YP Sing With Open Mic

Duration: 51min
Romans 13; 1 Samuel 17:34‑37; Judges 14:5; 1 Kings 13:24; Revelation 2:4; JOH 11:54,66-69
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YP Sing Address—Open Mic
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With the same ones I will say will be a somewhere glorious fun with me.
In my heart there is a melody. There is a melody.
In my heart there is about me wearing.
All right, don't forget to think about the words.
I am following.
I am inside.
I really like that word stage.
Long time my favorite verse was.
I will keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on me.
Mainstay of a mast is a large rope that holds in place.
Be stayed on something is to be attached to it, tied to the.
Stayed upon Jehovah. Arts are fully blessed.
I would keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on me because he trusts me.
We're trusting in the Lord. It's a very strong, secure bond. Where's the next one?
17 Three 173.
Number 89.
Wonder how where we are when we're singing like the last one, speaking directly to our Lord?
Did you remember?
I'm sorry.
I'm lying.
Please on my God, what I can change your struggle. That one we have at all reached on the bear and he offered any of that.
Now the number.
134 #134.
And more Isn't it wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Isn't Jesus, my Lord, wonderful?
I shall see. It's a privilege in Jesus, my Lord. Wonderful.
Everything about every time.
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
His name is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
His name is wonderful.
Because I want he is a lady.
Master of everything.
There is wonderful Jesus, my Lord.
He's our great shepherd.
I've got all ages. Almighty God is he.
How long before him raise on the door?
Jesus, my Lord.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Isn't Jesus, my Lord, wonderful?
Which I'll give for responding God here evermore we shall say wonderful.
I'd just like to briefly draw our attention to some verses in Romans 14.
Sort of in the context of our brothers brother in Bows remarks this afternoon.
Romans 14 beginning with the 14th verse and I just want is by way of clarification. This is an abbination admonition to my heart as much as anyone else's. I say this in the knowledge that there are people that have similar struggles as my own. So I think it's 14th verse. I know a number persuaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself, but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if my brother be grieved with thy meat thou walk sorry now walkest thou not charitably destroy not him with thy meat for whom Christ died.
Not then you're good. The evil spoken of for the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink for righteousness and peace and enjoy enjoying the Holy Ghost.
I just want to say that the remarks I know he made about, you know, the bring up, bring up some debates about, you know, new Earth, old Earth, the gap theory, things like that.
But I just want to point out they're not things that pertain to religiousness, pertain to peace, pertain to our joy in the Holy Ghost. I'm not saying there isn't one absolute truth on the matter. I'm saying we shouldn't be destroying one another with our meets and trying to find that out.
And particularly, but if thy brother be grieved, I meet now. Walk is now. Walketh thou not charitably? If we do, if this is something we do address, if this is something we do, seek it out. Let's do it charitably. Let's not seek to tear each other down.
Brother was saying about the questions, some of the questions raised and I was thinking a little bit on what we do when we are.
Faced with adversity and I think about 3-3 different person we see in the Bible.
Facing adversity and we see it talking about adversity and the enemy figure as a lion and three different person who met met a lion the 1St.
In First Samuel 17.
Verse 34.
Dave said and saw.
Thy servant kept his father's ship, and there came a lion and a bear, and took a lamb of the flock, and I went out after him and his mold him, and delivered it out of his mouth. And when he rose against me, I caught him by his beard and smiled him and slew him. Thy servants Lew both the lie on the bear, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, since he had defied the armies of the living God, they said, moreover, the Lord.
That deliver me out of the power of the lion and of the power of the bear. He will deliver me out of the hand of his Philistine.
And Saul, Senator David, Goe and the Lord be with thee.
One of the hymns were singing was that God didn't promised us always blue sky and we will be faced with adversities and.
That it was making me think a little bit about this time here where David faced the lion and the Lord deliver him. And sometimes we, we face different things throughout our life and may not understand exactly what we are or why we are facing that. And the Lord delivers us from that. But later on we see that in a sense, I believe here the Lord was preparing David for something that was bigger, that was ahead, that was delivering Israel from Goliath.
Another passenger want to mention about meeting a lion is the one in Judge.
Judge 14.
Where we have Samsung.
Sense will also map to hear what says as a young lion.
Well, not to read a lot of verse, give some more time for others here too, but in this case the Lord. We see that on verse six the spirit of the Lord came rightly upon him, and he ran him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing his hand.
But he told not to his father and so on. And after a little bit later, Samson goes back just see what he has done there and end up taking honey from that lion and away.
Getting closer, touching the carcass of the line, we see here, so we also see something that he was faced with adversity, and we see that the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him. He was delivered.
But in the end, he kind of went back to it to see what he has done and that was.
Race near upon him.
Because he is a, an Azarian should not be closed due to a dead body. So I think that's also important. We see it sometimes the Lord delivers us and we should always, always keep in mind and talk to myself first. Always keep in mind that something that the Lord is doing, not that. So later on I can look back and see all see, see what I've been through and how I went through that and was all right. No, that's, that was something that the Lord did.
And another lion that we see is not so happy story is a prophet in First Kings.
That he also met a lion for skins 13.
That was or just quote a couple of verse. He received the word of the Lord.
To go and cry against the altar.
And he did that, but he also received the award from the Lord to not go back to the way he had been. And the reason behind it was he, he wasn't supposed to have fellowship there in a place that was insane.
But we see that even though he followed the order as a law, doesn't seem that he had a quite understanding about the mind of the Lord here.
When the old prophet.
Comes to him.
Trying to find the verse that O prophet comes and said that.
Verse 18 He said unto him, I am a prophet also as thou art, and I angels Pak unto me by the word of the Lord, saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied unto him, and this prophet here didn't perceive that goes back.
And eat with him and on the way back on verse 20.
223 came to pass after he had eaten bread, after he had drunk that he had.
24th He has gone, a lion met him, by the way, and is Lew him. So here we see that.
But if this speaks a little bit about each one of us, many times I'm talking myself again that.
We receive different rules, receive different rules, and we've been hearing a lot of that throughout this last state. And there is a difference, there is a big difference between.
Executing that through and really taking that in and understanding what is behind it.
Understanding the might of the Lord and.
Otherwise we may be there is a verse that should not be taken away by any wind of doctrine. So to really be grounded on the truth, we understand what it is and not just because.
There is someone told it. We always should go back to the word of God when we see.
The things just so we don't go back as this prophet here that the old prophet came and said something else to him and he just went with that. So I think that's what I was thinking when brother was saying about the the creation and things like that. It's it's important for us to to see also and take hold on some of the truths for ourselves to not be be confounded.
I have to apologize, I have a bit of a cold so I hope everyone can hear me.
It's Revelation 2.
There's that.
Some things have been going in my life. Some people know more than others, but.
I've been encouraged tonight.
To remember how much the Lord loves us.
Revelation 2, verse 4.
Nevertheless, I have some what against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember, therefore, from which thou art fallen, and repent.
It's been brought to mind recently.
What have been my priorities in life? What is it that matters most to me?
What is it that I'm living for?
Is it myself?
Is it something that I really want?
Because even if it is, it's not going to satisfy. It's only the Lord that can. It's our first love, the one that.
The one that loves us enough to die for us.
The one that cares about everything that happens in our lives.
It's only here that could satisfy.
And that's all I had to say.
John, there's two couple verses before me, 3 verses if you like.
John chapter. I think it's John 7.
John, Chapter 6.
And verse 66.
From that time, many of his disciples went back.
You know, every year the.
Faces. We see conferences change and sometimes faces disappear.
For a while we some just seem to drift off. I remember when I started college.
We went to Orientation High State University back way back in 1966.
And we sat in Meersham Auditorium and some.
Official at the university welcomed us and said look at the person on your right, look at the person on your left.
Two of you won't be here 4 years from now.
I looked at the person, my right, I looked at the person, my left and said, well, I just feel sorry for you guys.
The fact was, four years later, I wasn't there. I.
Dropped out of college to serve the Lord.
The world has something called attrition.
That's where people fall by the wayside, more or less.
The Lord Jesus had disciples.
That says they were his disciples.
A disciple is a learner, one who studies who who is following a teacher.
It says here from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.
Why? Why did they go back?
Doesn't tell us right here, but I'll tell you after we read a couple more verses here it says Jesus said to the 12 will you also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Now you know the Lord Jesus had been giving his disciples truth. They had nothing else to give them. He came giving grace and truth.
Why did they go back? It's because if you read earlier in the verse, early in the chapter, chapter 6, verse 60, when when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured, he said to them, does this offend you? In other words, the Lord Jesus was saying things that his disciples didn't understand.
And because they didn't understand it, they didn't appreciate it.
And the problem was really they were more concerned with their understanding than who was talking.
They were more concerned with what they thought than what he thought.
And I know I have. All my life I've gone to conferences and sat in conferences and heard things that I didn't quite grasp.
I'm still struggling to catch up with some my brother.
What is it that keeps us?
What is it that keeps us? It's not truth.
What was it that kept the disciples? Verse 68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? And I want to impress upon you.
We're caught not just called to follow truth, we're called to fall, called to follow the person who is the truth.
And it's not a matter of understanding, it's a matter of accepting as many as received him. So then he gave the power to become the sons of God.
And so Peter, and we all know what you know, what Peter was like, Peter was impetuous.
He was, so we would say he was maybe a little bit unstable.
But he had a true heart.
Then Simon Peter answered in Lord, to whom shall we go? And this is the issue tonight. Who are you following? Are you following the Lord? Are you following your own intellect, your own thoughts, and when something doesn't line up with what you think?
You get used to stumble like his disciples did. That's what it means here verse 61, when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured, they complained and said, this is this is difficult teaching. Who can understand it? He said to them, does this stumble you?
That's what that word offend means stumble.
Does it trip you up? Does upset you?
What and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before?
Well, there's another big thought.
You know all our lives were going to be stretching, grasping to reach the truth of God.
Let's get used to it. That's how we grow.
But what keeps us, Lord, To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Later on, Peter, you know he learned a few things. Look at what Peter said in Second Peter chapter 3.
Second Peter, chapter 3, verse 16.
Verse 15, Second Peter chapter 3, verse 15, And account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood. Peter was the chief of the apostles, and he was having trouble with some of the things that Paul taught.
He acknowledged she had difficulty comprehending them.
But he says beloved brother Paul, there was the affection there and Paul had been to if you read the book of Galatians, Paul had taken.
I had gone gone to Peter and rebuked him publicly for his behavior, and Peter writes afterwards.
Beloved Brother Paul, according to the wisdom given unto him, has written.
As also in all his epistles Speaking of in them of these things which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrestle with, as they do also other scriptures unto their own destruction.
There was the affection that Paul, the Peter had for Paul, and he was willing to consider, to continue to consider what?
Paul had written. Now one more verse and I'm done. Turn back to.
Psalm 119.
Our brother in the Gospel the other night came very close to this verse. Psalm 119.
The middle verse of the Bible, he said, was Psalm 119. I believe it was. Or was it Psalm 100 and.
Psalm 100 and 18119. I forget. Pardon. OK, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to Psalm 119.
Psalm 119, verse 102.
Here is a person this this person. If you read this Psalm, he was in love with the word of God.
That's the whole theme of this song, 176 verses and in it and 174 of those verses.
He mentions the word of God, and he says in verse 102, I have not departed from thy judgments, for thou hast taught me. The Hebrew says, Thou thyself hast taught me.
We want to learn from the Lord Himself.
The only way to learn from the Lord Himself is to include Him in our learning. It's not just a measuremental exercise of studying the Scriptures, but saying, Lord, show me. And it takes time, it takes effort, it takes determination. And he says, I have not departed from thy judgments, for thou thyself hast taught me. May we all desire to be taught.
By the Lord Himself.
Having trouble bringing the verse to mind at the moment, but it's the verse that says if a man look at a woman with lust in his heart, he has committed adultery with her. Even though he has not slept with her physically, he has committed adultery with her in his heart. And I have to say it is something that has happened to me quite often. I'm not going to name names. I'm not going to name places, but I sat down to a next to a girl one time.
At a conference, at a table, at lunch, and I look straight down her shirt.
Without even trying.
That's not a good thing.
Means that I committed adultery with her in my heart.
I don't even think she knew it.
Now, the fact that I was able to look straight down her shirt, ladies, that's also a problem for you because it means that you're being immodest and you're causing the young men in the assembly to lust after you in your heart, in their hearts. I should say, like I said, I'm not naming names. I'm not naming places.
But it's happening way too often in our assemblies. There's a saying out there that 60% of Christian men are addicted to ****.
And I know a lot of us are not getting the help that we need. Ladies, you can help us a lot.
Simply by the manner in which you dress.
I know it asks for a style change.
What does God say about the way? What does God have to say about it?
That's all I have to say.