Why Delay?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Long ago the army of one nation was marching to war against that of another. The general of one army sent a message to the leader of the other demanding unconditional surrender. The reply came back: "I will think about it: On receiving this answer the general smiled grimly. Turning to his staff he said, "Aha! Let him think! While he thinks, we will march."
At last, when it was too late, when his army had been lost to the marching enemy and he himself was a prisoner, the thinking general wished he had acted instead.
One of the most brazen lies which Satan uses to delude men and women is this: "You have plenty of time to think about salvation."
While his dupes are swallowing this bait he is congratulating himself on their folly. Scornfully he is saying to Death: "Let them think! While they are thinking, we will march."
Unnoticed, Death—firm, certain, inevitable death—is drawing nearer and nearer. Meanwhile, a Voice is uttering the warning to procrastinating men and women, To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts. He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
And Jesus Christ, in tender love and sorrow, is crying, How often would I have gathered [you]... but [you] would not.
How long must you
"think about it"?