The glorious Person of our Lord Jesus Christ is the key to the Holy Scriptures. They all point to Him in one way or another. As Jehovah God in the Old Testament, He lovingly cares for His earthly people, Israel. He is the subject of types and the object of prophecies. He over-rules in the governments of men, and receives the worship of believers.
At Bethlehem, this glorious Son of God, member of the divine trinity, entered our world as the holy Son of Man—born of a virgin. Unrecognized by the majority of His earthly people, He showed His credentials as the true Messiah by perfectly fulfilling the prophetic Scriptures. Miracles of all kinds infallibly proved Him to be the Son of God with power, even to the raising of the dead.
He died on the cross as a sacrifice to God for guilty man. He was without sin, holy, spotless and pure. He suffered for the sins of believers of all ages, shedding His precious blood as the basis of every blessing for fallen humanity. He was raised from the dead by the glory of God, He ascended back to heaven physically, and sat down at the right hand of God the Father.
He is there today caring for every interest of His believing people still on the earth. He listens to their prayers, and receives their worship. Soon, He will call to heaven His redeemed ones, both the living and the dead who died in faith. The "church" is His bride—His companion to share His reign when He appears again to this world. Here He will reign as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!
He shall be received by His earthly people, Israel, after great troubles have softened their hearts and made them willing, according to the Scriptures. This time is very near at hand. Yes, Bible history is His story!