1 Thessalonians 1:1

Duration: 1hr 19min
1 Thessalonians 1:1
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God told our gracious Savior children through this earth. Alive we are weak, but now our life hold us with my heart.
Spread up message. Lead us now and ever for justice.
I know.
Yeah, we do have this in the precious and move on with.
John 1.
Or has someone else something that much exercise about?
Well, brother, would I be at a place to make this suggestion in view of the chaotic conditions in which we Live Today and the increasing evil of the last days?
Wouldn't it be nice to meditate upon a scripture which would direct our thoughts homeward?
So the first epistle to the Thessalonians has been, must be for me this morning, if the Brethren are happy to consider it.
First Epistle in the first chapter.
First Thessalonians chapter one.
For all and savannahs and amoebas under the Church of the Thessalonians, which is even God the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace be unto you, and peace with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you and our prayers.
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith and believer, of love and patience, of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
For our gospel team is not unto you and word only, but also in power and little the Holy Ghost, and in much assure, as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
And you became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the Word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost, so that you were in samples to all that believe in Macedonia and the care.
For from you sounded out the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and IKEA, but also in every place your faith to Godward is spread abroad.
So that we need not to speak anything.
For they themselves show of us what manner of entry in we had unto you, and how he turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
I'd like to remind ourselves.
That it's a little difficult to hear, especially on the outer freedom of the meeting.
And any brother who takes part, I'm sure will welcome the reminder to raise his voice. And now it takes a little more push.
Erase the voice. But God has supplied it with what we might call bellows to do it. And so if we concentrate a little bit upon that, I think we can put some push behind a hoist so that everybody can hear.
When you reach the account in the book of Acts about Paul going to be.
How the word was received there?
Yet they'll assume persecution stirred up against the apostles and they were driven out of the city.
So Paul was not able to continue there any length of time.
So when he had gone on in his labours.
He writes.
This epistle and then another epistle, the 2nd Epistle of Methadone.
To these states who had in faith brought in the blessing.
To his and the Ministry of Others at that time.
The one thing impresses me and connection.
Where the apostles first laborers, there was how he taught them about the Lord's coming. It must have been a very important part.
Of the preaching of the gospel.
He says how he turned to God from idol to serve the living and the true God and to wait for his Son from heaven. He doesn't stop short of waiting for God's Son from heaven.
I take it that this was the first festival that Paul ever wrote that, right, brother? Yes, I believe that's right. It's remarkable the progress that these Saints there at Thessalonica made in the things of the Lord just said he was a time. I believe he said he was.
A reasoning in the synagogue 3 Sabbath day.
So it wasn't there much over three weeks, but it's remarkable the way they took in the truth. Well, I suppose it was the way, the reality of things to them. Here they were engrossed in the darkest idolatry. And here he comes along and he preaches indeed. Well, as he says here in this chapter.
How that they?
Turned to God from idol. That is, they hadn't got tired of their idols and were looking for something else, but they gladly left them when he brought the news of salvation in Christ to them. Well, it's remarkable, I say. And you see the progress they made. And there was the reality on their part, and there was the power of the Spirit of God.
Being ungraded by the failure of his people here that he acted in a way that we do not see today, would you say that's right?
Sometimes people say, well, isn't the Holy Spirit the same as he was then? Well yes, the Holy Spirit is the same, but he hasn't got the same material to work on, I don't believe.
I suppose we have to remember too that because of the state that Christendom is in, he's also agreed and he's greatly hindered in his work.
Something like the time of which we read in the Lord life, when he could do no mighty work there because of their unbelief.
Unbelief surely brings in great limitations to the work of God, whether it's Christ himself or the Holy Spirit.
When men get up pretending to be giving the word of God, and yet they stand there and deny the truth of the Word of God, how can the Spirit of God help us be grieved and hindered? Just an expression of unbelief and it hinders God from working.
It's the led to sin character that seems to have its stamp on almost everything. The present time. And what was said about Laodicea, Thou art lukewarm. I would that thou were either cold or hot. Well, it's a day of indifference to the truth of God.
I suppose this and the 2nd Epistle are the only two, are they not, in which we find the mention of the Church which is in God the Father?
And so I suppose the emphasis here is on the relationship, the new relationship in the which the children have been brought to know. God is their father, They are now of his children. Is that the thought there? I'm sure that's right, brother.
Enjoyed that? Enjoyed it again to hear you mention it.
Well, we find that the 1St.
Appointment that a believer has to withdraw is that he knows God is his Father. When John writes to the faith, he says, I write unto you little children, because you have known the Father.
It didn't know much else, but the new God is their father, and I think, as you say, that is characteristic of those assessment, as though they were young believers.
Yet they had this precious enjoy within their souls that gobbled their products.
Call the Potter.
One of the first things that a child of God, of God, God is cry, have a father because as soon as he has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And they begin to cry our Father Christ, that God and His Father. Well, this wasn't true Old Testament state. They were children of God didn't have that consciousness that God was their Father, because the Spirit of God was not dwelling in their hearts, although the Spirit of God should come on them for special servers. But now we have this wonderful privilege of knowing God as our Father in a conscious way.
Because the Spirit of God wells in our hearts. What a privilege it is to be children of God. And no God is our Father.
And you the fact that we are.
Faced with the laughing kids.
Tendencies. What is the remedy? What is the health? What is the counteractions? What it needs to do?
Jude wedding at 21.
But ye beloved.
Building up yourselves on your holy face.
Pray is the Holy Ghost.
Keep yourself in the middle of looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
That means a lot of going on in communion with the Lord.
Building up yourselves your most holy faith. No matter how much failure there might be in this world, in Christian profession, the most Holy Faith, that which was instituted by our Blessed Lord and Savior, ever remains the same. It's always that character. The tendency is for us to be occupied with evil.
But in building up ourselves our most holy faith, it turns us back to our blessed Lord and Savior.
We enjoyed our brother, said the Walla Walla general meeting.
This past month or so, he said. We don't have to give up the truth.
So let us not even contemplate giving up.
There is the full provision for every child.
For his glory.
Lenin mentions in connection with that praying in the Holy Ghost.
And that we would get from the Word of God.
Picking up the left skin condition.
There really is no remedy for, is there? But we have to recognize that we're all part of the way to see the condition. We all partake of lukewarmness, and although we can't sit prison.
We can't set ourselves right. And that's what you're Speaking of, isn't it? Setting ourselves right. Getting into the right relationship with the Lord ourselves.
I believe that is practical righteousness. It is connected with also.
What goes ahead of it? Flea also used lust, if one is.
Speaking about.
The path of faith and their life doesn't correspond with it.
Tireless thing in connection with this.
Situation in the final state of apostles and they were. Read the versions that apply to that in Revelation chapter 3.
Revelation 314.
Even to the end of the chapter.
Revelation 314 And unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodicean right the faith that these men, the faithless, drew witness the.
Beginning of the creation of God, I know that I'm working either cold or hot. I would work cold or hot. So then because of our food war and neither cold or hot, I will pull the out of my mouth. Because out there I have written an increase in good and have need of nothing and know it's not that our rigid and miserable and poor, blind and naked. As a positive side here verse 18 and 19.
I can't believe you buy a meat go private fire that may have been written, And white Raymond, that thou land be full, and that's the shape of thy negative. Do not appear and anoint thine eyes that I sat, that thou may of peace as many as I love a rebuke and taste, therefore prevent the whole life. And the door knob.
An individual matter, brethren, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and he would need to him that overcome will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also is. And I'm sat down with my father in his throat even happen here let him hear what the Spirit says unto the church.
Well, I believe.
Beginning of this meeting it was to have the coming of our Lord before us, so.
I had no thought of turning away from the subject, and mentioning led to see up. It seems to me perhaps we might go back to our chapter.
Real bombs were formed in Christ as soon as one is brought to know the Lord.
Ones that are for all eternity. To think we need a child of God. We find the love in our hearts for that believer. That's determined. We'll meet him on the train. Never met him before.
Yes, we can sit down and enjoy their company and.
Be a fellowship with with that which is determined. So here Paul has been there, Brother Harrison says. Just three weeks.
And wow, that he is surprised with their company. He's thanking God for always for you. Oh, it's expensive. You in our prayers. I'm singing that the companion.
For the children of God.
Established the divorce blessed.
I was going to say natural because because it's connected with one another, but it's spiritual too. But it's one of the greatest blessings that we can think of in this world.
For you could have the most ideal place to live.
All by little climbers, the loveliest surroundings, everything for for your heart, desire. And yet you are in a place where there wasn't a child of God to have mercy with. Could you enjoy it?
Of course not.
So far, rather be in a crowded city.
Living in an apartment and having the fellowship of God's peace and being removed to some place where?
You're robbed of that philosophy. I don't think that N doesn't at times.
Require that his children move away from.
Standards of fellowship gatherings where they have been with God's people.
Remembering the Lord and so on.
I think when there is something that's forced upon them, they can't change the situation, but that's different.
But I believe we should rather have seen and value privilege.
Going on covering with the children of God.
These dear young converts not only were brought into a blessed relationship and knew God as their father, but they have the promise of grace for the pathway. Haven't they? That the Apostle says, grace be unto you? Well, this is not the grace that saved them that were already saved, but the grace which would sustain them in the pathway day by day. And then they also had the glorious hope of the coming of the Lord to take them home. And dear young people, there may be some here this morning who are lost.
And let me solemnly warn you that the Lord Jesus Christ is not coming for you.
He's coming for every believer. So what a solemn thing for you dear young people if you're left behind. I repeat, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming for his own, not for you as an unbeliever to how Solomon is.
But how cheering for these dear young converts to have the coming of the Lord before them. And surely that should encourage our hearts this morning too, in spite of the fact that we're living in very difficult times today.
But all how bright the hope is, how glorious the prospect soon seeing the blessed person who redeemed us from hell by his blood, now living for us, and is coming for us to take us home to glory.
I see there's a wild statement. Had succeeded in separating the apostles from the Thessalonians Saints, he couldn't injure Paul's free information. That's one provision that has never taken promises.
Go and park, leave the elders and effort, because now forever I commend you to God and to the word of this dream.
Course, there may be times of persecution on the Bible. They can. But if you've been diligent and read it, why, You'll have the memory of the verses, and then you'll have always the privilege of being in the Lord's presence in prayer.
And he chose that why Paul had been deprived of ministry.
He had been serving them with his prayers.
That's one fear that any of God's children are privileged to carry on.
With the provision that the Lord has made for us, our brother Cladding has pointed out, there's no reason, then why each one of us ought not to be filled with joy and contentment, even though we are surrounded by that which is so difficult to try.
And I have felt more and more than that in a world like this.
Is surely A testimony to the unbelievers. They may argue, they may disagree with everything that is said. They may attack the word of God itself. But surely their consciences must be troubled, as they see here and there among their acquaintances, those who are happy and contented and joyful.
Through a world of disillusionment. And to me it's a tremendous challenge to all our hearts, to the dear young people. Just to think that you passing through a world of such aching heart that so many disappointments, you have the opportunity of displaying in this world the joyful, radiant intentions of a child of God that's just waiting to be called home. I can't help but feel that it must be a disturbance.
In the heart of the unbeliever, as they realize that here and there they know it, there are those who are truly joyful in the midst of all these disillusionment.
And yet would you say to that even though there is an unspeakable joy in the knowledge that we are going home, there ought to be at the same time a real burden on our arms, as our brother mentioned, for those who are not ready, the two things are not extremes. I don't mean that at one time we also look terribly sad and burdened, and at another time very joyful. I believe it's quite possible for the sound of God to be sorrowful and joyful.
Sorrowful is a prospect of those who will be left behind. Sorrowful as we see the sad condition of the testimony and yet filled with joy, knowing he is the same yesterday and today is forever and that will soon be with it.
It was after Paul mentioned some that as he wept over, and he follows right upon that to say rejoice. And the Lord always and again I say rejoice.
So there he was, weeping over the disappointment. There were seeing some that he had hoped for.
That turned aside.
Yes, that doesn't give early joy in the Lord, but he could commend to others.
So that is important word for it, isn't it? That's all we may be deeply exercised, borrow a little sorrow, and breathed over conditions, yet we should rise above it in such a way that we can have our heart filled with joy.
That was marked with the Apostle Paul, when he was before Agrippa, was it not When he said, almost persuaded me to be a Christian, he says I would that thou word he must I accept these bonds. There he had.
Those chains on his hands.
And here is question of life or death with him.
But here he's speaking to a king, he said. I was the sour to eat, miss. I accept these bonds. There was joy and rejoicing and sorrow too. Burdens came upon him of all the churches, but he had a path of joy, though which perhaps none of us are able to enter into it in the way that he did.
Covering yet always rejoiced in you pattern for assistance.
And as to the things which he passed through, he could say none of these things moved me.
He had a blessed object before him all the time, didn't he? And we have the same object too.
And he gave not God in this, but God with us, with contemptuous brigade over. In Second Peter one we have two versions that encourage our lives. In times like these we have been outfitted with a complete requirement, necessities for going on.
Second Peter Chapter one, verse 2, Great and deep.
Be modified under you 2 Indispensable Attributes of God Raising People.
Through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godness through the knowledge of Him.
Who have hauled up to or by blowing past virtually.
Well, it's a wonderful thing that the Apostle Paul should give back to these states, and it seems that we have a reason for it right here in verse 3.
You remember their work of faith.
Labor of love and faces of both, he remembered how they were going on. That's what he was thinking about and he could thank God for it. And haven't we had the same experience when we hear of someone that's going on well, or hearts are happy, made happy, they glad and we give God friends. Perhaps we don't do it often enough, but certainly it's something to thank God for.
If Saints and God are going on where and if we want to make our brethren happy, let's be exercised before the Lord that we go on where then they'll have something to thank God for.
Against the three characteristics of Christian in that third place they open charity or love.
And it seems that these memorial sinks.
Founders in these three things.
So there was a work of faith.
There was a labor of love and the patience of whole well when we're.
Going on.
With with that faith in the Lord strong, and when there's love for him and love for the sink, and we're patiently waiting for the Lord's return, that shows.
Very happy on normal state. I would find that when the Boston John is is dressing the street left with the second chapter of Revelation.
That's the same energy is found among those Saints that's found here among these Thessalonians.
I think energy.
What is the second word?
Revelation 2. I know that it works, and thy labour and thy patience be the three things that are mentioned worth labor patience.
But it's not mentioned that it's a work of faith.
Nothing to say about it being.
Labor of love or about anything about pool.
Well, as the shores were state of me where ever when John wrote the wrote the Book of Revelation.
Gold was bad declined.
And what was the cause of the decline?
The second chapter of Revelation.
When you get down to the six words or the 4th.
Revelation 2 and four. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against me, because thou hast left my first love. Well, it's very evident that the Thessalonians had not left their first love. Therefore they were abounding in the three things that characterize.
The Christian testimony.
And you can easily see how that what is what characterizes.
The work of the Lord and the energy among God's people that the energy may continue after the vital thing is gone.
That is weekend. It's one time be very faithful, coming together to remember the Lord.
They think of the Lord being there in the midst and the precious opportunity to remember his death.
Is worth more than material thing? Well, it can form. It can become a habit. We can just go there because we're always with there.
And so you can think of any privilege among God people.
The reading meeting or the prayer meeting or they become just a habit. Then usually they begin to see neglect of meeting. Perhaps the prayer meeting is the first that neglected and the reading meeting they say the last meeting could be given up by God people.
As the breaking of prayer.
Well, there's one answer to a state of things such as John described there. I'll never forget how old Brother Clown brought it out here. In the meeting years ago, somebody asked my Brother Clown what is the remedy and he shouted at the top of his voice. Repent.
That's it.
I feel on my way to judge yourself. I'm with yourself before the Lord.
I suppose the three things you mentioned or which are mentioned in the third verse are found in the 9th and 10th, aren't they? It says in the third verse the work of faith. Well, that's surely. In the ninth verse he turned to God from idols after the work of faith and then it says to serve the living and true God. Surely this is.
The labor of love and to wait for his Son from heaven. And that's surely impatience of hope, isn't it? Yes, you find a different place.
These these three things are linked together several places in Scripture, faith, hope and love, which shows that the Spirit of God put emphasis on it is something very important. And since they're linked together, they ought to be kept together, kept together in practical living. We find the three of them linked together in First Corinthians 13.
Now by the faith, oh.
Get your love these three. But the greatest of these is love.
Well, this is something that.
That's right. In this genius you're characterizing why we're down here faithful and love the three together. We know the time will come when there won't be need to faith or hope, but love will abide forever.
I have been wondering if that is the reason, he says. The greatest belief is love.
Regarding regarding that fourth verse, Revelation 2, remember one of his brother said one time regarding that love because thou has left thy first love, he modified it by mentioning first quality law. Is that true? Would that be correct?
1St fall in love. There's love there yet, but it is not that primary quality.
That's true.
Could that be the case?
Well, I believe it here in connection with what we had as love, it's divine love. There's two kinds of love, divine love and brotherly love we get from that chapter in Second Peter One. Well, this is divine love.
Which has the mind of God connected with us, not merely just human sentiment.
These three things are beautifully brought together, brother in James, Peter and John aren't they? James tells us how faith works. Peter tells us how hope works. John tells us how love works.
Very nice.
In the 5th chapter first Thessalonians, you get the three fought together in the 8th 1St.
Let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, or an illness of hope, of salvation. There's the tree again, alone, out of the same order.
John 15 and 9 gives us a very pointed injunction.
John 15 and 9:00 As the Father had locked me, so have allowed you.
Continue thee in my love. That's what God values continuously.
It's not continuing in our law, our love for the Lord with continuing in His love.
When we're occupied with His love that produces love in our heart, it's his love which will be occupied with.
In order to that, it's been the fight of golf.
Rather, though, the basis of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the sight of God and our Father.
There's two thoughts where great importance.
In our Lord Jesus Christ.
I love to find those places, those words where those 3 glorious things are brought together.
Lord Jesus Christ.
I can't see how anyone that has ever known.
Known anything about the sea here cannot be touched by.
Just mention of those three names.
It draws out our heart.
It awakens.
An infection toward him.
Well, we need to have our heart warmed. Without it, our hearts will soon grow old as we go on in this godless world.
But there is another earthquake too, within the site of God and our Father.
That has more to do with the conscience.
We need to remember thou thought seriously.
And as we go on our way through this angle, speed, we're continually running into dangers and temptations, we think.
When he was, when he was tried and seemingly no one would have known, it's been this, he had committed this. But he says, How can I commit this great spin in the sight of the Lord? That's what kept him in a time of temptation.
So we need to be constant. We're going on in the fear of the Lord.
Because Satan is so busy, and if he can catch us off guard, he consumes.
All these two thoughts work harmoniously together.
Our heart being drawn up in deep affections for our blessed Lord, and then the fear of God woken in his friends.
Realizing that everything is naked and open under the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
So these three things that characterize Christmas testimony will then be maintained in their purity.
Oh, I believe it's very important what you say, Brother Barry. They great thing seek to be in the presence of God.
Is that which leads us to judge ourselves, because the question cannot have any place there. No, it has been said that when the Apostle Paul was caught up in the Paradise and he had those wonderful visions and heard those unspeakable things, he didn't need the thorn to flash there, because he's in the friends of the Lord.
There's a deep sense of it whether but after you got back to this world, why then the tendency would be of the flesh. Well, how wonderful it was that I had such a vision and so he needs a thorn in the place.
And in our authorized version it says lest I be exalted above measure, and so perhaps a little of it be all right. But that is the thought lest I be exhausted. He needs a thorn of flesh. So it's been said, we don't need to turn the flesh when we're really in the presence of the Lord.
The glorious title you mentioned, Brother Barry, the Lord Jesus Christ, we find invariably the Apostle Paul uses that, doesn't he?
Because that's the order in which he first knew him as Lord. And in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians we get the Lord Jesus Christ six times in 10 verses. So he's bringing before the Corinthian Saints the Lordship of Christ. But in Peter and John, I believe invariably they use the title of Jesus Christ. That's the order in which they first knew him as Jesus here on earth in the days of his earthly ministry.
Isn't that so?
Way the Lord first revealed himself, Paul.
The fear of the Lord is a very, very striking thing, and to connect it with the wonderful principles of the third verse is very lovely, because the fear of the Lord is in no way offensive.
But connected with a sense of who he is and his love toward us is a very wholesome and meaningful thing in all our hearts and in the day in which we live, I feel it is more needful than ever it was. We've noticed in Malachi 316 that that expression is quite used in that verse. Then they that fear, the Lord spake often one to another.
The Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that hear the Lord.
And that thought upon his name.
Well, you can't help but feel that in the difficulties of the day in which they live, it was undoubtedly the fear of the Lord, preserved in their hearts by grace, that kept them walking in that path. For it surely is a sad little book to read. But then another striking thought. Is this the next first day? Then they shall be mindset, the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my duel, and I will spare him as a man, spare his own son to serve with him.
Then shall he return and deserve.
Between the righteous and the wicked. That's an amazing statement. Who can discern between the righteous and the wicked? Well, we would naturally say anyone can. There's a prop gap between the righteous and the wicked. Surely we can tell that distinction. But no, I believe the word of God would warn us that both Suppo and so evil are the day that it requires a walk in the fear of the Lord.
And discern between the righteous and the wicked. And I verily believe that that is one of the awful problems confronting the world right now, that there has been a purposeful and willful attempt to remove from a whole generation of the fear of the Lord. Whatever manner of the fear of the Lord there may have been is removed, as young people are taught that they are not creatures from the hand of God.
Responsible to God. You to meet God and give an account of themselves. What have they left?
Absolutely nothing whatever left of the fear of the Lord. I believe the lordship or authority of himself, is reflected in the authority we see around us in this world. The authority of apparently, my home, the authority of a teacher in the classroom, the authority of an employer in the factory, or of the powers that be in the land, their God's given authority.
But when the fear of God is removed, what's left? Well, we can see it all around us, and we can see a generation that is left with no desert between that which is right and wrong. And if they went to the very ones who gave them that kind of education and said, now help us please the discern between right and wrong, where shall we turn? What answer would be given to them?
All we do need in our soul.
The fear of the Lord every day, well, it's not on my connection with the world.
The same principle is vastly important in connection with the Saints of daughters. And you find there in Malachi there was an insensibility as to their real condition. No, we're there in the third chapter says He had robbed off and they were. Have we robbed off?
Or invisible to the way they were going on. So you have one verse after another where?
Wearing Have we failed? Well, that little godly remnants that fears the Lord and faith, often one to another. They have the mind of the Lord at a time like that, when there was general departure and the state where they were absolute invasibility as to the condition they were actually in. It's a solemn condition to get into business where we're going on in the careless.
Indifferent ways and.
Are not realizing how far we have fallen and how far we have driven away. May the Lord keep us from it.
The first mark of their intensibility is in the first verse, and it's really striking. The Lord says, the burden of the Lord to Israel. By Malachi I have loved you, said the Lord. Yet he say, Wherein hath thou laughter? That was the beginning of it.
Going to say the nation as such could not discern between the righteous and the wicked. You know there's different forms of wickedness in this scene. Well, when the Lord came, the nation couldn't discern who he was, they rejected him. And what Malachi really goes on into I believe, is when they embrace the Antichrist and the times to come. Well, the remnant will have no difficulty, but the nation won't be able to discern it.
There'll be noise.
Late at 1:00.
From a large high school having around 1000 students.
And one of the elderly instructors.
Came out to get his car one day and turn alarm home and I gave him to the gospel tracks and he sent me and he responded this way, he says. I have been teaching in that high school for many years and I'm afraid to be there. They have no respect for morals and there's no respect for integrity, he said. It's not a safe place to be and he's a man at 460 years of age.
And I found the clipping. Clipping in a magazine that I bought is very soft, but it's presented in a very straightforward manner. It is illegal.
To read the Bible in the public school of Illinois.
But a law requires that state to provide a Bible for every prison ending. More of a story. Your query is capturing the Bible school. You'll have the opportunity to do so when you get to prison.
That's a pathetic situation.
And state of Illinois as well as Iowa.
When you get to the 4th, 1St.
It has growing rather beloved. Your election is all.
That's the family secret.
That isn't to be free to the world, but it's a very blessed to seek for business knowing your election goal.
We should enjoy that increasingly as we go on.
To think that I am poor Sinner was marked out back in eternity to be among the chosen of God, to be a member of the body of Christ, And I was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. Well, the beloved St.
Need to enjoy that more and more, because as Satan gets his work in among Christians and will Christians, he seeks to rob them of that truth.
And they can lose their salvation and perish. Well, if that's true, then there's no such thing as the doctrine of election, is there?
The doctrine of election is not a preliminary question to be settled before the Senate comes to Jesus, but it's a glorious consolation after he has come, isn't it?
So now that he's one of the elect.
Leaders that make your calling and election, sure. Well, it seems to me that that's what these Thessalonians did.
Because there's proof of the election that there's two children of God in that third verse, the way they were going on. A person who's going on badly certainly cannot claim to be one of the elections. The word of God never gives anyone like that. Any consolation?
Put that way, I suppose or left out so that it should exercise their heart.
But we do have the proof of their crawling and election here, and the way they were going on having the work of faith. Labor, block and patients are full, and they were exercised in the presence of God and in the presence of the Father to whom they were in relationship.
I'm going to expect making your calling and election, sure, not in God's mind, but your own. And 1:00 that's going on carelessly, Well, it might be a child may lose the consciousness of it in the soul or.
Often been said, that truth only remains with those who live it out.
The Apostle preached to the Thessalonians as lost sinners, didn't he? And when the Gospel laid hold upon them, then he wrote to them as elect.
Right over in Second Thessalonians.
Chapter 2.
And verse 13.
2nd Thessalonians 213 But we are found to give thanks holy to God, for you present the love of the Lord.
Because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation.
Through signification of the Spirit and the need of the truth were unto he called you by our gospel, through the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and over in first Peter chapter one and verse two, First Peter 1/2.
Elected according to the four knowledge of God the Father.
I'm through obedience and sprinkling of a blood of Jesus by grace, and you and peace be modified.
And they got it way back in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 7, verse 6.
Deuteronomy 76 For thou art and holy people under the Lord thy God, the Lord thy God has told thee.
To be a special people by itself, above all people that are above the face of the earth.
I suppose in this fifth verse.
Where our gospel came not unto you and word only, but also in power.
And in the Holy Ghost.
That the gospel may have come there in words that were correct, but somehow rather there was wasn't any power there. It didn't mean much to the one who was giving it out. You know, they said about the Lord that he didn't speak as the Pharisees and scribes.
That is, I take it there they were probably reading the scriptures.
Giving out what was there, But they did not know what was the mind of the Lord in connection with it, so there was no power there. But with the Lord there was power. He spake with authority.
Where would you see then the power? Is that the spring soul and the presence of God? Yes, I believe so.
And that cannot be.
Scuttled by education candidates.
No, it cannot.
And some of these new translations of the day, you know why they want to make the Bible plain enough so the man in the street, they say, can understand it, but he cannot understand it apart from the work of the Spirit of God. And they leave that out entirely.
Your thought is born out brother Barry in First Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 4.
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and the power.
You read it. I've lost the place. That's your face should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
If all had gone the car with all the learning he had.
Well, he might have convinced the love of those wise Greeks about the Gospel that he preached just intellectually.
What would become of the workman's whole life? It all depended on just believing things, because all had convinced them of the work before.
Did you find that he was there? With much trembling?
And he avoided anything like human wisdom or eloquence, because he wants to see that that work from the work of the Spirit of God in the world of sinners.
A lot of for many years have enjoyed Act Four regarding this Christian truth. We find the results.
Seemingly, they were made at the bottom of the woman's mind.
Act 432.
As a multitude of them that they need where one heart one soul. Verse 33.
And with great power gave the powerful witness, without the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace for the bottom of all.
The divided space and Kristoff with approximately approximately 2500 division divisions.
That has caused chaos and confusion of the mind of the whole law centers. They don't know what to believe, and they don't know where to go if they didn't believe what to do next.
But John 717 is still good. It made a man will do or desire to practice, was when he thou know of the Doctor.
Well, the life of the apostles of the.
Gospel, that he preached all that he can say, that he knew what manner of men we were among you for your faith.
When you consider they didn't have a Bible to break from in those days.
They didn't have a New Testament.
All they had had.
Again, is playing the message too.
Was what had been revealed to it.
So that you couldn't just say now when you go home you read the book of Philippians and you'll get the crack to walk of the Christian.
So they behavior of the service of Christ was an essential part of their work, because they looked upon them, and they saw in them men who were living out the gospel that they preached. All that he said he became followers of us, of the Lord.
Well, I don't say that.
Making that comment.
That we live at a different time. We have the whole word of God we can direct.
Our our brothers and Philippians for practical Christianity. That means that we can relieve ourselves.
A consistent walk. We're just as responsible as ever.
And is this as important as ever? But I just call attention to that to show how.
The. The.
Walk and behavior of the service of the Lord. What an effect had, and there's no question that it has the same effect today.
Overnight 17 where we have to come to Paul being a Thessalonica.
And Act 17.
And 1St 4.
It says some of them believe, and consorted with Paul and Charles. Another devout Creek, a great multitude. And of the chief women, not a few. Well, there tells us that they followed with Paul and Silas.
They they wanted to be in that gathering. But it was wasn't only that. There were following these men now.
But the Apostle Paul makes a claim here that they were also followers of the Lord. I saw that when Paul and Silence had to leave, they still had the Lord and they could still follow him.
What his missionary work today seems to work in the opposite way.
Converts are attracted to those who preach the gospel, and those who preach the gospel become, as it were, their pastors, their leaders.
And even the center of gathering. And sometimes when the preachers of the gospel, the missionaries have to leave, then the poor converts are left at sea. They're confused and don't know what to do well, I'm sure, or to what we read in scripture of the way the Apostle Paul talked to dear things. They were all taught to put their trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not only for salvation.
But as the one to whom they were to look all through their life as individuals and as gatherings of brought people.
Didn't the Apostle Paul say be therefore followers of me? But he didn't stop there, even as also I am of Christ.
One of our brother, Anderson said. They're Admiral Bible, and so the Apostle Paul, and when he's there among them, the only place they could hear the word of God, they didn't have any.
Bibles didn't have any epistles.
Well, they had to face These men were speaking the words of truth. You know, I've enjoyed the thought and connection in the.
Verse in the 11Th of Isaiah.
Somewhat along this line.
I'd like to mention it.
Speaking about the Messiah coming into this scene.
Second verse And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him. Well, some have said. There we have in those expressions the seven branches of Candlestick. The main vertical one was the spirit of the Lord is on him, and that was what the Lord quoted when he read that in Luke.
He quoted the 65 There the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. Then they says, the spirit of wisdom.
Understanding there was the two topmost franchise, wisdom and understanding. Well, when he comes forth from heaven, he's going to have wisdom as to what is to take place in this scene and he'll have understanding as to what's true. Well, I think you see the same thing in the Acts. Well then the next is there is the spirit of counseling might. Well that was these councils for them. And then there was the power of God when he comes forth in power.
Well then the result is there is the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. The earth will be full of the knowledge, and that be the fear of the Lord. Well we see there in the second of action, Peter preaching the gospel to them. He tells them what their condition is, and he has understandings what they should do, and he gives them counsel to what they should do. And there was the power of the Spirit of God that was manifested there and resulted in the fear of the Lord.
Those who heeded his voice there was a fear of the knowledge of the Lord, and the fear of it well that should characterize, I believe.
The result of the ministry of the Word being in the power of the Spirit of God.
For having received the Word with much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost.
We don't naturally connect affliction and joy together, do we?
Speaking a while ago about sorrow and joy being linked together, we find affliction and joy linked together in the same place that Second Corinthians.
In chapter 6 and verse 10.
2nd Corinthians 6 verse 10 We have asked Sorrowful.
Yet always rejoicing.
After seven verse 4.
Raided my boldness of speech toward you. Great in my glory of you I am filled with comfort. I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulations after 8 verse 2.
I live in a great wild affliction.
This on their joy and their deep poverty abounded under the richness of their liberality, while you had sorrow and tribulation and affliction and deep poverty, but you have joy exceeding noise, and abundance of joy, only the presence of joy of the Lord.
Joy of their new found treasure, they had in Christ, in a certain sense lifted them above all the persecutions.
Is something like by the said of the Lord Himself, the joy that was set before him, and yours across and despising the shame set down the right hand, of course.
74 has been given out.