
Duration: 57min
Children—Dan Weeks
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Testing 1-2 Three it works.
Good morning.
I would like, uh, all of these white seats up here to be filled with children or somebody who's at least less than 21. All right? If you're sitting in the back row and you're a children, come sit up here so I can see your lovely face and be encouraged.
That's better.
My heart is all a flutter, you know, Because, uh.
I've GI been given the opportunity to tell you about the Lord Jesus and I've lived for so many years and, uh, still I'm at lack for words sometimes. And so when I see happy faces and, uh, bright eyes, it encourages me.
To have some things to say. Now some of you know me a little bit. I like to sing and we have all these lovely short handbooks passed all out. Umm, let me get my Bible here for a second.
There's sometimes we know songs by heart, We know some songs by heart. And because we're young, a lot of us are young enough that we can actually learn things quickly. Well, that's not the notes I'm looking for.
There is a brother named Bauman. Anybody know a brother named Bauman? He's with the Lord now. He used to work with Indian kids.
And he liked to sing this song with them. It's a very simple song. It has only several words in it. And one of the words that we sing a lot is Hallelujah. Do you know this song? Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Ye the Lord. That's right. OK. Now I'm going to do what he asked you to do. And when the girls sing Hallelujah, they're supposed to stand up. So all the girls sing Hallelujah.
And all the boys sing Praise the Lord. And when the boys sing Praise the Lord, they have to stand up and the girls sit down because they're not singing. Does that make sense?
OK, so I'm going to go through this one. And you just all stay seated. And then we're going to get into it. And the girls rise up when we sing Hallelujah, and the boys rise up when we sing Praise Ye the Lord. OK, it gets a little tricky in the middle.
Are you ready? I'm going to sing it once, just so that you all know, because I know you can learn things quickly. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord.
Are you ready? OK, now the girls got to stand up when we sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
Praise ye, the Lord.
Praise thee, the Lord. We didn't do too well on that one. The guys just started to sit down the second part. So in order to get it straight, we're going to sing it again, all right.
Let's go, girls. Hallelujah.
Praising the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye, the Lord.
Praise ye, the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord. Good. Well, hopefully we're all getting awake at this point.
I like to sing songs where people have motion to them. Sometimes we have kids over to our house. Just last year we had every Friday for four weeks. We had kids in the neighborhood and kids in the area out to our house and we sang songs. We like to sing this one. Everybody likes this one. You know this one. OK, let's stand up and sing.
Wide. Wide as the old.
I am the heavens of all.
It's behind my ears. My dear, my dear, my dear, my name is my dangerous run. I also wonder where I'm under these.
I as above.
Sea is my padded love.
I also unworthy.
Still am the style of his hair.
For his work teaches me that His love reaches me.
Good. I have so many things. I brought so many things. You know, I, I worry about talking and so I have to bring all these little props and I brought so many of them. I don't know if I'm going to have time to look at them all. But I noticed somebody took the clock away. So if I go over time, maybe you better give me your watch.
It's big enough that I can, I think I can read this all right.
We've only used up five minutes so we've got some more time to sing.
Umm, I have this song I like and the kids in my neighborhood know about it. It has the twinkly stars. Have you ever done that one?
Oh, not very many people, my daughter says. Yeah, nobody else. OK, it goes like this. He made the stars to shine, twinkle, twinkle. He made the rolling teeth. He made a mountain pie so high. And he made me humpty, humpty, humpty pump. And that is why I love him, because he bled and died, the Lord of all creations.
Became the crucified. We're going to sing it again and I want you all to you can stand up. We can do the motions. All right, I'm going to stand a little higher so you can see the motion. This is he made the stars to shine twinkle, twinkle. He made the rolling sea. He made the Mountain High so high and he made me pumpity, pumpity pump, pretty pump. And that is why I love him.
Because he bled and died, the Lord of all creation became the crucified. OK, you can sit down. And I always ask this question because I have to know, and this is a new crowd, and maybe you don't know and you have to tell me. What does this mean?
Can you tell me?
Yeah, I mean, you think that means the Bible? It says he bled and died.
Come on, do you know?
The Nail Prince. The Nail Prince. Prince in his hands. Hey, the Lord of All Creation. What's this?
The cross. That's right. They put him up on a cross. Why?
You can tell me.
Wait, wait, wait, and I'll get my microphone for you.
How come they put them on the cross?
They wanted him to die. They wanted him to die. They sure did. How come they wanted him to die?
Do I have to ask my own daughter?
Why did he want the Lord Jesus to die?
Because he said he was the king of the Jews.
That's that's what they put over the top, right over the cross. They said this is the king of the Jews. And Pilate said I don't appreciate that I'm the king here. I'm the guy that rules.
But you know why he died? Really. Why did God put him on the cross?
The father actually put him on the cross. Why did he do that?
Umm, 2 figurations. That's right.
Say it again, 2-3 questions so our sins could be taken care of, right?
He had to die to be a sacrifice.
For our sins on the cross. Anybody here a Sinner?
If you don't have your hand up, you're wrong.
We're all sinners. God tells us that in his wonderful book. I have one more. So this is an action song. We know this is everybody knows this story about David.
David And what was the man? What was the big guy?
Don't remember what was the name of the big guy? Goliath. Yeah, only a boy named David. Only a rippling. Only a boy named David but he could play and things. Only Aboriginal. Only a boy named David. But 5 little stones he took and one was going in the swing and the swing went round and round.
And one little store in the swing and sling went round and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and one. Let's go it up in the air. And the giant came tumbling down.
Good one, little stone. We're going to talk about some things that are big today and some things that are comparatively very small.
The big things are the things that God does, and the little things are the things that we have been allowed to do.
But before I talk very much, I've got to pray. I really have to. I need the Lord's help. So we're going to ask him for his help, that his name would be lifted up. And then there'd be, of all the things I have to say, you'd actually think of something when somebody asks you, well, did you have a nice Sunday school? You can say, yeah.
Actually learned something. And what did you learn? And you can say what you learned. OK, hopefully we won't cover so much that you can't learn something. So let's ask God's help.
Our Father, we come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Who, as we have already heard, had died on the cross for sinners. And we pray that your word would be made clear and that children here who do not know you yet as Savior would have an opportunity to come and accept you as their Savior and get to know you. And anyone who's not a child also would be struck with your light, the light of the gospel. We ask your blessing and your help our God.
In the name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.
No, I, uh, I've been thinking a lot lately.
About uh.
About light. Now we all know some things in scripture. There's a lot of scriptures actually that talk about light.
Let me show you something here. I took this.
What's that?
Yeah, it's a lease. Where do you suppose I got this lease?
Off a tree just out here in the back, I picked a leaf that had big leaves so that we could see it. Because some of you are sitting way far back and you might not know what it is. It's a leaf.
You know what? See this green stuff here? You know inside of the leaf? It's called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll. And this tree, this tree gets energy from the light of the sun. And so when the springtime comes.
The light comes and the leaves start to come out.
And they they get energy from the sun, yes.
Right when they get energy, it begins to turn green. You know what? Chlorophyll. I learned this because we have to study some of these things. Chlorophyll is very, very, very much like human blood. There's very little difference between chlorophyll and human blood, the substances that are in it. God has a marvelous thing. He's taken these leads and against the tree energy light does some wonderful things, some great things for us.
In fact.
You know, I when I was a little boy, we had, we had some clothes lines in the backyard.
My mom had a tea, a bar, a metal bar, tea bar in the back on one end of the yard, and then on the other end of the yard was another metal tea bar and about 6 lines, 6 heavy steel lines went from one end to the other. And then every day out in the dry Colorado sun, she would hang out the wash. Even in the winter she would hang out the washing because it was so dry out there, even though it was only.
35° or what you call two or three degrees Celsius. She would hang out the clothes and they would dry. Wasn't a problem. But you know, it wasn't just the drying. You know what the sunshine does? Have you ever got into a bed and it has fresh sheets that have been hung out? Have you ever smelled those sheets? Oh, it smells good. So fresh and so nice. You know what? That sun has come down and actually purified.
The sheet is come and taken more of this stuff off of that sheet that might be harmful to you just in the sunlight itself. Isn't that marvelous? God has an incredible amount of information in light, but what about light? You know I have.
I have a friend that lent me some here.
It makes me think of.
Makes me think of a story in the Bible I want to see if.
If you can, I have to find out how to get this open. Oh, here it goes.
What? Well, I don't. You know what?
This I I saw this in my trunk the other day. I said, what's it?
And my son says, well, that's, that belongs to the legend and, uh.
And it's a light. Yeah. Yeah, Well, it's a light. And I look inside and say, well, you know what that looks like? A quart halogen bulb from the headlight said no, dad, No, Dad, this is 1010 thousand candle power 15,000,000. Oh, 15,000,000 candle power. Wow, this is pretty bright. I wonder.
Uh, yeah, if I can turn it on.
Is what's wrong with you guys everybody?
15,000,000 candle power and they shined it on a building. It's not very bright in here. We got it a bit more like they shined it on a building in the dark. We were outside of the meeting room and they shined it on a big tall apartment building. Just lit up the whole side of the building. 10,000 candle power.
Whoa, how bright is a candle? Not very bright. Somebody tell me a story. Can you think of a story where there was a very bright light in the Bible?
Somebody think of a story. I can tell you where it's found. You can't think of it, I'll tell you where to find it and you can read it to us.
It's in Acts Chapter 9.
And I'm gonna get one of you kids who has a Bible return to Acts Chapter 9. You can read it to everybody who's the 1St that has it.
Acts Chapter 9.
Versus 3:00 and 4:00.
Here are the guys already already with it. Let me pull this up. Can you read it?
Why should stand up here?
And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly there shined round about him a light of heaven, and he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him so.
So. So why persecute Sammy? That's right. So we saw a light from heaven. How bright was that light? Did you read to me how bright the light was? Anybody remember he read it? Did you hear it?
How bright was the light?
How many candle power?
Does it say how bright it was?
Maybe I got the wrong play.
Maybe it's in?
Oh, I got I we we forgot to read the third verse.
So I wrote stuff down and didn't get the whole thing. The third verse, he journeyed. He came near Damascus. Suddenly there shined around about him. A light from heaven. All right, there's a light. It doesn't say how bright. Maybe it's in Acts 22. We won't go there because it takes too long. It says it's above the brightness of the sun. It was a very bright light.
And it struck Paul. It struck him so hard. Here he was, he hated Christians. He hated those people who believed in the Lord Jesus because he thought he was doing God's service. But he was in the dark actually. He thought he was doing God's service by taking these Christians and finding them up and putting them into prison because he thought they were doing the wrong thing. But then as he came.
And he was walking near Damascus, a bright light came down and it struck him.
So bright.
Something happened to Paul when that light hit him.
What did he say?
He felt in the earth. He heard a voice saying, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord?
You know what? He asked the question and answered the question in the same statement. He answered the question. He asked when he said, Lord, who art thou? Lord, what happened? The brightness of the light gave him understanding.
What is this book anyway?
It's survival, it's survival and it's a very bright, it has lots of light for our pathway.
Thy word is a light unto my feet.
A lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Thy word, let's say it together. Actually, I know a song. Now you're going to forgive me, because when I run across the song, we have to sing it.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and alive unto my heart.
Thy word is the Lance unto my teeth, and the light unto the light unto.
That was the best part of that song and I remember that God is very, it's very important for us to have that light lamp and that light.
In John eight, I'm going to look at John 8. Somebody can read it for me.
I want somebody to read verse 12 for me. John 8 verse 12.
Maybe I better read it myself. Just make sure we're getting it right.
OK, John 8 verse 12. You want to read it?
You can stand up so folks can see you.
And Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. That's right, that's good. I am the light of the world. He that falleth me shall not walk in darkness. You know, one day I had a a real big pain.
Oh, this is bad. And I prayed about it and it went away. So then.
It wasn't very long later I had this, this pain again. Oh, it's really bad.
And I prayed about it and it went away. But this Cape happened a little bit. Pretty soon it didn't go away. That boy, I better see the doctor. I think I better go see the doctor. And you know what? He he didn't know what to say, but.
It came out with, uh, one of these things.
We can't see it very well.
Yeah, yeah, I know what to do. I need 2 volunteers.
Uh, these two guys in the end here, OK.
I want you to hold this up. One guy on one side and one guy on the other. OK? I need another volunteer. OK, You.
Got to hold it high because folks can't see.
And you go behind here and point this light, OK on that thing.
You guys come forward all right now.
This is what the doctor saw.
MMM. He's looking and looking and, you know, he ended up taking a whole lot more of these things. I ended up I had a kidney stone. Now, what about this, this light? What does that remind us of, you know?
You hold the light a little higher and hold that higher, so you gotta hold it up there, yeah.
It reminds me that God can see into my heart. We already, we already quoted a verse here. The light is showing right through Mr. Dan's body. It was like this, OK, Now you can't see it this way. When you get the light on it, you can see it. It shows right through. And God sees into your heart, though, you know this. I'm just, you can't even see my heart in there because it's just an X-ray. It sort of goes through everything and it's looking for bones. And I don't understand how doctors can read this stuff.
They have to know exactly what each shadow means, right?
So we're gonna put this down and you can drop that. No, wait, no, go ahead and put it down. OK, good. Thank you very much. You wanna turn that thing off?
Does it go off? Oh, here we go. OK, Thank you. I got a verse we read about this X-ray. All right.
Umm, Second Corinthians.
We're gonna look in Second Corinthians.
We're gonna go to the, uh, 4th chapter of Second Corinthians.
And read.
The 3rd and the 4th verse of the 4th chapter of Second Corinthians.
And I want somebody to come up here and read it. All right. Anybody have it? You read before? Does anybody else have it? OK, don't see in there.
Come up here to the front and read that verse.
Let me stand behind here. All right, but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, of Christ, who is the image of God to shine onto them. That's a powerful verse. OK, thanks very much and you can go down.
This has been a real exercise to me. You know, one day I was praying in the in the prayer meeting.
And this verse came to me and I thought.
I thought, wow, Satan, it says the God of this world, and who's that? That's Satan. He's blinded the mind of them which believe not. Now I have all these people that I know that don't know the Lord Jesus, and I look at this first I say Satan has filled their minds with so much. He's blinded them to the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.
You know I have a a a neighbor.
We have it used to be two neighbors, but now there's only one-on-one side of us and we pray for them.
When Nancy was, umm, diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.
We went to the neighbors next door and the two of them stood there, and Mr. Bates was quite conciliatory.
So, you know, that's too bad. I But he didn't know really what to say. And Mrs. Fate said that I don't believe in a God that gives cancer to a mother with five children.
You know, it wasn't very long after that that Mister Bates found he had some troubles in his gallbladder. And they looked at it and looked at it and he got sicker and sicker and pretty soon found out that Mister Bates had cancer too. And we began to pray for Mr. Bates in this way.
That God would take the blindness that Satan has put into his eyes and take it away.
So that what's going to happen as soon as that blindness is taken away, what's going to happen? The light of the glorious gospel of Christ is going to shine in and come in it's light. We began to pray for Mr. Bates like that a little bit by little bit. You know, one day he was he was lying at home in the, in the.
In the family room there, their family room went to visit him and Nancy talked to him and he, he said, well, you know, a long, long, long, long time ago, I went to a camp and I used to, I used to teach Bibles school and Bible camp. And maybe a long, long time ago, I, I, maybe I know Jesus. You know, Mrs. Faith, she, she didn't want to deal with that very much.
Little bit by little bit, you know, one time I came home and Mr. Bates had been put into a palliative care.
Center and he was very, very sick. Palliative care kids means that you're about ready to die and they're trying to take the very, very best care of you they can. So he was in a palliative care center.
And I came home from work one night and Mrs. Bates was next door, and she walked over to me and said, I got to tell you the most amazing thing that's happening, Mr. Bates. Stan was in the front room of the palace's care center, and they began to Somebody came and they were playing the piano. And he said, Play me this little light of mine.
Let's sing it. This little light of mine. I'm going to let it die. It's little light of mine. I'm going to let it die and let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine. And she said, you know, he was really happy to, to, to, to hear that song. He was just putting his hands up and down and he was swinging around and he was so happy. I said, in my heart, I know what's happened.
I know what's happened. You know, you go to visit him in the palliative care center and you wouldn't see much. But then one day Alan went to visit him.
And I don't, I don't remember exactly what he said. Do you remember what he said?
Can't remember, but he acknowledged, he acknowledged that the Lord Jesus Christ was his Savior. Oh, we were so happy. We were so happy. But the darkness had coming off, had come off of his eye, and the glorious light of the gospel had passed in. Mr. Bates was saved. I know it.
And now what about Mrs. Faith here? This dear lady is next door to us, and she's talked to Nancy on the phone and she says, you know, I think that you are the only miracle I've ever seen in my life. If there's ever a miracle, you're a miracle.
And then a couple of weeks ago she had some, she had some lumps that she had to go see about too.
And it turns out that they don't think there's anything really terrible that they'll be able to take them out. It won't be a problem. And when Nancy talked through says, well, Nancy said, I, I was praying for you. He says, that's good. I'm I know God answering your prayers. So we're praying for Mrs. Bates that the blinders will be taken off.
And that she will begin to allow the glorious gospel of Christ to come inside.
Many children in our neighborhood have been touched with the gospel as we speak to them, and we know of one or two who have really accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. What is a wonderful thing? We have a little light, we try to shine it out, and God does marvelous things, not with us, but with His Word, right? I have, uh.
We're running out of time yet. No, no, we still got lots of time.
In here I have some funny things. You know, you don't see these things around anymore.
Pretty hard to see.
Can you see what's in here?
Yeah, OK, a street can can can you see what's in your?
Oh, electric poles.
A car, maybe a car. OK, it's pretty hard to see.
I found one of these in the at the Salvation Army.
It only cost me $5. I'm glad because I've never had one, you know? And I have a bunch of old slides and the kids had to see them all.
So this thing is a.
This is a slide. They don't have them anymore. They have they have a digital cameras and you can't you can't even see the image in a digital camera doesn't come out except unless you pro you can project it on a digital projector of some kind. But this you know, this reminds me of of another verse.
That God is going to bring to light certain aspects of my life. You know, if I know the Lord Jesus as my Savior.
When I get to heaven, I'm gonna understand a whole lot more about my life.
Than I do now and even as I look back, you know some of the some of the, uh.
I can look back on some of my life and I can sort of understand parts of it. Can you do that? God is working in your life right now.
And he's trying to.
Uh, he's trying to, you know what he's trying to do.
He's trying to make you like the Lord Jesus.
Did you know that?
So I want many children, many children to be like my son.
So you see, I have a. There's another one here.
When I get to heaven, God is going to help me with the light of his countenance. Let me somebody bring read First Corinthians chapter 4.
And verse five while I'm busy with this.
Anybody ready?
1St Corinthians 4.
And verse five, we are in 2nd Corinthians 4 before now in First Corinthians 4, verse five, I don't know I can get this down or not. We'll do the best we can.
Anybody got it?
You do you want to come up here and read it for me?
Therefore, judge nothing before the time until the Lord comes, who will both bring to to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart. Then each one's praise will come to from God. That's right, He's going to bring the hidden things to light. That's good.
You know, we have a trouble sometimes the judging things before we know what's going on, but when we get to heaven, everything is going to be brought out to the light. We're going to see what's right. Let me see if I can get this to go here. We're, uh, we're sort of guessing.
Uh, this one.
Uh, hey.
That's upside down. How do you like that?
You know, when you get to heaven, a lot of things are going to happen. This is a bit of Comic Relief.
Uh, you turn off those lights back there.
This is yours truly when he had hair.
So how many of us think we're going to be bald in heaven?
So when you get to heaven and you see me, I think I'm going to look like this.
I don't know.
But a lot more like trace, I think so, yeah.
Now there's uh.
I'm bringing this slide and it's hard to see a little bit. Let me see if I can focus it up.
Because it makes me remember something that happened a long time ago.
You know what this is?
Well, no, it's not. It's not very clear, is it? Even though we've got all the lights off. And yes, it's a motorcycle. This picture was taken in about 1973, which is a long, long time ago. And that guy in the motorcycle's named Dina Stern. He's a good friend of mine. And we used to ride a lot together. And I had a motorcycle, too. It was just like Paul's. Paul was riding a motorcycle when he went to your wedding, and I had a motorcycle like that.
But you know, right about that time in 1973, yours truly was praying pretty hard. I was saying, Lord help me to know exactly what you want me to do. Here I am, I'm 20 years old and I'm still not quite sure where I should go and what I should do. Please help me. In fact, I said do anything that's necessary in order to get me into line with what what your will is. You know what happened is 3 weeks or two or three right in the range of this picture.
I had a motorcycle accident.
I was riding along back from work. I was working for Dean. His dad in Rockford, IL being a gas station attendant, said well, this won't get me anywhere. Anyway, I was walking, we were driving back home to where Dean lived on my motorcycle and some guy came right across and he, he went through a stop sign and bang, I went into his back and I went over the top of that car and into a tree about 30 feet down the road, all in the air to begin with.
Well, my mom was in Denver and she came to the hospital where I was.
I don't remember the first four or five days, in fact.
I'm told my mother tells me that while I was in the hospital and in the operating room, they came and told her, you know, we almost lost your son.
We almost lost your son and he nearly died on the operating table. They were putting this big. See this thing, you know where they put that? I broke all the bones in these two legs and they took this thing, they put it right down inside of this bone so they wouldn't have to have me strung up for six weeks. So this went down inside. This is a femur, OK? It went right down inside the middle of the bone. They took a hammer and they.
Hammered it down inside of there after they sort of drilled a hole.
Now I still have it.
About, uh, six months later, they took it out, you know, and I still have it And the amazing thing it was straight when they put it in, but now if you look at it, it's curved. Why? Because the bone that God built, this is very, very hard, very, very tough deal. The bone that God built healed properly and bent this into the proper shape of the bone. Isn't that incredible? I still have, I kind of treasure this thing, God.
God was giving me a lesson. And here I'm telling you this because when you get to heaven, you have all these things that are going to come through your mind and you're going to see what the Lord was doing. What was the Lord doing? When I was in the hospital bed during those four days that I don't remember anything, one of the nurses came in and she was telling my mother, you know, they almost lost him in the operating table. And I was, I was there, too. And the nurse looked at me and I said, yeah, well.
Maybe that would have been for the best.
You know what? Mr. Weeks wasn't afraid of death. How come?
The light of the glorious gospel that Christ has entered into my soul.
I knew where I was going. What about you?
What about you? I got to, I got to ask this. You know, we're looking at an X-ray. We're saying God sees inside of you. We had a verse that said all has sinned and come short of the glory of God. Sin. You know what sin? Sin was defined by the law. The law defined the glory of God. We're all sinners and we came short of that glory came short, every one of us. You too.
Your center right. Who here hasn't sinned?
You know what, God is holy and he wants to have you in his presence. So he said, what am I going to do? I have all these wonderful people that I've that have grown up, that I love them. I want them to be with me. I'm lacking a companion.
So I'll give my son for the sin.
Gave the Son for the sin, you know. After this I went home and in my recuperation period.
I was, uh, I worked for a printer and then I went to printing school and I went to Montreal for 13 years and I printed so that God answered my prayer.
Remember, the prayer was the prayer was God. Do anything it takes to put me in the position you want me to be in.
So for 13 years, that was God's position for me.
God knows.
Exactly what's going on in the light of His Word tells us how you know what's the light on that motorcycle makes you think of a verse in the Bible.
There's a light that's on the front of the motorcycle and it's showing the way. A verse in the Bible in Psalms 119.
We sang it already.
OK, I don't think you know. Don't raise your hand if you don't know. It's only my daughter. The only one that knows. Come on. Are you guys? Am I so boring that you can't remember we sang this song?
That's right, thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. That's good. OK? That's what we need is the word of God to guide us.
You know, yesterday I was driving, uh.
I'm going to turn this off yesterday, Alan, and I know it was two days ago. Alan and I were driving home from from work and I got to remember to turn this off. Here we go.
And along came uh.
Along came a civic that was all dressed up.
You know what I mean dressed up a Honda Civic dress up. It had fat fenders and it had wide tires and it was all black and it had all that all the the uh the details and everything taken off and it really looked cool right It looked cool and it went by and a verse came to my mind it uh.
Uh, let me see now I can't remember. The verse came to my mind which is the lust of the eye.
MMM, the lust of the eyes. That's what God calls. When you see something going by and you say woo, that's cool.
Or if you look at someone's house, say, whoa, I wish I could. You know, that's the lust of the eye, isn't it?
You wish maybe you could have some of that.
The lust of the eye we we have we have a one for things. God has put that one inside of us. But I'd like to bring out another verse. You want to turn those lights on Gloriana while you're there.
So we won't all be in the dark again.
Matthew 6, verse 22 and 23.
Talked about.
Eyes. Uh-oh. My time is up.
And I had one more illustration.
But we're gonna go fast here.
The light of the body is the eye. Therefore, if the eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. If thy eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness? The light Here we're talking of light. The light of the body is the eye. Now why did I relate it to?
The lust of the eye.
I wanted to understand about.
What we see and what we desire.
The light of the body is the eye if I be single.
My whole body shall be full of light.
When we look at something and we want them, that's the desire we have, right? A desire that we have deep down inside. But if our eye be single, if that desire that we have is single minded for Christ, what's going to happen? Thy whole body shall be full of light. We're going to have understanding, understanding of the word of God. We're going to have understanding for our pathway. We're going to have understanding and our bodies, our lives.
Will be full of light.
So let's relate that to what we see.
What do we desire?
If I be single.
My whole body be full of light now the next thing it doesn't give if I be double it says if I I be.
There's a black and a white here, a black and a white. Does it give us a space for walking with one foot with the Lord and one foot in the world?
It's I I be single.
Thy whole body shall be full of light. It's thy eye. Be evil here. 1 foot in the world, one foot with Christ. Are we going to get very far in our life? No. Our Is our whole body going to be full of light? No, it said.
Therefore, the light that is going to be darkness. How great is that darkness? That one more quick illustration. You don't mind, do you? What's this? It's a candle.
There's some verses about candles.
Somebody tell me a verse about candles. D Tell me a verse about candles.
Yeah, that's the one I thought of too. That's very good. That's in Matthew 5. We're going to look at it fast.
Verse 15 and 16 Let your light show and even let do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candle stick.
Oops, it's going to light. This is what this is. It's a Candlestick.
And to give us light unto all that are in the house, if we came in here.
In the middle of the night and all the lights were off and we lit this candle, we'd probably get more benefit out of it than we did out of that 10 million candle power light that we turned on when it was light, right? The light dispels the darkness, doesn't it? Now, if God has given you a light, this little light of mine, I'm going to let it. Do you remember that?
This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. God has given you a light. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, God has given you a light. All right, now I have a very quick story. I have to tell this story about the bee. Do you know about the bees, these tiny little creatures? Last year in the United States, you know, they lost 25% of the bee population.
These tiny little creatures. You know what Einstein said, If the bees died, mankind would be finished on Earth in four years.
Last year we lost 25% of the bee population. God tells us he's chosen the small things and the weak things and the things which men despise, God has chosen.
That's me.
That's you.
This is the light that God has given you. It may not be 10,000 or 10 million candle power. It may not be the brightness of the sun, but it's the light that God has given you and me.
I need about 6 volunteers. I'll just pick them here. I want you to come up. Come here. Yeah. OK. Keep you guys come and you guys come through. I don't know if I won for everybody. Hold it up high. OK. Hold that up high.
Let everybody see it.
Look at. I've got a whole bunch of them.
I've even got one more.
Uh, this guy in the back? In the back. In the back, yeah.
OK, what are we reading here? Thank goodness, joy, love, long-suffering, gentleness, endurance, meekness, temperance. Is having a light to shine. Is it only preaching the gospel? You know what? When you show forth the fruits of the Spirit, your light is shining. Obedience, gentleness, long-suffering, love, joy, faith, goodness, endurance, meekness. That's a light. It's a light in this world. And you know what? You know what? It's a glorious gospel of Christ.
If you show that with the faith and the love that the Lord Jesus has given you, if you display that with grace to those who are around, you're displaying Christ and it's a light to this dark, Dark World. Don't walk with one foot in the world and one foot with Christ. Display these lovely lights. Isn't it a wonderful contrast?
We just have this. It's not bright, but it's something that God uses because God is powerful and just like those little bees.
That he uses just like those little bees that he uses to display his power of feeding the world. These little lights can be displayed to bring salvation to men and women and boys and girls everywhere. OK.
Let's sing it one more time. This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. This little light is mine. I'm going to let it die. Let it die.
Let it shine, let it shine. OK, good. I want everybody to stand up because they're standing up and we're going to pray.
So that they won't feel embarrassed. Now we're all standing. Let's bow our heads, our God and Father.
We have learned a little bit about the glory of your life and the power of even just the sun.
But we have learned a little too far about the power of the little light that you've given us to display to the world. We pray, O God, that thou will give us power to look and to walk and to display that light that you have given. And we pray for any soul here today who is not saved, who has not received the benefit of the light, the glorious gospel of Christ. We pray, O God, that you would remove the blinders that Satan has put in there.
That their eyes would be open and the glorious gospel of Christ, the light would shine into their soul and they would be saved. We pray it in the name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.