wild ass (Hebrew #6167)

5:21   And he was driven
trad (Hebrew #2957)
to expel
KJV usage: drive.
Pronounce: ter-ad'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 2956
min (Hebrew #4481)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4480
KJV usage: according, after, + because, + before, by, for, from, X him, X more than, (out) of, part, since, X these, to, upon, + when.
Pronounce: min
the sons
ben (Hebrew #1123)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 1121
KJV usage: child, son, young.
Pronounce: bane
of men
'enash (Hebrew #606)
corresponding to 582; a man
KJV usage: man, + whosoever.
Pronounce: en-awsh'
Origin: (Aramaic) or renash (Aramaic) {en-ash'}
; and his heart
lbab (Hebrew #3825)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3824
KJV usage: heart.
Pronounce: leb-ab'
was made
shvah (Hebrew #7739)
to resemble
KJV usage: make like.
Pronounce: shev-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic): corresponding to 7737
`im (Hebrew #5974)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5973
KJV usage: by, from, like, to(-ward), with.
Pronounce: eem
the beasts
cheyva' (Hebrew #2423)
an animal
KJV usage: beast.
Pronounce: khay-vaw'
Origin: (Aramaic) from 2418
, and his dwelling
mdowr (Hebrew #4070)
or mdar (Aramaic) {med-awr'}; from 1753; a dwelling
KJV usage: dwelling.
Pronounce: med-ore'
Origin: (Aramaic) or mdor (Aramaic) {med-ore'}
was with the wild asses
`arad (Hebrew #6167)
an onager
KJV usage: wild ass.
Pronounce: ar-awd'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 6171
: they fed
t`am (Hebrew #2939)
to taste; causatively to feed
KJV usage: make to eat, feed.
Pronounce: teh-am'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 2938
him with grass
`ash (Hebrew #6211)
a moth
KJV usage: moth. See also 5906.
Pronounce: awsh
Origin: from 6244
like oxen
towr (Hebrew #8450)
a bull
KJV usage: bullock, ox.
Pronounce: tore
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding (by permutation) to 7794
, and his body
geshem (Hebrew #1655)
used in a peculiar sense, the body (probably for the (figuratively) idea of a hard rain)
KJV usage: body.
Pronounce: gheh'-shem
Origin: (Aramaic) apparently the same as 1653
was wet
tsba` (Hebrew #6647)
to dip
KJV usage: wet.
Pronounce: tseb-ah'
Origin: (Aramaic) a root corresponding to that of 6648
with the dew
tal (Hebrew #2920)
(Aramaic) the same as 2919
KJV usage: dew.
Pronounce: tal
of heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
; till
`ad (Hebrew #5705)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5704; X and, at, for, (hither-)to, on till, (un-)to, until, within.
Pronounce: ad
he knew
yda` (Hebrew #3046)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3045
KJV usage: certify, know, make known, teach.
Pronounce: yed-ah'
that the most high
`illay (Hebrew #5943)
supreme (i.e. God)
KJV usage: (most) high.
Pronounce: il-lah'-ee
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 5942
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
shalliyt (Hebrew #7990)
mighty; abstractly, permission; concretely, a premier
KJV usage: captain, be lawful, rule(- r).
Pronounce: shal-leet'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 7989
in the kingdom
malkuw (Hebrew #4437)
dominion (abstractly or concretely)
KJV usage: kingdom, kingly, realm, reign.
Pronounce: mal-koo'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4438
of men
'enash (Hebrew #606)
corresponding to 582; a man
KJV usage: man, + whosoever.
Pronounce: en-awsh'
Origin: (Aramaic) or renash (Aramaic) {en-ash'}
, and that he appointeth
quwm (Hebrew #6966)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6965
KJV usage: appoint, establish, make, raise up self, (a-)rise (up), (make to) stand, set (up).
Pronounce: koom
`al (Hebrew #5922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5921
KJV usage: about, against, concerning, for, (there-)fore, from, in, X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.
Pronounce: al
it whomsoever
man (Hebrew #4479)
who or what (properly, interrogatively, hence, also indefinitely and relatively)
KJV usage: what, who(-msoever, + -so).
Pronounce: mawn
Origin: (Aramaic) from 4101
he will
tsba' (Hebrew #6634)
to please
KJV usage: will, would.
Pronounce: tseb-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 6623 in the figurative sense of summoning one's wishes