1 Corinthians 15:50-58

Duration: 1hr 2min
1 Corinthians 15:50‑58
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10, 36 All right.
Oh yeah.
I love the president.
Lord Jesus, we thank you this afternoon for the time that you give us your thank you for the skin we created, as we sign these words and they will express the truth, the desire of our hearts that we can learn more of these absolutely.
Wait 19 to the chapter we've been reading, we we thank you for the liberty we have known, the holiest that we come now to express our faith.
Message required fee and that was given for us.
Once a week quality that there would be liberty delivery you'd like to purchase from your page. So I let you go straight out with guide us as to the portion to take up also. And now we've got our nominee. Great. I think one about time you hear me. I always personally respond about so you heard this along. It's a warm heart to to, uh, to remind us of what I love and that I assume coming and that soon to be with and like forever. We praise your God and Father. We thank you for such love provision and liberty that we have.
Land and other lines around to read it such way and pray why they made ourselves of it and not only that that they would see that liberty to give us cross and our souls and we thank you Father. And that's these things we wanted to bless the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
Capital looking to the Primera Corinthians vesiculosin Cuenterman.
Astral Finals.
Now this I say, brethren, that flash and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, neither does corruption inherit any corruption. Behold, I show you the mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the last trump for the trumpet show sound, and the death shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorrupt, and corruption this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on in corruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass. The saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh, death, where is thy thing? Oh grave, where is thy victory? The thing of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
The facts be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
So then, we have announced the government of the Lord by remembering Him.
So they can take on everything to be able to do.
Do, umm, accomplish the position of our Lord? That's something with you. And there's 51.
FEOCO material, both gears dimensional.
This would be bigger.
It's a privilege, umm, to us not.
Only to remember the Lord today, but also wait for Him all the days that we have remaining in this world.
Invested capital of this particular moment, Philippians.
Chapter 3. Verse 20.
Teaches us that our job in place or a growing place is in heaven.
Our conversation is in heaven from once also we look for the Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ shall change our vile body, that he may be fashioned like unto his lawyer lawyers body according to the working whereby he's able even to subdue all things unto himself.
The things that we sometimes, umm, lose sight of.
And when we entertain ourselves, we get caught up with.
The things of this world.
But we can be, umm, waking up today by these scriptures.
Is that we should put our.
Site our view and the things about Not on the earth. Not on the things of the earth.
And we sometimes do the opposite.
Our bodies will be changed.
And we'll we'll no longer suffer this visible body.
It is true that it's one of us here has some kind of trial.
And, to put it that way, a burden.
Jesus in his mercy.
Doesn't allow us to have two burdens, only one like we have in Revelations chapter 2 verse.
But we don't even market time in Jazzira, but I get that.
You don't know India, so it was so true. That was relation 224 and 25.
Went into USA and into the rest the entire.
As many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak, I will put upon you none other burden that I wish you have already. Hold fast till I come.
I visited some brothers and sisters with.
Very strong trial.
And I have umm read the scriptures to them.
And I told him that the Lord in his mercy allows one burden, not 2.
Yeah, he is.
Two of those that are gathered here doesn't have some kind of burden.
But it is only one burden.
But the one that we do have, we should have patients, because the Lord is allowing it.
Resurrection. That spoken up here is only connection. Connection with the body. I think we all understand.
Connection with the soul. The soul never sleeps. The whole idea of soul sleep is a blasphemous.
Doctrine, but the body.
Sleeps and only the believers body is spoken of as sleeping an unsafe person. When they pass into eternity, they're never spoken of as sleep. They're uh, they're in a lost eternity conscious torment if they die without Christ. But in our chapter here, umm, flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Neither does corruption inherit incorruption.
So every man and woman has an immortal body.
Every soul has an eternal existence, uh, it doesn't mean every person has eternal life. Eternal life is only possessed by those who, uh, have been born again. Eternal life is actually the life of Christ. But every person has an eternal existence, umm, and they have a numerical body.
Immortal soul, uh.
They have a body that is mortal body capable of death at this.
The soul is immortal. It will never die.
Now, the type of body that uh.
That an unsaved person has.
They have a mortal body, as we do, but the scripture doesn't reveal the type of body that an unsafe person will have. They're going to be raised.
Uh, raised from the dead to stand before the Great White Throne.
But they're gonna stand before God in the person of Christ with a body. But we're not told in Scripture what kind of a body it will be. But we know the type of body that the believer will have, uh, as we read in Philippians, a body like unto Christ.
Not reflecting no to flesh and blood, but a real.
Uh, body, flesh and bones like Christ.
Uh, Gloria, Glorified body.
So this is what the apostle is referring to here, the first resurrection.
The whole chapter first Corinthians 15 deals with the subject of resurrection. And in the pre previous verses we've spoken on those that were earthly and those that were heavenly. Verse 48 And that is the earthly, such are they also that are earthly. And such as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And verse 49 And we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly people. How's that going to happen?
I'm in a body of flesh and blood, in a corruptible body, a mortal body. Well, here it develops how I'm going to bear the image of the heavenly to go from a mortal body to an immortal body and from corruption to interruption when the Lord comes and I'm going to be changed. This is what he's getting into in the following emergency. This I say brethren and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Something's got to happen to you and me to be in that complete final heavenly state that I'm going to be in and it's either true death and resurrection.
Which was a part of those that already died and they died in faith in the Lord. Their bodies is going to be raised, but those will be living when the Lord comes. They're going to have to be changed because flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. And we're going to be changed. We're not going to have, it's been said, a glorious body like the body of the Lord, less involved in resurrection, in the resurrection body. And that body is going to be eternal.
It is a changed body.
Sometimes we say a new body and uh, maybe it conveys the thought that it's a different one, but it's changed. You know, there aren't gonna be any graves of the Saints of God in this world when the Lord comes that are left full and they're up there in their spirit and soul in a new body. Now that old body is going to be taken out of the grave in chains. Those graves are going to be empty.
This is one of the very few places in the New Testament in verse 51 where.
Paul uses the word a mystery. And a mystery in the New Testament, in Paul's teaching, is not something that can't be known or isn't known. It's something that God has been pleased to reveal in these last days. The risen Christ has revealed it through his chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul. So that resurrection in the general sense was known before the blessing of Israel in the coming day, based upon the the suffering and death of Messiah was known before.
Even Gentile blessing was a subject of Old Testament prophecies that the nations of the world would be blessed under Israel, the head of the nations. But what was not known was what Paul calls the mystery. In Ephesians 3 he speaks about it. Maybe we should just turn there quickly without long digression.
But in Ephesians 3, I'll just jump into verse 3.
How that by revelation He made known unto me the mystery?
Verse 5, Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. Here's what it is. But the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel.
The communication of this unknown, previously unknown truth.
Was a ministry given to the apostle Paul along with the gospel of the grace of God. And it was something that had pleased the Lord Jesus on high to use Paul to reveal that in between the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow in that interlude would be something that was unknown before. And that was that the Spirit of God in that interlude which we live in now, would gather out of Jew and Gentile one people for his name. We'd be joint heirs with Christ.
Members of his body and partakers of that promise. You'll see pictures and types and shadows of it in the Old Testament, but not the revelation of the truth of the Church of God as the body of Christ, the bride of Christ. And so Paul introduces that by saying, behold, I show you a mystery. He's revealing something that now is known to the Saints. Another the next place in first Corinthians 11 where he introduces.
Or takes up the subject of the remembrance of the Lord. Well known passage, 1St Corinthians 11.
Verse 23.
For I have received of the Lord.
That which also I delivered unto you. And so here is another revelation, and without going into all the details of it, the remembrance of the Lord, the loaf on the Lord's table, the Lord's Supper, the cup on the Lord's table, is sort of the characteristic expression of what we now are and what we now enjoy. If the church was not known, then the character of remembering the Lord in that way was not known either. And you say, well, you know the, the disciples, they, they.
They had that feast with the Lord.
Before the Lord was betrayed. And they could have said to Paul, well, where do you get off saying that this is some revelation that you had? You weren't even their fault, John. Peter could have said we were there. And you're saying you have this revelation that it's well.
The remembrance of the Lord that He introduced Himself still kept in view of the possibility that His people would repent and receive Him, that He would even set up His Kingdom, should they collectively humble themselves in those times of refreshing, as Peter and John preached in the early part of Acts, would come from the presence of the Lord. But not only did they reject Him on Calvary's cross, but the Spirit of God after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Came out again in mercy and grace to those same people with a stealing. With the death of Stephen that additional offer was declined and rejected. And right at that moment you have the apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus coming into the scene and in his ministry he received this precious truth of the church as the bride of Christ, as members of his body. The existence of what we are now was not known before the Lord's table then became the remembrance of the Lord took on a character.
And that the Lord Jesus himself was not pleased to introduce at that time, looking upon the loaf and realizing that we are all members, all partakers of one loaf. And that was not known by Peter and James and John at that time. And so the existence of the church, the characteristic expression of it at the Lord's table, and then finally the church's destiny. So here we read as the brother has been bringing before us the destiny of the church. If the Lord pleased to come today and receive that word, we'd be changed.
Today would be changed and those that are asleep in Christ would be raised up from among the rest of the dead.
And then the final one is First Thessalonians 4, where it's another mystery, another revelation that the Lord is gonna rapture that church with all the rest of the redeemed down through the ages, up into glory. So those are 4 main areas where the apostles spoke of the mystery, a mystery revealed. And it's the privilege of all the Saints to be in the understanding of this precious truth. The mystery is revealed now to faith not unknown to us.
So again, a mystery is not the way the world uses it ought to mystery to me where you buy a book that's a mystery book and something that can't be known. Mystery is something now revealed that God has now been pleased to reveal to.
All of us that have now been brought into the Church of God.
I tell you a secret, it's not going to be a secret anymore.
That's what he does. I show you a mystery. I tell you a mystery. When I told you it's not a mystery anymore, you know it.
And Joseph had that wonderful double title, Savior of the world and Revealer of secrets.
This should be this should be the blessed hope that every believer has. The beginning of chapter reminded us that our blessed Savior, it was the first one, the first fruit of resurrection. He was the one that have conquered death. He's the one that we have to be looking at and be reminded. In fact, our whole basis of salvation is based on not just death, but death and resurrection, isn't it? You know, often when we preach the gospel, and rightly so, we tell people about the death and the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How often do we forget to mention about the resurrection? We may even go versus well known, versus Romans 10:00 and 9:00. We'll say, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall and shall believe in thine heart. And what are we to believe in our heart? Well, let's turn to that so we don't misquote that. I know we know that very well.
Romans 10 verse nine. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. That's the basis of our salvation, isn't it? Believe that Jesus died and it rose again over death. As we go through the word of God we see many pictures as it has been mentioned, shadows and types of all resurrection.
We find death and resurrection often go together. We'll find our scripture often mention about the third day, the third day, that resurrection day, we find Abraham as he, uh, was told to take his son Isaac in the 22nd chapter of Genesis to be offered up. We now find that as we follow, the path of faith is set. On the third day. He lifted up his eye and there he saw a fall off the place that he ought to be.
And then we, we script here carefully. There are many places that mention about the third day. Then we have to be reminded of death and resurrection. We find that in the Old Testament they talk about the feast of the first fruit. Well, the feast of the first fruit is to be raised on the 17th day of the month. Where you say, where is the third day coming from? Well, the death is really the Passover, which is the 14th day of the month, three days after the Passover.
Is the feast of the first fruit. You'll find the 17th day repeated often in scriptures reminding us of resurrection that follow after death. And you know, even go as far as to notice that NOAA when its arc rested on Mount Ararat, you'll find that the word of God was very precise. He said it was on the 17th day when it rested. So resurrection is something we as Christian should.
Precious that thought on but here in our portion here.
The resurrection is a different one, isn't it? It's not necessary for, uh, those who died, though it does mention that verse 52 is it? Is that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the Trump official sound and the dead, oh, it mentioned the dead first shall be raised incorruptible. A brother mentioned about the verse we often quote in 2nd Thessalonians 4. And the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Well, we know that, but then is that we which are alive and remain, Oh, we have that portion too. So here, back in our chapter here, and the dead shall raise incorruptible. Well, there's two portions to this, isn't it? Isn't there? There is a dead and then we, oh, do we have to wait for death before we can see this resurrection? You know, that's not the hope we have within us, is it? In a moment, in any moment now, we which are alive, it says here, and we shall.
Be changed. What a blessed hope we have that we may not see death, but we shall be usher into His presence.
A margin will start to lift. Me too is in a twinkling of an aisle.
The whole of verse 52 is in the twinkling, in a moment, in the twinkling of an oil. All of all that happens in verse 52, and it could happen right now and after three.
Think of that, brethren, that.
You know, we've talked about these things.
Heard them spoken about at so many conferences and meetings in our home assemblies. One of these moments, this is actually going to happen.
And how that should how the thought of that should.
Should change my life.
Lies with each one of us and put things into perspective as to what really counts and what we're doing with the last few moments of our lives here.
We're gonna say something along the same lines there, Robert, about the plunging of an eye in a moment.
The Lord has graciously told us how long that moment was going to be. It's a moment and still twinkling of an eye. I don't know if there's a moment and the quinting of an eye, but you know, Quintin of an eye pretty quick. You can imagine there's nobody before you there, and you blink your eyes and when your eyes come back, there's somebody standing there. He wasn't there before. That's the resurrection that did.
And then somebody's before you and then you blink and he's all changed. You know, the colors change, the shirt change, everything changed. How'd that happen? And that's one thing I've been on. It's based on a work that's been done already. You know, it's science tried to do that. It takes years and years and years and never be able to do that. The process of transforming, of transforming, God has to say a word and that's it. It happens all of a sudden, but it's based on the work that we've done. That's why it can be performed, you might say, because everything's ready for that to be done. And that working on performance, performance on the cross by the Lord Jesus.
Now we read before Romans 10:00 and 9:00 and we had the salvation of our souls there. That work was performed there by the Lord Jesus on the cross.
And the salvation of our bodies, well, that's going to happen when the Lord Jesus comes. The only thing that separates us from that moment is the coming of the Lord. And when he comes in the twinkling of an eye in a moment, that word moment, I believe is a, a Greek word that you, you can't invite that moment into. You can't have two of those. There's only one moment. You can have two momentitoes. You can't have two, just one. It's so quick at the salvation of our bodies. But in the meantime, as you were suggesting, Robert, what do we have? We have the salvation of our lives and that's a process. 2nd Corinthians 3 verse 18, how we beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord.
Are transformed from glory to glory in the same image. We're gonna bear the image of the heavenly in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. So we can be more conformed morally to the image of the elderly. Now, as we gave upon the Lord and we let these things that we hear that were reminded of in these scriptures, let me sing about, Are we going to be face to face with that man in the glory in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye? And shouldn't that drill our hearts and that make us responsible as a Lord? How much time I have left? But if I have only a moment left, I want to live it for you.
Interesting too with this thought the moment it happened so quickly, but yet this is the same blessed hope that was given to the Saints throughout the ages, the Saints back in the Apostles day at this hope of the Lord's return, that imminent return. In fact, throughout the church period we found that it's the so-called dark ages. Part of the problem was that the the hope of the Lord's imminent return was forgotten.
The church had forgotten about that. Actually, Vimeo, I'd like to turn to overturn to, uh, uh, just a few passages in the 27th chapter of Acts. We'll find that that chapter speaks of the shipwreck that all and those on board had to endure. But in a, in many ways, that is a picture of that ship of testimony, the church that gone through that ruined state that they go into. I just want to highlight maybe a couple of things in regard to the Lord's coming.
We find this chapter to be a very instructive chapter. In fact, I strongly urge you to go through this chapter carefully. But we find that Paul told the Paul told the, uh, captain of the mask of the ship that they shouldn't leave that port called Fairhaven. We find that in the verse 10 and verse 11 There. But man with the so-called expert, the, the centurions, the master of the ship, the owner of the ship, the so-called expert decided that.
Pause ministry does not need to be heed and we find the church goes through states like that and then after that they got in trouble the the storm came. Now I'd like to go down to verse 19. When the storm came they were tossed and fro. They have now less we sum up this here and the third day we cast out our own hands the tackling of the ship and when neither.
No stars in many days appears and no small Tempest lay on us. All hope that we should be saved was taken away. Now they were caught in this big storm because they were told not to sail. They did, according to pause, a warning to them. So what happened here? They tried to fix things on their own. They tried to even toss out things that are perhaps important, things like the tackling that helps sailing that ship. So it's somewhat like the truth that we have learned things that we are really required.
When there is problems and difficulties, we toss them overboard, trying to do things our way now. But here's something else interesting. I think we may see that in our lives too. When things seems to be very dark and when the storm cloud seems to get bigger and bigger, chances are we have forgotten the Lord's return. Here it mentioned the third day, the third day. When we see the third day, it was commented before. We should be reminded His death and then His resurrection.
But here is that and the third day we cast out with our own hands are tackling. Oh brethren, young people, you have problems too. Not just parents here. We all have difficulties, don't we? As we often comment in a crowded size, there are many come with heavy hearts. We have various problems. I know when we sit down and talk, everyone ask how you are, we all say well, but deep down.
We have our burdens, don't we? Well, do you feel that you and that storm and seems to be you try so hard and it doesn't seem to get any better. Here we have on the 3rd day forget about the resurrection. And then because of that it says here and when neither sun nor star in many days appear, and no small Tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved.
Was taken away. How sad do you find that your hope that you have the blessed hope we have to mention that don't we have the blessed hope that this world does not have the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Now not to prolong this chapter, but here just go down a bit. We'll find that throughout this incident, Paul was silent. So it's like the church ages paused, doctrine was forgotten, but the Lord recovered that for West India.
Back in the early 1800s, his doctrine was to recover. So we see here Paul began to speak. Paul told them that no souls would be lost, told them to be of good tear. So let's just go down.
Verse 25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheers, for I believe God that it shall be, even as it was told me. So they know from Paul that things will be better if they trust in the Lord. So in the 20.
27 Verse. 26 verse. How be it we must be cast upon a certain island? 27 But when the 14th night was come, as we were driven up and down in the Atria above midnight, the shipment deemed that they drew near to some country.
And found it, and founded 20 fathoms, and where they had gone a little further they sounded again and found it. 15 Fire them then, lest they should fall, should have fallen upon rock. They cast 4 anchors out of the stern, and wish for the day. Now what a beautiful picture here, when the apostles doctrine is heed, then that blessed hope has been recovered. When we see that, then we will see the sign of the Lord coming.
Rana's brethren, do we see the sign, the evidence that this return must be so eminent? Look at these, these lost souls in a sense on the ship, on the scale, a scale one there they get signed now saying they must be coming near. They say 20 fatal. Oh, they were getting closer to shore. And then as if that wasn't enough, there was a little bit more sign, 15,000. Are we not like that? The Lord has provided us with signs. Look at what's happening to us. Look at what's happening in this country.
Look at what's happening in Israel. Oh, and see what the word of God has to say to what these last days, as another brother put it, he said it's like watching a play. You know that a curtain is still drawn. You see that the actor and actress is all lining up behind the scene ready to go. The props are set. You know the play is going to begin. It just the curtain has been drawn open yet. Oh, do we have that blessed hope? Let's be reminded, the blessed hope that in that moment is that quickly, in the twinkling of an eye, as our brother reminded us, we will be caught away forever with the Lord.
Second Timothy.
A very important verse in connection with what we are uh.
For the second Timothy one verse 9 and 10, who have saved us and called us with unholy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
But note, but he's now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and has brought life. And that should be incorruptibility there, incorruptibility to light through the gospel. Their brother Bruce mentioned there were certain revelations not known to the Old Testament Saints.
Yes, they were born again, but they didn't know the kind of body that they would have. They believed in a resurrection, but it wasn't until Paul received this revelation from the Lord in glory.
Uh, and administered it to the believer that we understand now that we have life for the soul and incorruptibility.
For the body.
Uh, as we have in our chapter.
So we have, uh, now we have a corruptible body. If the Lord doesn't come, we're going to pass through the article of death and the body will see corruption because we are sinners. That's the result of sin. That would never have been the case in the Lord Jesus.
But through the apostle Paul, we learned the type of body that the believer will have. It will be a body incorruptible, immortal. We have a, uh, an immortal body now, an immortal soul. I hope I didn't make a mistake there before. We have an immortal soul, but we have immortal body, but we're gonna have a body that is just like Christ.
Apart from the marks of his suffering, we're going to have a body that is perfectly, uh, like him. The salvation of our body we don't yet have. We have the salvation of our souls. So this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. But I just wanted to emphasize that point, that in Christianity we have so much more light that the Old Testament Saints did not have.
He did not have a life in resurrection as we have life more abundantly. He did not have, he did not have the assurance of what type of body he would have or uh, that uh, the body was going to be changed. The truth of the rapture was not known to the Old Testament saying, but now it has been revealed as our brother mentioned through the special ministry of the Apostle Paul.
So you could say then John following up on the verse you read that.
Life and immortality were not a new thing, not something that God hadn't thought of before, because his purpose in Christ is eternal. But the gospel has brought these things to life in a way that they weren't before. And so Old Testament Saints kind of saw that glimmer in ahead of them in the future and it sustained them. They live by faith and they had a hope and it took over their lives. As Hebrews 11 describes. We have it in a, in a, in a, just a bright.
Uh, manner that, that, uh, hardly compares with what was revealed before. So the question that we asked ourselves is, why doesn't it take hold of my life more day-to-day in a practical way?
This exercise before that death is swallowed up in victory. It says here that then shall be brought the pasta saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory goes on to tail death, whereas I single grave, whereas thy victory a sting of death and sin and the strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord Jesus rose from the dead. That was victory over death, but it's not apparent yet that death has been swallowed up in victory.
When the Lord Jesus comes and He calls out of death all those that are His, and it's going to be manifest that He had that victory 2000 years ago and He went into that for us, and that would not hold Him. If they could not hold Him who was our substitute, they cannot hold us who have been associated with Him. And when He comes like the Lord Jesus rose again and had an incorruptible body, that's what's going to happen to all those that are His. You give it us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We're going to have incorruptible bodies just like unto His body, and He's gone into glory now, and He has a glorious body, and that's the body we're going to have to the body of glory like unto His own.
That quotation, death is swallowed up in victory, is from Isaiah, and it's a passage that takes up Israel's restoration in the coming days, though through trial and tribulation. We know that tribulation is going to be for seven years. And so it might bring in the thought too, that upon that time when we're changed and our and we have bodies like his and we're caught up to be with the Lord, then it's going to commence that time.
For the complete fulfillment of that scripture.
Sometimes, perhaps we speak a little bit too.
Sure, what adjective to use, but like we've got it all figured out and like it took us 5 or 10 minutes when we sort of when we when we feel we understand the sequence of events and the counsels of God. But it's by comparing Scripture with Scripture that you can convince yourself that what you hear in meetings like this and teaching is really the truth of God, as Steven said as an example of that in Isaiah 25.
It connects this passage is spoken by the prophet Isaiah in connection with the introduction of that wonderful Kingdom which will be introduced by judgment, which the Lord will head up. But in our chapter here, there's this word in verse 53 or 5054. So when this corruptible shallow put on incorruption, and this mortal shallow put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written.
And so it's by comparing scripture with Scripture, New Testament passages like this that you can build in a solid scriptural way.
The scripture explaining scripture that aha, the resurrection of the just of the Saints must take place at that time introductory to that thousand year Kingdom. It's not enough for you to just accept it because Steve Stewart or or John Kemp or any of the rest of us say it. It gives a good stability to your soul and and a good clear conscience before others as you speak of the truth if you've traced it through yourself and have convinced yourself from the Scripture.
Comparing scripture with scripture that you have an outline of sound truth and of the events that are soon to come upon us, in our case for great blessing.
It's the word that perhaps the time is nearly over here before we have to adjourn verse 58, which we all, I'm sure, are familiar with and have enjoyed it countless times. It's really an exhortation of the apostles.
Isn't it? Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable.
Always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as.
As you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. What an encouragement this verse is. And uh, sometimes I've illustrated it in this way. Every boy and girl knows what a compass is. Uh, there's one leg of the compass which is stationary, doesn't move. It's steadfast, unmovable. The other leg of the compass every boy and girl knows.
It reaches out as wide as possible and makes a circle.
You have to have one leg, uh, established there or else it's not going to work now.
I believe that it's so important to grasp this truth, especially for the young people who have a desire to take the glorious gospel out to the lost around us. Move out from the assembly where you are gathered scripturally to the name of the Lord. You don't have to leave the true divine ground of gathering to preach the gospel. The Lord has brought you into a most favored place.
The greatest privilege.
That you have in this world to be gathered according to the word of God, to the name of the Lord Jesus in the midst. There's only one Lord's Table in Mount Tabor, not 2.
Uh, scripturally gathered, uh, and we need to remember that first it is the holy priesthood giving the Lord his proper place in worship. Then the royal priesthood follows that. That's what we have in the end of the verse, always abounding in the work of the Lord and how much work there is for young people, for every one of us to do.
We live in a world that is perishing, we're on the threshold of the Lord's return and souls are all around us and we have liberty to preach the gospel and to spread the gospel everywhere by His grace. Let us remember first, be steadfast in the assembly and the truth that God has given to us, of gathering to His name, and then go forth with all the energy possible to reach.
The lost with the gospel. Of course, the work of the Lord entails more than just preaching the gospel. It may be in visitation, it may be in, uh, comforting a sick St. or a helping one that is in trial. But every one of us have a work to do for the Lord, especially the young people. I think of their energy.
Uh, sometimes we think, uh, well, we need, uh, activities, we need, uh, some sort of sports so the, uh, young people can, uh.
Burn off their energy. Well, I wouldn't say a word against that, but if you go out with the gospel and trap the streets and reach souls, you'll get lots of exercise, always abounding in the work of the Lord and you'll get blessing to your soul as well. So I just wanted to make those few comments. I hope that are taken in the right way, that we are gathered on scriptural ground and.
Service flows from worship, not the other way around.
Uh, some people say, oh, you are putting, uh, SER, uh, you are putting worship above service. I don't think the Scripture explains it that way, but there is an order in Scripture that is first worship Godward, then service man word. So that's what the apostle, I think, uh, may be bringing before us in this, uh, beautiful verse. Our labor is not in vain in the Lord. You may not see many results.
Leave that until the judgment seat of Christ. Don't count your converts before you get to heaven because you'll count too few. Leave the results with the Lord, but preach the gospel, uh, the instant in season out of season as we have in Timothy, and the Lord will bless and He will give the increase. You cannot do it, but we are to be faithful with what the Lord has given to us.
I could just add 1.
Glenn Johnson included and as part of the work of the Lord, and I agree with what he said, but that's one thing that I want to add in prayer.
I was talking to one of the dear older sisters, not that old, I should say, local sisters here in that table. And I thank her for inviting us all to the conference. And she said I didn't do anything. And I said I'm sure you must have prayed a lot worse, and I'm sure she did.
No, prayer is the work of the Word, and there isn't one of us who can say that we can't do that, the sisters included.
Very important.
The 318.
Our eyes behold the Raptor. Houston Restful. Very good.
I don't know.
Uh, OK.
I know it's well. I'm good experience.
And I get into that.
I need to go.
And everything else.
And Crystal.
You're taking all of your time. Whoa. Oh my God.
Montana can follow up on the party.
But I'm going to get a case to go to your place, he proved to us at that time.