What Want I With the World?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
What want I with the world
And all its treasures?
In Thee alone, Lord Jesus,
Are my true pleasures.
Thou art my soul’s delight,
My joy I find in Thee!
My rest and peace art Thou!
My heart’s tranquility!
What want I with the world?
The world is as a smoke
Which vanishes in air;
And, like a shadow fleet,
That stays not anywhere:
My Savior, though, remains,
When all things else decline;
My heart’s true confidence,
Jesus alone is mine!
What want I with the world?
The world seeks its renown
Among the grand and great;
Thinks not how quickly glides
Its phantasy and state:
But sweeter far to me
Is Jesus’ love alone;
And this my heart’s desire,
To see Him on His throne.
What want I with the world?
The world seeks worldly wealth;
Its hope in mammon rests;
Its comforts rise and fall,
With money in its chests:
There is a nobler prize,
On which my heart reclines;
The joys of Jesus’ love,
Which in my spirit shines.
What want I with the world?
The world is sorely tried,
If scorn its portion be;
And most, when over-reached
By deeper subtlety:
I bear the cross of Christ,
His pleasure to fulfill;
His favor my delight;
My peace to do His will!
What want I with the world?
The world so high esteems
Its fleeting fancies gay;
Its follies to retain
Would barter heaven away;
She hangs her hope on that
Which care can only yield:
I love my Lord and God,
My fortress and my shield.
What want I with the world?
What want I with the world?
As grass it fades away;
The stamp of death is there;
It hasteth to decay;
Health doth itself depart;
All earthly creatures fade:
Jesus sustains; my heart
Is by His bye repaid.
What want I with the world?,
What want I with the world?
Savior is my life,
My substance, and my joy,
In this poor scene of strife:
To Him I gladly bow;
I worship at His feet;
He is my heaven, my all;
Therefore do I repeat,
What want I with the world?