Why Did He Die?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Yard-master T. J. Wood was dead. His body, terribly mangled, was found on the railroad track at Clopton, Virginia. Had he thrown himself under a moving train and so taken his own life? Was it suicide? Was it an accident caused by his own carelessness? Or had he been thrown on the tracks to hide the fact that he had been murdered? Everyone had his own opinion on the subject; some thought one thing, and some another.
After a careful investigation, however, the true facts of the case were brought to light. The yard-master had deliberately sacrificed his life in order to save the lives of others. He had died the death of a hero.
It happened like this: The “Cannon Ball Express,” the limited passenger train of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, was approaching the junction. Suddenly Wood realized that a switch leading to a string of empty cars was open. Unless something was done, in a few seconds the “Cannon Ball” would rush into the siding, crash into the empty cars, and there would be a terrible wreck. Wood could almost see the ground strewn with dead and dying passengers. Racing to the switch, he threw himself upon it and closed it just in time-but he was struck and killed by the passing train. The train was saved, as were its unwitting passengers, but T. J. Wood was lost.
In like manner, various theories are also afloat as to the manner and cause of the death of the One infinitely greater than the bravest of earth’s heroes. How, and for what reason, did Jesus die?
Unholy speculations have not been lacking as to how He died. Some have attributed His death to mere physical causes. Others, more daring, have asked: Did He really die upon the cross after all or was it only a simulated death, followed by a reviving which His followers palmed off upon the world as a genuine resurrection?
Others agree that He really died. Nevertheless, they argue that His death was merely that of a martyr. They claim that He was one among many who have sealed their testimony to the truth with their life’s blood.
From all such unholy theories and speculations we turn away. The Bible sheds a full and sufficient light upon the subject. It assures us that Christ died, and that His death was infinitely more than the death of a martyr. He died as a Substitute. His sufferings were those of a Sin-bearer. His blood had an atoning value which no other possesses.
Christ died! He died for us-for the ungodly for sinners. “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:2424Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (1 Peter 2:24)). Surely this verse, even if there were no other, is enough to show that in dying upon the cross the Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin. Those who believe in Him can say, “He died for me. He bore my sins. His blood has cleansed me and made me whiter than snow.”
What is the death of Christ to you? Have you staked your soul’s eternal welfare on the merits of His blood? What other foundation can you find to rest upon? How else can sins be atoned for? “It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” (Leviticus 17:1111For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. (Leviticus 17:11)).
When we say that Christ died for the ungodly, we have not told the whole story. He who died on Calvary is alive again. He has ascended to heaven, and He now sits upon the throne of God as Lord of all. All that Christ secured for guilty sinners by His work on the cross is now offered freely through faith in Him-forgiveness, righteousness, everlasting life, peace with God. All these would have been impossible for us if Jesus had not died, but they are now all to be found in the risen Christ.
Turn to Him in faith. He will make all these blessings yours and will give you His Holy Spirit through whom you can enjoy them even now.