Christ - God and Lord

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Jesus the holy, Cherubims, wondrous,
Seated victorious, Living ones ever,
By God the glorious Ceaseless in service
Made Christ and Lord. Worship Thee, God.
Heaven’s light and center, With voice unwearied,
Center of blessing, Ever acclaiming,
Center of worship, Ever proclaiming
By all adored. Thy praise abroad.
Choirs of blest angels And Thy redeemed ones
Thy throne surrounding, Standing yet nearer,
Ever resounding To Thy heart dearer
“Praise to the Lamb.” Than any there;
Joy in beholding, Sound forth the story
Ever unfolding, Of highest glory,
In Thee the glories Thee their Redeemer
Of the “I am.” Glad to declare.
Like many waters And now as human
On the shore breaking, There hast Thy dwelling
Echoes awaking There in the Father’s heart,
With ceaseless roll; There by His side.
High rise their voices In anthems swelling,
Who should e’er tell us Praise, that comes welling
The infinite gladness Up from the soul.
Known to the Father-God, In that last hour,
Their crowns of glory—Of His receiving
Crowns everlasting—Into His glory,
Willingly casting Christ, His victorious
Down at Thy feet; One Raised by His power.
Worthy, Thee only, Ever attesting;
Christ who in weakness, And manifesting
Christ who in sufferings, Gratitude meet.
Magnified, glorified, Him on the earth;
Jesus our Savior Jesus, who dying
We too now worship, Sinners to ransom,
Our tribute likewise Honor’d His justice,
We now accord; Gladden’d His heart.
We too now know Thee, We too now love Thee,
What the rejoicings, We too now own Thee,
With wonder blended, Christ, God, and Lord.
Mid all th’ angelic host When as Thine own,
Jesus the God-man; Seeing Thee seated Radiant in glory—
Christ, the exalted, Godhead in manhood clothed,
Honor’d and glorified; Heaven’s high throne.
Son of our God; Thou in the bosom
We, Thy blood-bought ones, Of God Thy Father,
With note harmonious, ‘Mid heaven’s rich blessedness
Hearts in full sympathy, Hast Thine abode.
Strike to the chord; As faith beholds Thee,
Thou in that bosom Man, in the glory,
As a divine One—And our souls worship Thee,
One of the Trinity—Our and heaven’s Lord.
E’er didst abide;