Create in Me a Clean Heart

Duration: 51min
Children—Jonathan Grinton
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All right, Daniel, you got your hand way up there. What? When would we sing?
Oh, that's one of my favorite ones. You know, when we're at home at the Grinton house, my daughter plays this on the piano for me, and she plays it in a way that I like it so much. It gets everybody happy and excited. Are you happy to be here this morning? OK, let's sing.
Rejoice and tell, it's Roger, it's all abroad.
When Jesus was my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray, and they rejoice.
In everything.
Happy day. Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away.
The great transactions on.
I am my Lords, and he is mine. He dreamed me, and I followed on, glad to confess. So what is divine?
Happy day. Happy day when Jesus.
Washed my sins away.
To watch and pray.
And the great choice, say, every day.
Happy day. Happy day when Jesus.
Washed my sins away.
Now rest my long till thy heart.
Nor ever from thy Lord depart.
Within a very good poses.
Happy day. Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray and every joy.
In every day.
Every day, happy day.
When Jesus watched my sins away. Very good. So it's a happy day, isn't it, to be here, to have Sunday school?
OK, Sammy.
All right.
All right, let's sing the 1St.
And the last verse #25 is that good? OK, all right.
Life, at best, is very breathe, like the falling of a lake, like the binding of a ship.
Be a time fleeting days are telling us, and the joy will soon because and the veil light be passed.
Be in time. Be in time.
Voice of Jesus calls your being time. If it's any longer way you may find no open gate and you're crying me just too late. Be in time.
The warning voice make the larger happy choice.
Spend time come from darkness into light, from the way that seem across.
Come and starve for having tonight.
The inside.
Be in time. Be in time.
While the voice of Jesus calls you me in time.
Heaven save you longer way you may find no open gaze and your pride is just too late.
Be in time.
Well, that's a nice one, Sammy, because you know, the first one we had was, oh, happy day. And we agreed it was a happy day.
But that last verse it says make the Lord your happy choice.
And all heaven will rejoice. You know, there's a verse that we read often in Luke 15. It says, likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth, over one Sinner that comes and asks the Lord Jesus to wash their sins away and save them. Did you have one you wanted to sing?
46 #46 Thank you.
IJESU last I started being me and he calls and he calls all the GIRLS and he wants all to be OIS 2.
Very good. Thank you. Anybody else have one they'd like to sing that's three. Oh, perfect. OK.
#44 very good.
Into a tank where a taxi boy lay dying alone at the close of the day.
Years of salvation we carry, said he. Nobody ever has told it to me.
Tell it again. Tell it again. Salvation story revealed.
Till none can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
To give me so love me a poor little boy. Send unto me the good tidings of joy. Need I not perish? My hand will heal nobody ever. The story has told.
Tell it again. Tell it again. Salvation story. Repeat already.
Till I can say of the children of men, nobody ever has told me before.
Anything. We got the last words of his friend.
Besides, he entered the valley of God, sent his sign. Whosoever said he, then I am sure that he sent him for me.
Tell me again. Tell him again. Salvation story recourse.
Tell them can say of the children of men.
Nobody ever has told me before.
That's a favorite one of mine. You know, when I was your age, we had that big gospel tent and Mr. Blenner has it would come to the Laurenville and he'd set that big tent up in Saint John and we'd go and his sons stand, would stand up in front of everybody. And boy, he really sang this so well. And we would all sing it. It's a really good song, isn't it? OK, who else?
This lady right here.
When he comes, when he comes to make up his jewels, all his jewels, scratch his jewels.
There's love and there's home. Like the stars of the morning, it is bright round the morning it shall shine. It's good it's getting bright jumps for his crown.
He will gather, he will gather the jumps for his Kingdom, All the same ones, all the great ones is love. And his home, like the stars of the morning, is right from the journey.
They shall shine in his beauty.
Right chance for his crown.
Little children, little children.
Who are very Redeemer? Are the jewels precious jewels?
His love and his own.
Like the stars of the morning.
Is my crown, I Dorning. There's your sound.
You know that hymn is from a verse in the Bible as well. In Malachi chapters 3 it says, And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts in the day when I make up my jewels.
Very nice hymn. Thank you. All right, way, way down there.
He was. We're going to sing that. That's good. OK Is that on here anywhere?
Sycamore tree for the Lord. He wanted to see, and as the Savior passed that way, he looked up in the tree and he said, Zacchaeus, you come down.
We're going to your house today or I'm going to your house today.
Very good. Wow, wonderful singers.
Do you have a hymn? OK, which one?
That one that we just did again. Oh, I like that one too. I agree. Let's do that one again, Zacchaeus. Okay.
You want to stand up here too?
No, OK.
Yes, you come down going to your house to the day, or I'm going to your house today. All right, we're probably going to sing another song in a few minutes, but that was very good. I've asked this question before after we sang that him. Would you be happy if the Lord Jesus came to Bangor today? Who here would go out and climb up in a tree?
To see the Lord Jesus.
Yeah, I think I would too. You know, Zacchaeus was pretty excited to go and see the Lord Jesus. Can you imagine what it must have been like when the Lord Jesus stopped?
And he looked up.
He said, Zacchaeus, I'm going to come and visit you today. Come on down, let's go to your house. What would you think if the Lord Jesus said I'm going to go to your house? That'd be pretty exciting, wouldn't it? Would you be ready for that? No. Well, you know, he would be pretty happy to come visit you just the way you are. Well, you know, what I brought here today is something that I've done a number of times and when I was about your age.
In Laurenville, Mr. Bill Roach stood up and he did this and.
I was just amazed by it and I hope I can do it as good as he did.
But what I want to talk to you about?
Is how we are in our hearts.
When we're born, and even when we're little, and sometimes when we get older and bigger too.
In Romans 3, who can tell me that there's a verse there in Romans 3 that talks about how we all are? Does anybody know it? Romans 3 and 23 for all.
I've seen them come short of the glory of God.
Excellent Sam, thank you for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Does everybody here believe that they're a Sinner?
Everybody here.
It says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The Lord Jesus came from heaven tells us that in God's Word, and he came down.
And he died on the cross, didn't he?
They nailed them up to that cross of wood.
And He took all of our sins on his body there on himself. He paid the punishment that we deserve for that, for our sins. And then He shed his precious blood. And that's what I want to talk to you about a little bit.
Your sins. We read that verse in Luke chapter.
15 But the Sinner that repenteth, and if you come to him and be saved.
And you know, it's so important, little ones, young people, to be saved when you're young, when you're small, to trust in the Lord right away. I want to tell you this story. And I actually didn't plan on telling this, and it upsets me a little bit. So hopefully it won't upset you. But you know, the hymn that we sing often it says.
I think it's on here somewhere.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
Well, have you ever gone to a parade?
Have you ever gone to a parade? I've gone to lots of parades. There's big trucks, you know, and they come around the corner and you see the people on the parades and you look and you have fun. Well, in Nova Scotia, just a few weeks ago, there was a little girl and she was three years old.
Who here is three years old? Is anybody here 3?
Nobody here 30 way back there. Very good. So you're not very old, but you understood your three. This little girl was three years old and her her whole family was there watching this parade.
And you know.
She ran out a little bit to see the truck coming because her uncle I believe was driving the truck.
And nobody saw her.
And she got run over by the truck.
And she died.
And so that's why it's so important.
That you know that you're a Sinner and that you ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away right now. If you believe in Him, if you trust in Him, that He died for you and shed His precious blood, He can wash your sins all the way right now.
Look at that, and I hope that wasn't too much.
You see that?
Do you remember that hymn? And we're going to sing it.
My heart was black with sin, I think the new book says My heart was stained.
With sin, that's what we look like, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That's what your heart looks like stained with sin.
Can you get rid of that? You can't. You're right, you cannot get rid of that. Not by yourself.
Not by yourself, but there's a verse.
I think it's in first John.
Chapter One.
And talks about the blood of Jesus Christ. Does anybody know that verse?
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's and kind of rice. Very good.
That's very good. Is that number seven? I think right. First John one and #7 at the end, verse seven says the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
The Lord Jesus went to the cross, we talked about that, and he shed his precious blood so that if you and I trust in Him, He would wash away our sins and he would get rid of them.
I did this at home and it didn't work very well.
So James helped me and we got two cups.
It's almost clear, isn't it?
Is it clear now?
Doesn't that look a lot better?
Does, doesn't it?
Which heart would you like to have, Daniel?
To clear the heart. The clear one, the clean one. Sorry, the clean one is what I was thinking. You see that?
Quite different, isn't it? Which one do you like? Yeah, I know it's pretty, isn't it? It is pretty.
I was thinking of how.
Ugly stain is I was, I was thinking how clean this is and I would like everybody's heart to be clean. You know when I was little I asked the Lord Jesus to wash my sins away and I know He did. I trust that He did and you can too if you haven't done it.
There's a verse in.
Isaiah chapter one. Who can turn to Isaiah chapter one and read that for me?
Isaiah, chapter one.
And justice the very first part of verse 16.
You got it.
OK, stand up and read it clear for us.
Wash you, make you clean. Put away the evil of your doings from before my night. Cease to do evil. OK? Read verse 18 for us too, please.
Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be as wet as snow, Though they be as red as comes, and they shall be as well, right? Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet. That's what they look like in your heart. Your sins are scarlet red.
They shall be as white as snow, nice and clear. You know Mr. House spoke last night and he talked about the Lord looks and he can see your sin. He looks at your heart.
And you can see all that you do, you seize into your heart, you seize that sin. I think that verse was in Psalms chapter 53.
Says in verse three they are all together become filthy. We're filthy, it says.
But in chapter 51.
Says purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. And verse 10 says create in me a clean heart, a clean heart. Who wants a clean heart? I do. I want to have a clean heart.
Boys and girls, to have a clean heart is a wonderful thing, but.
Once you have that clean heart, I want to talk to you about what happens after for a moment.
And people have probably heard me say this verse a lot lately. It's very important to me. And I tried to consider this verse with everything that I do in my life. Once my heart has been cleaned, who can turn to 1St Corinthians chapter 10? Put up your hand if you get there.
First Corinthians, chapter 10.
Way down here, yeah, yeah. Can you read verse 31, please? Nice and loud.
Whether they're all, whether they're for you, eat or drink or whatsoever you do.
Right. Thank you.
And you know you've got a clean heart now if you've asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away.
But now you have a responsibility that whatever you do.
You do for the glory of God, Mr. Allen. He prayed yesterday and he mentioned that very thing in his prayer. I remember.
And so I want to tell you that.
You know if you have something like this.
Do you like to keep it like that? Do you have dolls and toys that you like to keep clean? Do you? And what happens when they get a stain on them? Daniel It stays there. You know, it really does. And it's kind of messy and and it gets all over the place and it doesn't look as nice anymore. Look at that. Do you think the Lord?
Wants us to take that clean heart.
And put sin on it again. Do you think he wants us to do that? No, He tells us to go and sin no more. Tells us in first John chapter 2 to not sin anymore. He doesn't want us to do that. He says whatever you do, do it for my glory, Do it for me.
And so, you know, every little thing that we do in our life, we need to ask him. We need to ask him to help us, to only do the good thing and the right thing.
So that we please him. You know, it tells us in Revelation, I think it's Chapter 7, that we're going to have robes of white. He tells us in chapter 19 as well in Revelation.
But those in the robes of light, in Revelation 7 he says that they are those that are washed in the blood of the Lamb, made clean.
He gives us robes of white to wear. Why do we want to soil it? We shouldn't, you know.
I like to go ATV, you know, 4 wheelings. Anybody have a ATV and four Wheeler? Yeah, well, a few years ago and I hope I don't get in trouble for telling this story, but we went at being and I had my wife was driving one and I was driving one and.
She had this really nice shirt.
And she wanted to keep it really nice.
However, who likes to get money on the ATV? I do, and we were driving along on this road, you know.
And there was a big mud puddle.
And my wife was ahead of me a little bit and I thought.
If I just drive really fast for a moment, I can hit that puddle just before my wife gets to it and she'll get all covered in the mud.
And at the time I thought it was a really good idea.
I really did. And you know, her shirt looked like that and it was a nice shirt.
And after I hit the puddle.
It took me a moment but my heart started to beat faster and I thought, oh boy, I didn't really think that through.
And I looked back and it wasn't just, you know, wet, dirty water. It was clinging to you mud. And it was dark mud. It was filthy.
And I looked back with a sheepish grin. And there was my wife.
Covered in this mud, you could no longer see any white.
It was gone.
I tell that story because it is fun, but I tell it because I didn't really think about what I did before I did it, and I created a filthy mess. I created a filthy mess. You know, the Lord tells us that He looks upon us.
In Ephesians.
Book of Ephesians.
We know this verse well.
Chapter 5.
This is why Christ died for you and I. Who is at Ephesians chapter 5 somebody, Yes, way down there.
Stand up for us and read number or hip. Sorry, read verse 26 and 27.
Glorious church having squat or wrinkle or any such things. I've had it should be holding it.
Right, very good. Thank you. So holy and without blemish, not having spot or any such thing.
And that's why he died for you and I, so that he could take these away and He could create in us a clean heart like this, with these robes of white, robes of righteousness, doing the right things and for his glory and honor. Does everybody understand that?
You know, there's another verse that I like and I, I mentioned this at Hammer Bay, I think it was in Daniels. Anybody know where Daniel is? Book of Daniel, everybody remember Daniel? What happened to Daniel?
He had three friends. What happened, Daniel?
These are all lions den.
Lions den, do you remember that? And what about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? His friends? They got put in a yes.
What was it?
Well, it was like that. It was a fiery furnace, wasn't it? It was really, really burned place to burn them up, wasn't it? Yeah, that's right, Daniel, chapter one. I like this verse because we're all children and the Lord loves us. And verse four, who can read verse 4?
Right here.
Children was no furnished, but well favored and shielded right.
Understanding science and such as have ability in them to stand in the perfect right there. Thank you to stand in the King's palace. You know they were children whom was no blemish well favored. That's you and I no blemish well favored if if we've asked the Lord Jesus to wash our sins away.
And the ability to stand in the King's palace. And he wants to have us come before him in those robes of white.
He looks down and he sees you as perfect.
And he loves you so.
I want you to understand that He wants us to consider everything that we do in our lives as believers for Him.
And that it's for his glory and honor and that we ask Him for help in doing that. Can we do that? Do you pray? Do you pray? You know, that's how you can talk to the Lord Jesus. And He loves to hear us talk to Him. And if you're concerned about anything, you can take it to him. But if you just want to know, Lord, would this be for thy glory and honor? Would this be something that you would have me to do?
Just ask them.
And if it's something for us older ones too, you know, we do that. And if it's something in the assembly, we do that.
So who thought that was pretty neat?
Yeah, that was fun. OK, who has on something black?
Right, this man was the first one to put his hand up right? Here you come, stand up here, okay?
Until the Savior came in his precious blood. I see. Nice red sweater right here. You want to stand up here? Precious blood I know has washed me white. Sally, you got a white hat? You want to come stand up here, Sarita? I mean, sorry, Sally. Yeah, Serena. You want to stand up with your white hat?
OK, my heart was black with sin until the Savior came in. His precious blood I know has washed me. Right here, right here, white as snow and in God's Word. Do you want to hold up the Bible? Come on up. And in God's word I'm told I'll walk the streets of gold. Who has gold?
Oh, you have a nice gold tie. Come on up.
Boom. OK, keep going. There you go. OK, you remember that? Him. OK, you got to hold your Bible up high when they say it. OK, you ready?
Wonderful, wonderful day.
He writes my savings away. Very good. Excellent. Okay, have your seats.
Well, so we understand that the Lord has the strength by His blood to wash our sins away.
And we understand that if we trust in Him and ask Him to wash our sins away, that He will.
And then we understand that He gives us a clean heart.
And that we should keep it clean and that we should ask him for help so that we do it for him, right? Does everybody understand that now?
Good. OK, what we didn't do.
Was verses.
And so if anybody has a verse, we would love to hear you say it.
Go ahead. Yes.
Light open your pants in the water to get his life very good.
Set in Ephesians. Oh no, that's.
The other one? Colossians.
There you go, Very good.
I'd have to look that up, yes.
The name of Jesus.
OK. And.
That at the name of Jesus.
Every knee should bow in the things of heaven and things of earth and the things under the earth. Very good.
That at the name.
That is the name of Jesus.
Every knee.
Of things in heaven.
Things of Earth.
Under the Earth.
Very good.
Wow. OK, I'll go here first. Yes.
Very good. John, 316.
Very good.
OK, I'm going to go right here.
John 316. Very good.
Oh, sorry.
Nice. Very good, yes.
Wow, wow. Very good. You guys know that one? Well, Sammy, you had one.
Genesis 1, right? And you already did two other ones for me too, didn't you, Daniel?
Genesis in the beginning.
Yeah. Yeah, You said it right. Very good. Excellent.
Oh, OK. Who else? Yes.
There's this one.
Very good.
Did you have one too? OK, go ahead.
What was your verse?
No. OK. Do you want to do the same one in the beginning?
God created the heaven and the earth.
Very good. Excellent.
This is why I do Sunday school, all right, yes.
Very good.
John one verse one in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was gone. Nice.
That's a good color.
Oh boy.
Wow, nice. I don't think I can do that one. That's very good.
OK. Yes, Sir.
I say unto you, and have everlasting life.
Nice. Very good.
Whichever one we got the tape too stuck on the tape.
OK, yes.
For this, very nice, very good.
Anybody else? Oh wow.
Nice, Good job, good work.
Yes, Sir.
Oh, well, thank you. Thank you very much. Okay, it's good to have help.
Oh nice, OK, very good. I have other colors you can trade there is you come on up and we'll get one up here, okay.
Do you want to just open that and get one out? Did you have your hand up OK?
Psalm 139 versus one, one, and two.
Oh Lord, you know my sitting, my rising up and my sitting down. You understand my thought very good.
What was it again? Song What?
That's very nice.
1:30 Now, O Lord, thou has searched me and known me. Thou knowest my down sitting and mine uprising. Thou understandest my thought afar off Very nice.
Well, boys and girls, if there's anybody who wants to do another verse later, you can come and see me. Yes. Did you have a verse?
Oh, well done. Very good.
And you know, do you know how much the Lord loves to hear you say those verses and to learn them? And do you know how much?
US older ones love to hear you do it.
Is is so encouraging. It's so nice to hear you all do that. And if anybody wants to come up after and say went to any of us, just do that and we'll have hopefully enough pencils for you.
Did anybody have any other? Oh, I had one more question.
Who knows the books of the Bible?
Who is willing to stand right here with me and say them?
Come on up.
You see, this is so important and we learned these so much when we were little. OK, go ahead.
Joshua, Judges, Roof. First and Second Samuel 1St and 2nd Kings, First and Second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Astor, Joe Psalms Problems, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Psalm and Isaiah. Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joseline.
Hey, Zachariah, Val Kite, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Ash.
Romans currently currently expressions Second Corinthians.
Galatians. Galatians. Ephesians.
First this first once I think these.
1St and 2nd.
James first, second and third job right first, second, Peter first, second, third. John, Jude and Revelation. Good work. Do you need 2 Pencils?
You know what? Here? No, Hold on.
Oh, OK, It's got to be one that's not.
There you go, now you have something to write in it. You can practice some more of the books of the Bible. Excellent. And you know, I don't want to get away from our story.
It really doesn't because you know, that's for the glory and honor of the Lord. He loves to hear you do that. He loves to hear you learn those things and to know them. And when somebody stands up here for Sunday school or anything else and they say, turn to this portion and and can you read that verse? You know, you can turn to it right away and you can find it and you can read the verse and you can be so helpful. And you're not just helping the person standing up here, you're helping the Lord.
You're doing work for the Lord, and He loves it when we serve Him and do work for Him.
Doesn't we have time? Does anybody have they want to do that books of the Bible to anybody else?
I got 2 girls here for sure, three of them OK.
That's it. Excess Leviticus, Numbers. Deuteronomy.
Joshua Judges, Ruth First and Second Samuel 1St and 2nd King, First and second Chronicles, Ezra nearby Esther Job.
Songs, Proverbs, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes.
Solomon, Isaiah. Jeremiah. Levitation. Ezekiel, Daniel. Hosea, Joel. Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Mike. Native Have a Cook.
Hi guys, Zachariah, think of Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Axe, Romans, First and 2nd Corinthians.
Galatians, Ephesians, Lippies, Colossians, first and 2nd.
SUS. Thessalonians.
1St and 2nd Tennessee, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, first and second Peter, 1St, 1St and 1St John, St. John, Third John, Jude and Revelation. Excellent. Nice work. OK, who are the other ladies there that?
Come on up.
You know, I don't help a lot. You guys are doing really well. My children know that I don't help a lot with that.
Joshua Judges.
King versus Second Chronicles Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Joe Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah, Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel, Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Silvador, Jonah, Michael Name Have a good Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark with John Axe. Romans versus Second Corinthians, Galatians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.
1St and 2nd Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy. Titus, James.
First and second Peter, First and second and third John, Jude. Excellent. Very good. That is so good.
There you go, Maloa.
Little Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges.
Person. Second Samuel.
1St and 2nd Kings. 1St and 2nd Kings.
First and Second Chronicles.
Ezra, Ezra. Ezra Neelaya.
Esther. Esther Job.
Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. Song, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations. Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joe and the Soldier. Jonah, Micah and Him. Habakkuk, Stephanie. Hague, Zachariah, Malachi.
New Testament, Matthew, Mark with John X Romans, First and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First and 2nd Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Titus.
If I leave in Hebrews, James.
1St and 2nd, 3rd John first, Second Peter, First and second Peter.
And then John first and second, third, John 1St and 2nd, 3rd.
Dude, very good. Excellent. Hold on.
OK, well.
Out of time.
But I am so thankful for you children that would come up and do that. And I will just say.
That, you know, times haven't changed that much like some might think it has. Because when I was a young boy doing that.
Growing up where I grew up, it always seemed like the girls outweighed the boys and those things back then too. And I can remember Karen Roach and Melanie Mcaver and these ones that would say all those things. And it would sure encourage guys like me to learn those things and get up and do it. So maybe next Sunday school time, if the Lord leaves us, some of you boys will be able to stand up and say the books of the Bible with the girls too.
All right, let's just pray.