My work here did not give much occasion to write. It was, as I told brethren, a sowing time, and people do not see much then. But the truth has spread after all considerably, and some fruits even now appear, not only in many souls who have found peace and see clear as to grace, of which there are many—I find some new one constantly, so that the truth is borne witness to and propagated by them, people seeing in them the effect—but the Lord's coming is planted in many souls, and that they have seen, though not all, its connection with the church; and some have at once seen the state of things around them.... There are others, less simple perhaps, but in heart seeing what is right. Strong as is the influence of belonging to a church here, for position and everything depend on it, with most, at least, in their estimation, the evil state of things is beginning to be felt—what it is, that is, for its effect was felt by upright souls often before; and through mercy I hear daily of souls that the word has reached for conversion, or finding peace, or getting clear as to the position of themselves or the church; though public meetings, I may say I have none, but I meet with people. People interested come in small numbers: I have reading meetings, and so on. I am now about leaving for Boston. It has been a work of faith and patience here, but I am beginning, through grace, to see the fruits. Brethren do not much know what it is to begin a work in the midst of Babylon, not mere preaching to crowds, nor with links out on every side through those that are in, but dependent on God alone for the work, and every link to be formed. Still He leads, and if you can trust and pray to Him for a place, the way will open.
The truth is evidently penetrating in this country, silently in many respects, but to a considerable extent, and we are on good footing. It is beginning to be felt there is reality in it, not mere notions; and here the sad state of things around helps their consciences on. The cloud is not bigger than a man's hand, but I believe there is unequivocal blessing. It is very likely I may be detained till next spring. I had thought to be back in July, but the work is opening; I trust the Lord's instruments are preparing, but at any rate, the laborers are few. The Lord willing, we shall have our meeting at Guelph, I suppose in June. I shall be very glad to see the brethren again in England: but the Lord's work is my life down here as to service. If then near sixty-eight I may be less active, but shall do the work, through grace, which He has for me to do.
New York,