A Desire to Please the Lord

Duration: 22min
Talk—Jonathan Grinton
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Now our brother Jonathan Grinton will have words. Well, it's kind of nice to hear everybody laughing and doing the hymns thing and smiling, and I thought it'd be nice to come up here and just continue with that a little bit.
As I'm up here and looking out, I don't know if I'm smiling and laughing anymore. A little bit more stressful than I thought, but I think it's OK to tell this story, you know?
Mr. Woods called me up and.
He said, Jonathan, would you speak to the young people Saturday night? I said sure.
That's fine, because I think the Lord would have me do that.
Great, he said. It's probably only going to be about 55 to 65 young people there. That's that's pretty good.
That would be fun and then Mr. Lyle get up at supper and he said the insane will be at the hotel and everyone is welcome. And so 55 to 65 went to.
More than that, I don't know how much time I have and to speak, so I don't want to take too long. But you know, I was thinking.
That gospel message that when I was saying.
How? Most assuredly it was clear.
And I thought it was pretty amazing that the statistic that was given, I can't quite duplicate it, but it was mentioned that so many people died.
In a period of time.
So in that time of the gospel meeting, 7200 people or something that passed away.
And it was not my heart to speak of this tonight, but I look out and I wonder how many more people since that gospel meeting have passed away, have died, and if you haven't, asked the Lord Jesus to save you.
Possibly thinking.
To miss out on such an opportunity, at any moment you can be taken out of this world to be gone at any moment.
And you haven't asked them to save you yet.
I'm gonna tell you about time quickly, and I hope that Peter won't mind. But you know, I thought maybe on Friday I would have a little bit of time and laughing at him already. I thought maybe on Friday I had a little bit of time to just sit down and be prayed and.
Consider this little meeting tonight.
But I know we've had the plans. It's exciting to have plans. It was Alan's birthday, and you were gonna do a few things together, but we're a little bit late getting started on me, Allen. We had gone and we did one thing and then we did another thing. And, you know, before long we were rushing back to the house to get our bags and to load up and drive. Maybe you'll be driving.
So the time has gone.
It was gone that quick and so if you think that you have until the end of this meeting.
To come to the Lord and be saved.
We just might not because it's going to go that quick and that might be too late. It was too late for me on Friday at that point. The Word did give us time to but pray and certainly we seek His mind in these things. But I just tell you that don't wait. Time goes by far too quickly and it might be too late. So what I was thinking about tonight is if you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is your desire as a believer?
What is your desire as a believer?
And I wonder if it might be. Well, I know what it should be. It should be to please him.
And maybe each one of us here in this room could ask ourselves, is it my desire to please him?
You know, I was reading the other day in First Kings chapter 22 and there's a prophet there, Makaya, and I was just going along and better look at it because we won't be able to quote it.
First Kings.
The story they have, I'm not going to read the whole story to you because I'm particularly thinking about what Papaya said.
First Kings 22 and verse 14 and Makai said, as the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me that full my speed.
You know that Little Pony purse, just monster agent years old. You got to read it yourself. There's a lot there. My wife just said speak up. There's a lot there in that chapter. But that little verse jumped off the pages and I thought, you know, there is a man that is willing.
To do the will of thought and to please him.
No matter what.
He could have been put to death on the spot that he was willing to do it. He said, As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak, or that will I do?
And so it got me to thinking about whether or not in my life.
I want to please the order.
You know, in Hebrews.
Chapter 11.
The first there and we just took this up in our midnight reading meeting.
These are all little tidbits that I like to see.
Speaks of Enoch in Hebrews 11 and it says.
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not seek death, and was not found because God had translated him. Now look at this for before his translation he had this testimony.
That he pleased God.
What is your destiny?
Enoch's testimonies that he pleased God. That means he did it.
God looked at what he did and it pleased him, because God looked at what you want to do. Is he pleased with the result?
You know we can only be here tonight because of His Son, Lord Jesus Christ.
So you know the story that came into the world. He was born as the baby, the Manger often say.
John chapter 6 I believe it says that he came to do the will of the Father.
He came to do the will of Father.
So he was born and then we see, I think it's in Matthew chapter 3. At the end he was baptized.
And said about spirit sending down upon it like so.
Well, you and I know that when we get saved.
Holy post.
All of us.
Filled with the Spirit of God.
Same the same example.
In John chapter 8.
John, Chapter 8.
Jesus said at the end of verse 29. For I do always those things that please him.
I do always those things that please.
You know, we've been taken up quite a bit today in Hebrews 12 and it said there about looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher. He's the example for us. First Peter two, it says I left an example that you should follow in my steps.
In John 16, the Holy Ghost.
Says it will teach us.
It will guide us in the way.
Matthew 28, sorry. Matthew 11 and 29 says take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
Is it your desire and my desire tonight to learn of him, to be like him?
And to please the Father.
You know in Romans 8 says that we might be conformed to his image, be conformed to him.
I got my wife to look it up to me when you're singing song 100.
I have to think about the answer.
Says to be similar in type.
Be similar in type to conform to be like him.
Well, you know.
David, he did the will of the father. He already heard of Enoch this morning. Somebody mentioned Caleb and I had Caleb on my heart. You can turn to it for a moment. And Joshua 14.
Ostwatch Chapter 14.
Safety of this part.
Joshua 14, verse 8.
You can read the whole story of this yourself. And he says, my, my holy followed the Lord my God.
Verse 9 Moses square in the day, saying, Surely the land where on thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children's forever, because as holy follow the Lord my God.
Well, you know me saying that I'm just looking for it.
Verse 91 or mid 1991, it says they who trust Him wholly on him holy truth, Caleb wholly followed the Lord.
You know the other here is voice. You listen. We talk about that spirit that we're in dwelling.
You read the Bible.
You read God's word.
You pay attention to what he's saying to you. Is it important to you?
If we don't have a good relationship with the board.
It really hinders the spirit and being able to help us understand.
There was a few comments of that today.
In the meeting, but I would suggest that if you really want to understand God's word.
Then you need to have a good relationship with him.
To Lord Jesus.
I'm sure everyone here has a good friend.
You can think of conversations that you've had with this good friend. Do you have conversations like that with the Lord?
Saying that his tonight every left your room this morning did you think depressed?
Well, I like to tell my boys that they need to pray every day when they get up before they go out the door. Get on their knees before you leave your bedroom.
I'm thankful that nearly every day my son and I get to read together and pray because a lot of days I find that I've gone out the door and I've gotten in my car and I forgot to pray.
But that's how we talked to him, that's how we know it.
That we have a relationship with him. That's how we can tell him all these things.
And the Spirit of it is right. The Spirit can work within us. And so you can read His Word and you can understand it.
And then you can walk in these things.
And then you can be like the Lord Jesus.
There is only the things which please follow.
A lot of things in this world that can occupy our minds, our minds can be overwrought with the things in this world we've had about painting, we've had about being weary.
We can be overcome by a lot of things if we're not walking close with the Lord, if we don't give Him place in our heart, if we don't give Him time in our life.
You know, really he wants all the time.
He really does.
He doesn't like us to share it.
With things that might get in the way.
I think it is him quite often and probably you've heard me say it before, but it's little children's him I talk to the trouble pull and running over. You probably know that one right, you know.
He wants your heart to be filled up with Him so that nothing else can get in the way.
I think it'd be OK. I was thinking.
As the Holy Ghost instead it comes upon us and was filled with the Holy Ghost. You know it's in first First Corinthians 6 it says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost.
And I read this morning, Mr. Norm Hebert sends out a little bit of Jenna's, and I read it this morning and it talked about in Jesus Went into the Temple.
Continuous John 3.
Chapter 3.
Nobody sees the purse.
Chapter 2.
Well, I don't see it.
Yes, thank you, John 214 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep, and doves, and the changes of money city. And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers money, and overthrew the tables, and said unto them, That soul does take these things. Hence make not my father's house, and House of merchandise.
It's not my father's house emergency. I was thinking that all of those things that he listed there were really quite a defilement to the temple.
And he removed them all.
You got rid of all of it.
You don't have to break each one down. You can do that. Maybe some practice on your own, but he got rid of all of those things that were defilement.
In the temple which he calls and says is my father's house.
And now you and I.
Have been awarded the privilege and the honor to be the Temple of the Holy Ghost.
And he wants us only to be filled up with Him, nothing else.
Nothing else that might defile us, that might interrupt that relationship with our friend the Lord Jesus.
With our Lord the King, with the one who died for us, with the one who rose again.
The one who went to prepare a place.
He doesn't want anything to get in the way.
No, I was just thinking about.
All those things in this world, we spoke of our mind and how easily we can be overcome through the verse I thought of this morning, and then we could read it in Isaiah chapter 26.
Data Chapter 26.
Verse 3.
Since that will keep him in perfect pieces. Mind the state on date because he trusted him.
So we put our trust in him. Are we at peace?
As our mind stayed on him again, it's just having our eyes fixed upon that one who loved us.
And gave himself for us, and walking in the same path that he laid out for human eye.
Is that our desire?
I won't go on any further really, the thought that I had.
This is your desire and mine. Please the Father, to walk in the example of the Lord Jesus Christ when he is here. I just leave that with you to consider on your own that you might be exercised there by the duty. So let's pray and very good thanks for the food too. Our God and Father, we thank you now for this time together, and we thank you again for thy Son and the work of California. We thank you, Lord Jesus, for that.
Example of those left forest when I didn't walk here. Do only the things which please the Father we think of.
All those things that that didn't do in kindness and love.
Or we think too, of how that would remove all those things out of the temple, the Lord, that we might follow in thy steps.
Do we?
Five things and caring for one another and helping each other along until the end. And Lord, that we might come to thee and.
Ask You for help not being overcome by this world, to not be overcome by defiling things that might interrupt our relationship with Thee, that we might keep our minds stayed on Thee, Lord, that our hearts might be full of Thee, and that it might be really our desire to be like me and like it tells us in first John Three that we too, but due to only those things that are pleasing in Thy sight.
And so, Lord, we pray that that would help us with all these things to let us come.
And we thank you to now for providing this food for us, and Lord, the happy fellowship that we can have together over it. We would just ask you and thank you for these things in my name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.