I watched as a diamond cutter took a valuable stone which in its raw state was unattractive. He placed this stone in lead and applied the cutting wheel which revolved two thousand times per minute. The stone groaned!
The master turned the stone to grind a second surface. Again the stone sang and groaned but the expert. fully aware of what he was doing, continued turning and grinding with the quickly moving wheel.
When he had proceeded fifty times, still turning and grinding, I asked: "Sir, is that not enough?”
“No, not yet; I never do a half job.”
At last he took the stone out of the lead, handed it over to me, and said. "Now look at it, but don't go into the sunlight for it will hurt your eyes." As I looked, a wonderful light came from the heart of the stone, breaking its rays into the prismatic colors from all those laboriously and carefully cut surfaces.
It was a masterpiece of work of this master.
God labors with His own to conform them in life and walk into the likeness of His dear Son. He uses all kinds of means, often not pleasing to us. We groan! He may continue to lead us, if need be, through many afflictions, trials, poverty, fears, difficulties, persecutions, sorrows, heartaches, etc., to produce a song. Every stroke is measured by divine wisdom and love beyond all telling. The Father's love will never cause His child a needless tear.