A Chime

 •  1 min. read
“To me to live is Christ,
And to die is gain.”
Be this my song and boast,
In spite of every pain.
Of work, of life below,
Till it reach its sea;
For source, and stream, and end,
Christ alone for me.
‘Tis worth my while to bear
Din and battle strife;
Service and toil to seek-
Christ alone for life.
If body die, ‘tweer well,
Blessed Lord, for me;
Ended toil, I’d come
With Thyself to be.
I know not what to choose,
Blessed Lord, nor see;
Then let the Father fix
What is best for Thee!
Since I am wholly Thine,
“One spirit,” Lord, with Thee;
Whate’er for Thee is best
Must be best for me.