Why am I not Satisfied?

(Letter to an Exercised Soul.)
I FEAR you lose sight of the fact that God has already revealed Himself by means of the personal mission of His beloved Son into this world, and, moreover, that He has done so in connection with what man is, as tested by God’s own standard of holiness and righteousness. That is, I mean, He has not only fully declared what He is, but has done so by righteously meeting what man is. And all this He has done by the One who bore sin’s judgment on the cross.
The work of God’s beloved Sun has so met what Mali is, that God has declared Himself satisfied as to His righteous judgment on man’s badness; and at the same time Christ has so declared what God is, that those who believe the testimony are fully assured as to God’s grace and goodness toward them.
Now, dear friend, why are you not satisfied with God as revealed in Christ? Why do you not rest in what He is? Simply because, as I much fear, you are so much taken up with yourself that you rob your soul of the comfort of knowing that all blessing flows from what He is to you in grace, and not from what you are before Him through your own merit.
What God is, He is to you, if you would but turn your heart to Him, and get the comfort of His love.
What the shining sun is, he is to everyone, not blind, who turns his face in that direction. And what God is, He is to everyone, without exception, that honestly turns to Him through Christ. But if we turn in upon ourselves, and try to judge of what God is by what we are, there is little wonder that our souls should get into darkness and distress, and be well-nigh overwhelmed with distracting doubts and fears.
May the Lord turn you entirely away from yourself to Him. There is nothing to disturb your soul in what He is― “God is love, and perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:1818There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18))―and there is certainly nothing in what you are to give you a moment’s real rest or solid comfort. Then, why look there? Look to Him. All you want is certainly to be found in Him.