(Spanish with English translation)

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We see #18 in the back of the book.
We're running out of. That's what I'm going to do about.
Anoche ET Alamo emuna fogartin.
Last night we were at a bonfire at the end of Huevo and there was fire there at a Los Hermano Calenta that the brethren there could warm up a little bit.
And we see that fire extinguished rapidly.
Spiritual so we could now speak of a special fire in Los Angeles and teochew like we have enacted chapter 28 the essential.
Acts 28.
Este fuego Comenzo pro not terminal to La Villa terminal and we see that this fire started.
And has not been extinguished yet because this is a an eternal fire.
First verse of UMM Acts chapter 28 through verse 5.
And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Nolita.
And the bar barbarous people show showed us no little kindness, but they kindled the fire and received those everyone because of of the present rain and because of the cold. When people had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a Viper out of the heat, and hastened on his hand. And when the Barbarians saw the venomous piece hang on his hand.
They said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer, and though he had escaped the sea, yet vengeance sufferers not to live.
And he shook up the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.
Este cuevar mano ES El cuello que nosotros de Nemo cacere and este Mundo oya. And this kind of fire is the fire that we should make in this world.
We see that the Barbarians.
They made a fire para calendar Aqua sommere que elano la Ponte Pablo.
To to to warm up those men that were coming out with the Apostle Paul.
And we see that the Apostle Paul himself gathered a bundle of chicks.
In order to increase the fire because of the cold and Romino La Vivora there came out of Viper in Epico and fastened on his hands.
And they were waiting to see if he would fall down.
Dad, it's saying over something else there's a work of Satan.
Every time we want to do the will of God, we have some kind of test of time.
He shook off the beast, so he took the fire.
And that.
Was used to increase the fire to warm up the others.
And laid them on the fire. There came a Viper out of the heat, and hastened fastened on his hand.
So they were hoping he would.
Pull down debt. That did not happen.
Because the Lord was with him.
But the same way we today should make fire.
To warm up ourselves.
Para calentara a Los Hermanos.
And every one of us here should bring up sticks so that we can, umm, warm up our brethren.
That's why the Apostle Paul did.
And that's why I said this fire has not been umm, has not been umm put out yet basically of weather first four como Los valvaros vieron la vivo la corgando de sumano de Sierra Los unos a Los otros Pierre demente tembresomicira.
Verse four among the Barbarians saw the venomous B is tangled on his hand. They said among themselves, no doubt this man is murderer, though that he has escaped to see he had vengeance suffereth not to live.
The world looks for a way to accuse us.
But we have the word that says if God be for us, who against us?
So verse five says an issue capabilities into the fire and felt no harm.
Muerto de repente mas aviende perado mucho viciendo eviendo que de ningun model.
So in verse six we have Halbius. They looked when he should have swollen.
We're falling down debt suddenly. But after they had looked a great while and so no harm comes to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a God.
He overcame evil with good.
And that is what we should do.
And we know that the fire we had last night has, umm, been put out.
But here we have an internal fire that doesn't end. It's a Nemo Casaya de Puerto.
And we should make an effort.
To warm our revenue.
And I can say that.
Us Dominican brethren they came, or Elise and myself were a little bit cold and so was my wife.
But we have warmed ourselves with you, Romano San Lucas.
Luke, chapter 10.
Persico Trenta verse 30 as a 20 single through 35 of our Letterman.
And Jesus answered and said a certain man went down.
From Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him, and departed, living him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain place that way, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. Likewise the Levite, when he was at the plague, came a look on him and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was, and when he saw him he had compassion on him.
And went to him, and bound up his wounds, and pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast.
And brought him to an end, and took care of him. And on the Morrow he departed. He took out two pens and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him, and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again I will repay thee.
Cinemos Mucha Erosaciones Inventor Vertico Laido. We have a lot of illustrations in these verses that we have read.
It says that this man was coming down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
Jerusalem was placed in blessing. Jericho signifies the world.
And we see how this man came down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
It is very dangerous when our brethren go down.
They would fall into.
Umm, they'll go into dangerous places like this. Man did these mano de la roni de una biz, and it says that he immediately fell among thieves.
We stripped him of his raiment, wounded him.
And they left him half dead.
When our brothers and sisters go down, fall down from their position into the world, Prodigo makes me think of the prodigal son.
They did not want to have communion with his father, he said.
And went to umm a set of a Park Place, a separate place and he also had trials like this.
We see in verse 30 that it says that they stripped him.
And they let him have that. If one doesn't win it, that person is a is a person without Price de Perillo. And when a person is dead, he's lost.
Nosotros ETA momento vivo noviciano. We the Christians are half alive, iguano pasamo de Mundo poquigador mimos and when we passed from this world, because we, we umm, are asleep now.
Then we're completely alive.
And death is no longer umm.
It, it doesn't, uh, anymore Reign over us. Verse 31.
And by chance there came down a certain place that way, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
This priest is the type of the law.
Of religion. I'm sorry.
And when he saw him have that, he said, Oh no, that is not one of us. So he left him.
This is Yasim is monerita gigandos TER Cala que lugar eviendo les SE Paso de gulado. So we have the same thing in verse 32. And likewise Levite when he was at the plaze came a look on him and passed by on the other side. He's a type of the law, firo de Nemo otro queces a Maritano enabled, but we have another one, masuna maritano que transitava bi niendo cerca del vie viendo de cuevo vido a misericola, but a certain Samaritan.
Teacher And it came where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion on him.
It's just some people as a youngsters. He's a type of the Lord Jesus.
And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an end, and took care of him.
Romano Meteor. Samaritano.
What do we see in this American?
We see him doing the work that the the two prior ones should have done.
Had no fellowship or no intercourse with the Israelites.
The Christians. The Christians have, umm, intercourse with everyone.
Even though we don't have the same ideals.
While a lot of the parties are called those scenarios.
Verse 35 And then tomorrow when he departed, he took out two pens, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him. Whatsoever that will spend us more, when I come again, I will repay these.
Not represent a lot of Milano de la de Gracia. These two plants would represent the 2000 years of this the dispensation of grace.
And beneficial de otro necesitado no vamo present. And anything that we do for the benefit of a person in need, we will not lose our recompense. Essex.
He will pay us according to his will.
Even though we should not do it because of it.
Romano pando podemos cuidados hermanos.
Depode demo Hermanos.
And it says in verse 34 that he bound up his wounds, and pouring in oil and wine, set him on his own beast, and brought him to an end and took care of him.
How good it is, brethren, to be able to take care of our brethren.
Manos de Los Radrone.
Queso de Mr. Ekorian Tones SUS les Leslie Holladiro Bay Yacht to Romiz, MO.
From verse 36 we have umm, a question which now these three thinkers now was neighboring to him that fell among thieves.
And he said, he that showed mercy on him then said Jesus unto him, Go, go and do that likewise. So we have a lesson here for every one of us.
That we shouldn't make umm exception or of of of persons.
Vesicular lens ICSTI Ojo verse 38 dia contest yokendo intro emuna de ayuna mujer yamada Marta le recivio ESU Casa yeta de nio nermanica Maria la cueva cincondos nados Pierre de Jesus oya superabra.
This is imperial Marta cedritra Y mucho servicios a vivieniendo di SE senor no tienes cuidado que MI hermano Medea teresola.
Marta. Marta.
Pero una Cosa necesaria Y Marie escogola Buena par de la cuano de seraquita and it came to pass as they when they entered into a certain village and a certain woman needs. Martha received him into her house and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet.
And heard his word that Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him and said, Lord, do thou not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Meet her therefore that she helped me.
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, that were careful and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful, and Mary, Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.
Martha did a good thing by receiving the Lord Jesus into her house.
But she lost her recompense because she umm.
She was, umm, not happy with what she was doing.
It's my thought.
But when? When she spoke to the Lord about it.
Mucho servicio echo cuarenta sore viniendo di SE senor not tie enes with ado que merman Medea servicola.
When it says in verse 40, But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
Bid her therefore that she helped me.
The Lord is not looking so much into material things.
Although we haven't, we have material things first and then the spiritual ones.
Anyway, we see him admonish him, Martha in verse 41.
Martha, Martha, our careful and troubled about many things, verse 42 Says. But one thing is needful.
May have chosen the good part.
It has.
And beneficial It could be true that we may do many things, brethren, for the benefit of our of our brethren, and that is not a bad thing to do.
But we should not justify ourselves.
Before God with these things.
Capitol Roman Stewart says that we should present our bodies to God and And let's look for romance too. Romano dos Eunos Romes 12/1.
Room S 12 two says but BAE transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Essex Maria Villa.
Chosen the good part, which is.
Praise and worship.
And that's what we have done today, Worship the Lord Jesus.
And the Lord is happy with that because we have remembered him, His death, Anita.
Have announced that it's coming. We have spoken about what the bread means. Represents a total of survival, La Tierra. We know that the bread as a whole represents all the safe ones upon earth.
And the broken bread.
Represents that the Lord Jesus was.
Broken up for our 10.
It was a shame for me to ask for some brothers and sisters and I thought that they did not come to break bread today.
In Le Mans, Peru, there was an avalanche of dirt coming down from the mountain and only one brother that was inconvenient and died.
We'll get the idea of the Mingo Yell hermano nose, so come we go.
Because that day, it was Elora's day, and the brother that day did not, umm, did not gather.
And the brethren were that they gathered at the meeting room.
And the avalanche of third came, umm, somewhat like a meter from the place where they were gathered.
So only that brother that did not gather that was used not UMM was discussed on not to gather UMM and did not gather that they died.
Sunday is, umm, worldwide, the Lord's Day.
No Soto nozzle, no open demo cono simento Y non herculamo. Sometimes we lose sight of it and we do not come to remember him.
And he will.
Call us into account for this.
Sometimes we're eating too much honey.
And that is not good for us.
Like we have in Proverbs chapter 25.
Verse 27.
It is not good to eat much honey, so for men to search their own glory, it's not glory.
Comer mucha mierna sueno nie buscala la Gloria esgoria.
It is, you know, that we can eat a little bit of honey.
Because God is merciful.
And he knows that if we don't eat a little bit of honey, we cannot live basically as he says like in verse 16.
As thou found honey, it so much as is sufficient for thee, is how we filled there with and vomited.
This gajas de la Miele como locate vasta no SE aquar to the quetiarte de vomit.
If we eat a lot of honey, it will be bad for us.
But we can eat a little bit of it.
Sometimes I give an example that is a simple example, but it's a practical 1.
Although it has a very wide meaning in the word.
The Lord allows us to have, umm, one wife, one sister wife.
If we want another one.
It's like eating a lot of honey.
This scripture has.
A very wide meaning.
So I'm just giving that simple one which is not that simple.
There was a man lost his two eyes because he ate too much honey, and there was another man.
That ate a little bit of honey.
And his eyes were open.
Invoice demolomer Capitola Rosso in judges with the cuisine Catherine judges 14. We see demand that lost his two eyes.
Cadorsevicolo siesta at a vicicolo. Nueva charges 14 from verse 7 through 9.
And he went down and talked with the woman, and she pleased Samson well. And after her time he returned to her to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion. And behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carpets of the lion. And he took her up in his hands and went on eating, and came to his father and mother. And he gave them, and they did eat, but he told, he told not them, that he had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion.
It's the hombre de la Palabra.
Que que cojola mien ensudos mana. It's the word says that he took the honey in in both of his hands.
Like a person that likes to eat a lot, like we say in my country.
So he went this way, eating on the road.
Capitol yesterday in chapter 16, verse 21.
For the Philistines took him and put out his eye, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass, and he did green in the prison house.
Demos Comoro finite Dozo. So we see how the Philistines took out his his two eyes.
And we know why he has told his parents. This woman is pleasing to my eyes. Take her.
To be my wife and she was a philistine.
This case is this was coming from God.
But he did not keep her.
He went on looking for more women.
So we see that the first time it took out his eye.
So he lost his twice for eating too much honey.
First Samuel 14.
Vasicolo anticipate.
Verse 26 at A Vericolo antinuev to verse 29.
And when the people were coming to the wood, behold, the honey dropped, but no man put his hand to his mouth. So the people feared the oath, But Jonathan feared not when his father charged the people with the oath, heard not when his father charged the people with the oath. Wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand into his mouth, and his eyes were enlightened.
Then answered one of the people and said, Thy father strictly charged the people with an oath, saying, cursed be the man that eateth any food this day. And the people were faint.
They said, Jonathan, my father has troubled the land. See, I pray you all mine eyes have been enlightened because I tasted a little of this honey.
So this man, this man's eyes were enlightened because because he tasted a little bit of honey.
So I said in the beginning that the Lord allows us to eat a little bit of honey.
But sometimes we're not, umm, happy with just a little bit.
And we want to eat more of what is already enough.
Last part of verse 29.
CI pray you how my eyes have been enlightened.
Uno pezzioso poquito de mien. One man lost his eyes because he ate too much.
This man's eyes were enlightened because he ate a little bit. That's the mercy of God.
La Costa. Materially, this has to do with material things.
And there is danger when we stop serving the Lord.
In order to get, umm, more of the things of this world.
Because everything here will stay behind.
I myself like, have liked to umm, lean on things of this world.
And I'm conscious that I will take none of it.
I don't have any sufferings for it. I haven't taken nothing into from the religious. A canal.
I have taken nothing into this world and I have no right to take anything out of it.
The word of God says that let it be sufficient for us if we have what to eat and what to cover ourselves with.
It's sometimes hard to.
Follow that verse now more capital says First Samuel chapter 6.
Verse 7 as a Vecchico lo katosi 3. Verse 14.
Primera, Samuel says.
First Samuel 6 seven through 14 Now therefore make a new card, and take two Milstein, on which there had come no yoke inside the kinds of the card, and bring their their cops home from them. And take the ark of the Lord, and lay it upon the cart, and put the jewels of gold which he returned him for a trespass offering in the coffered by the side thereof, and send it away that it may go.
And see, if it goes up by the way of his own cost to Beth Shemesh, then he has done us this great evil. But if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us, it was his chance that happened to us. The man did so, and took two meals trying, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home. And they laid it, laid the ark of the Lord upon the cart and the coffer, with the mice of gold and the images of their hemorrhoids.
And the kind took the straight way to the way of Beth Shemesh, and went along the highway low in as they went, and turned out aside to the right hand or to the left. And the Lords of the Philistines went after them until the border of Benjamin. And they of feshermen were reaping their weed harvest in the valley, And they lifted up their eyes and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. And the cart came into the field of Joshua the Beshamite, and stood there where there was a Gray stone.
And they claimed the wood of the card, and offered the kind, the burnt offering unto the Lord.
The nemos hermano mucho que de si de ta vitura de parano Soto. Yeah, there's a lot to say about this scriptures and it has a a lot of illustration illustrations for us. Erando waka hovind we see that there were two young cows.
We don't know if there were tea on cows. The Bible doesn't say it. Puerto Hugo.
But it.
But in verse seven we see that.
No yoke had come on them.
And they put a yoke on them.
And they, they put the young cows, umm, they locked the young cows behind.
The ark that was carrying that was being carried.
And the arc in which the Ark of the Lord was being carried.
Yeah, queos, don't be roicier on a tip, Puerto mando dos Marca que quia van unciero de la El arte Caro Enzo.
In Sucasa, Superteros says that they took two meals, kind and tied them to their cart and shot up their cows at home.
Los veera la Casa encegrado Nos representa nosotros que de vemo de discipline la Casa. The calls at home is a representation of what we should do.
Being disciplined in or correcting our children at home.
Not correcting them elsewhere, not correcting them at school or on the streets.
They laid the ark of the Lord upon the card and the coffer with the might of gold and the images of their hemorrhoids.
Verse 12 And the kind of the straight way to the way of measurement, and went along the highway low end as they went, and turned other side to the right, N to the left. And the Lords of the Philistines went after them unto the board of Bechamel.
As we're there, bro la ponena caminar de janos avian donde Riva and so we see these two young cows, they have never put a yoke upon them. They take away the coughs from them and they put them to walk and they did it. This cows didn't know where to go.
So we see them lowering as they went.
And we are that way also in the wake of the Lord, When?
When the Lord pushes on on a on on a path, we are also lowering.
And I don't think that's a bad thing.
We see the counts that they didn't turn neither to the right hand nor to the left.
They were low in because they had left their cows behind.
There are no Venice here on HL Visio a la Guerra Viejo encommendala. They did the work for which they were taken, taken for verse 313, verse 13. And they of Fathomish were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley, And they lifted up their eyes and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. And the court came into the field of Joshua with a beshamite, and stood there where there was a great stone.
And they cleaved the wood of the cart, and offered the kind of burnt offering unto the Lord.
Vemos hermano como como esta la California iciera unservicio Pierre. We see, brethren, have this kind, this chaos accomplished a faithful service.
And then they were sacrificed. They were killed.
Eat with a eme fuego una Lena pigeon and put on the fire with the wood that.
Umm, that they had taken from the cart.
So that's, umm, that's what I'm saying. They accomplished a perfect service.
The Lord Jesus.
In order for his work to be perfect.
For our sake.
And we while working in this world.
Work will not be so perfect.
Because we are in the presence of standards.
But going from this world.
The world, no longer the sin, does not longer reign over us.
So these two kinds, these two cows made it work, and we see that no yoke has been put on them before.
And they took the art to the appointed place.
In order to conclude another scripture in Matthew chapter 26.
He's asking if there's enough time.
As well as 2/5/15? Is that the time?
Mateo Venti sector and I say Matthew.
26 verse 36.
Then cometh Jesus with them into a place called Sethimony, and says unto the disciples, Sit ye here while I go and pray Yonder.
And he took with him Peter and the two sons of 70, and began to be sorrowful, and very heavy. They said He unto them, My soul is exceedingly exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.
30 Here and watch with me. And he went a little farther, fell on his face, and prayed, saying, Oh my father, if it, if it is possible, let's let this stop. Pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou will. And he cometh unto you the disciples, and find us them asleep. And says unto Peter, What could you not? What could you not? Watch with me one hour. Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It went away again the second time and prayed saying Oh my father, if this cup may not pass away from me.
Except I drink it, they will be done. And he came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy, and left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words.
A quit tenemos hermanos pota eludracion de la palabra de Rios queuedano. Here we have another illustration, brethren from the Word of God that may be able to help us.
Of the Lord could not wait to not, umm, wait with Him, to watch with Him for one hour and the moments that were most difficult.
Moments of agony.
But what caused UMM is caused to my attention.
In verse 36 is the position that the Lord is asking them to wait for him. He says sit ye here.
Centaos Aki Azaga Ajiore is a city here while I go and pray Yonder.
It is not hard to be one hour.
But they did not wait for him. They went to sleep.
That is the condition of brethren nowadays.
We are asleep.
Ibinos SU disciplos E dos ajoder miendo Y diva pedrasino base podido velar comigo unora. Any comments to the disciples and finders? Find them asleep and save them to Peter. What you not watch with me? One hour, one hour.
They couldn't wait for the Lord Jesus for one hour and his moments is Ave.
What would you say?
We have been umm negligence from their part bueno vamos avepo quinoa esperano, and we will see. We're going to see why they could not wait. They cannot watch with him client. I wouldn't Tauno verse 41.
Belayora para.
40 One watch and pray they enter not into temptation is willing, but the flesh is weak. He went away again the second time.
I'm afraid saying, Oh my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I accept, I drink it, I will be done. And he came and found them asleep again.
Do you know why they could not wait? They cannot watch with the Lord Jesus one hour.
Sirissek porqueta vangieno de la Cosa de Mundo. It is said that because they were full of the things of this world.
1 is full of the things of this world. One falls asleep.
You'd say, well how come they cannot wait for watch with him one hour?
I ask the same question. Unaudora is La Vida enquiries. The police give you a fashion.
One hour is the time every believer has after he comes to the Lord Jesus.
Maybe 70 or 80 years.
And we may think well there were negligent, that they could not watch only one hour, but one hour is the time that we have here in this world.
And that is, that is the time that we have umm and we.
Many times fall asleep as them.
My country, we say that the brother that praise, umm, the praise praise does not fall.
Because the brother, that phrase wants to make the Lord participate of his life.
When a brother wants to send savage secular Conde de senor, he won't, he won't he Do you know he wants to hide himself from the Lord?
He doesn't want the Lord to know it. He hides himself, I say.
We cannot hide ourselves from the Lord in any way.
But it is a hard thing to do when if you kneel down and ask the Lord help me, that I want to sin.
When we want to depend on the Lord.
We want him to know everything that we will be going to do.
I was here four years ago in the in the house with my daughter and something happened that I will always remember.
Gemini and myself, umm, Gemini is the husband of my wife and myself. We're going, we're leaving umm, towards, umm, the Montrose Conference and we're umm, putting things together very fast.
And we were we were going very fast and I was going with my two younger, umm, son and daughter a momento de salir and when we're when we were going to about to leave.
I put my bag up on the roof of the car and we forgot it.
But when we're about to leave, I say to them, let's pray before we leave.
And at that moment a lady came knocking on the car and I got scared so we went.
We've, we've, uh, brought down the, the, the window of the car.
She was saying, Sir, your your bag is on the top of the roof of the car.
He had my Bible, he had the passport.
We had the the tickets, the airplane tickets.
So we just said, umm, thank you Lord sisa liamo inora Alamo. So if we had less and had, uh, we had not prayed.
We would have. We would have been suffering.
We would have lost all our documents.
So we.
Umm, we know that the brother. That phrase doesn't make mistakes.
There is vessel is a new villa.
Three times the Lord went to pray, and when he came back he found his disciples asleep.
Nuevo La.
He left them and went away and prayed the third time saying the same words.
Then cometh he to his disciples, and said unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest.
Behold the hours at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. De venos hermano de de nodal mirino and cuanto la Costa de tenor. We should not go to sleep rather as as to the thanks of the Lord.
Well, they were having was a physical sleep what we see here.
But many times, sometimes we have a spiritual umm where spiritual asleep. It's a swinging methanolo, but they sleep that they have here is not that bad.
I hear the classless venue in a signature like a podium or Diembo. There are seven times of fleet that we have in Scripture that.
That we could talk about if we have.
We see Matthew 25 that the vergence.
Where it went down to sleep, all of them. In Jonah we see him as we see him sleeping.
Any precious Cinco De Niro Motors revenues?
Mr. Sarah Mano, please inefficient 5 We have another example, the Nemos in Thessalonians chapter 5. We have another sleep, but there is a real bad sleep.
That we have in Acts chapter 20.
The brethren read yesterday. It'll send you profundo. And it was a deep sleep, Muerte.
And that sleep caused the death Ake Hoeving of that young man.
That sat on the window.
To the outside to look on the to the people or whatever was happening on the.
Alma equal.
We should be here in spirit, soul and body.
Because if we have our bodies here and our minds are outside.
The Lord Jesus.
Umm, capricular capitals in versus the line is five in order to conclude.
GST Yochi versus Umm 6 through 8.
Therefore let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. The letters who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for our helmets the hope of salvation.
These vesicles yet they or cannot get werming the notched werming inosquet tambour gracios de noche tambovrachi. It says in verse seven for day that sleep, sleep in the night and day that be drunken are drunken in the night mas nosotros nosomos.
De maas nosotros que somos del dia temosovios bestido de quota de fei de caridad Y Las Esperanza de salon Ponte.
That's what it says in verse 8. But let us pour out the day we saw we're putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for our helmets.
The help of salvation.
May the Lord always keep us.
Doing as well waiting for him, Domingo and I personally think that he may be coming in a day like this. Lord's Day.
He rose up on a on a Sunday, Lord's Day.
He was taken up into heaven. I already said that, Buenos Aires.
Right now interested in for us.
And I think that maybe it may, umm, that it may be that the Lord is also coming on the Lord's Day.
But we should not be Christians only on Lord's days.
Mexico UMM delivers that go to meetings only.
On Lord's Day, they say that they are there only to eat bread.
We have no reason to stop, umm, not to go to meetings on Lord's Day. There are only two reasons, if we're traveling or if we're sick.
Gyro animados hermano para que visiting la repura. I would like to encourage the President to visit the Dominican Republic.
Giallo semano que Vicente amiro senor.
Rather than they used to visit us before have gone to the presence of the Lord.
And those that remain are a little bit slow to visit us.
Colombia, I think Colombia de sentiment the USA venti ciente diabetes in Colombia, YSU privilege Colombia. We should also visit the weather in Colombia there. There are five assemblies down there and I was there with them.
You days ago and it is a need to visit them.
Aiyo segosa muncho con la visita. They are very happy to receive visitors. Tambien, Devin. Visitada, Peru.
Bolivia, Mexico.
Mexico. Venezuela.
We should also visit all those places.
Bueno avemond diezermanon paralima Peru para confidential Julio Dominicano dos so there are umm 10 Dominican brothers that already have a ticket to visit umm the conference in Peru that is coming umm.
This, umm, is June is July 25th.
Single month vaganta Yamando Gekirinji. So when I go down to Dominican, there's probably gonna be five more because they have been calling that they want to go.
So I just want to say this to encourage you.
It's a privilege to also be able to visit the brethren in Lima.
I was there less than a month ago.
And I had a beautiful communion with them.
May the Lord bless you brother, the equipment.
Sorry that the language doesn't allow us to speak correctly, but.
That's why our brother and myself are wanted to.
Be a little bit quiet because 45 minutes translating.
90 minutes after the translation.
So we don't want to do that. May the Lord bless you.
#17 May the grace of Christ our Savior and the Father's boundless love #17.
We are more comforting yourself together, and edify one another, even as also you do. And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you and the Lord, and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly. Love for their work sake, and be at peace among yourself.
Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly. Comfort the feeble minded, support the weak. Be patient toward all men. See that none render evil.
Any man that ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men rejoice evermore, Pray without ceasing, and everything gives thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerned you quench not the Spirit displays not prophesied prove all things both said that which is good.
Abstain from all appearance of evil in the very God of peace.
And I pray God, your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved, blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful to see the followers who also will do.
Father, we just thank you for time when we've been able to sit at Thy feet as Mary Bold, and we just thank Thee that that portion was not taken away from her. We thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for that which we've been able to enjoy this conference.
In the scriptures, we just pray that now it's helped us to to have a proper balance.
With honey their lives. We just pray that that would help us to prove all things to hold fast that which is good.
Just to thank Thee for all that we have in Thee, Lord Jesus, Just pray for journey mercies for those traveling home and the blessing on the rest of the time. Together, we're just committed to Thee and the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.