love and grace will touch and win your heart. He'll give you the power to me. He'll lead you to the place where he would have you. And whatever you do for him will be amply rewarded.
Oh, how lovely this story. What an answer to the man's question. And who is my neighbor?
He said, who is my neighbor? I'm your friend. Who is the one who alone could magnify the law, make it honorable? Who's the one who lonely everything in his father's will and thought the blessing of man. And it's none other than the despise stranger despite failure. He wants to be your favorite. He wants to be your savior.
Just a little spot before we close here and the reason I read this little incident about the Lord going into this home.
And there were two people. There was Martha and Mary that we read about in this home.
I don't know quite a few people when they get saved their first thought is what can I do to serve the Lord? What can I do to serve the Lord? And I get so occupied with service after they get saved that they don't have 5 instead of Jesus speak, they don't have a time and even to sit down at Jesus feet and hear his words.
All friends, I believe at the common air of Christmas, I see it everywhere. And as soon as people get saved, they're immediately put to work and they're given so much to do that they don't have hardness, time enough, or spending in prayer and reading of God's precious words. And some of them say for quite a long time, some of them even think the Bible college and they've never learned the lesson that the Lord was teaching here.
They've never learned the syllabus of speech. They've never learned that black place. And let me say this to every young believer here tonight.
The Lord valued service, the God of love, but the most important place first of all is to sit at Jesus feet. It says in John 12 if any man serve me, let him follow me and where I am.
There shall also my servancy, and we can get too occupied with what we're doing, while I tell you, when we learn our place that Jesus speaks.
Hear his words then service becomes a bloodsome happy thing. It doesn't become something that burdens us. It becomes the outflow of a heart that is filled with his love and grace and so that's the way it was with Mary. She found this place at Jesus peace. Well, I believe I can say to the Bible learn the left because the next time we read about.
Chapter of John we find this Marsha was serving the den, but she was no longer cumber with her service. She was occupied with a blessed person who was there at the table. And so I say service had its place, but let's not get so occupied with an immune young believer. I would say attend the meeting.
And don't put your other things first. Come to the Lord Jesus first and second of your Savior.
And then the great, the LED of him and everything in your life attend the Bible, read, attend in the prayer of me. You know you'll never never regret the time the suspended the Bible reads the times of suspended the prayer meeting. But the male of the regret is the young believer. If you spend so much time getting along in this world.
That you neglect the place at the university and neglect that precious privilege. Privilege.
And so I would say in clothing every young believer, remember the lesson in the end of the chapter, remember why God has put it in his word in this way. A most important lesson for us all, a place at Jesus feet, giving him his rightful place, hearing his word. And again to anyone who doesn't say, May God give you to look up in space for that precious danger.
And don't look in for your feelings, don't look in for any worthiness, but just look up tonight and see that precious stranger who finished the work at Calgary and without stretched arms of love, is waiting to give through that embrace tonight. The Father's heart, the Father's love displayed in Christ, and to give you all that you need.
All the way home. Receive him tonight.
As you're saying there.