When Christ, the Lord of glory,
Stood in the judgment hall,
"What shall I do with Jesus?"
Said Pilate to them all.
"What shall I do with Jesus?
I find no fault in Him.
Shall I release Barabbas
And the faultless One condemn?”
They said, "Release the guilty,
And Christ we'll crucify!"
Barabbas got his liberty,
But God's dear Son must die.
"I wash my hands," said Pilate,
"To free myself from guilt;
I will not be responsible
When Jesus' blood is spilled.”
But when the Judge immortal
Who stood in Pilate's hall
Shall sit upon the great white throne
To judge both great and small,
Then Pilate shall be summoned
From dusky shades of gloom,
To hear His voice in judgment
Pronounce eternal doom.
Oh, with what fear and anguish
He'll meet those flaming eyes,
As all the scenes of Calvary
Afresh before him rise!
Then He shall say to Pilate,
"What have you done with Me?”
Oh, in that solemn moment
What can his answer be?
Now what think you, my reader,
Of Christ, God's well-loved Son?
Will you accept the Savior,
And rest on what He's done?
Or will you be like Pilate—
Reject the Christ of God?
He came in love and mercy,
The way to Calvary trod.
If you despise this Savior
Whom Pilate crucified,
In dark and wailing regions
Forever you'll abide.
O sinner, don't reject Him;
Believe in Christ and live!
Eternal life and glory
To trusting ones He'll give.