Children in Whom There is No Blemish

Duration: 51min
YP Sing Talk—Jonathan Grinton
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Well, thankful for everybody is still here. Good.
A few years ago.
I have had the privilege to stand here to speak.
Jonathan Bullard is the thing. And I thought, boy.
I could have done things too, thought that'd be great.
Wanted to do it. So tonight he left the prayer for the gospel and I said, did you get somebody to do the singing? He said he asked him to speak.
No, if you could do that. But I think he meant I could pick somebody to do it, but I didn't do that. So I get to do the thing. So.
Did anybody have the 192? It's not, but you have to pick one that we know or else it won't be any good. OK #90 two.
I'm not going to be able to do anything else I'm going to be able to do.
And the.
End of the world turns out.
Forever so far.
If the Lord is thy favorite comes from our age, I believe.
Believe to be honestly all crowned and crowned and crowned and crowned and killed more.
So for me and the Lord is cracking the swallow toward me.
And me clean up and we fall.
Into crowd his water and all the.
Lower and then again, like the Christmas tree.
Raise the dark.
Ness and Itchy.
Thursday I'd rather look at granny run through him. One blood transplant.
Lower down and you can burn over your knees.
It's not. It's all. Perhaps, it's probably.
The blood work or puzzle?
It is so hard, but it ain't come so long already. Have you seen? Thanks.
Round and round to put a blower along.
Well, that was a really good one to get our heat wet.
Maybe I want to survive with mine. Basically, when we sing at home, sometimes we start at him and.
Sound really good by about the third verse. So low that you have jacket back up. I don't know what happened there. We never really got low.
Seems like we're up pretty high the whole time, OK.
'Cause I have one that I might be able to start.
Well I have one. I don't think the issue.
A number of balls and 17.
And then my sore breathing lifted my thumb.
Framing myself.
Of all my hair.
It's me like dangerous Valentine's Day long.
Perfect. That's OK. It's showing all the way down.
Uh, in United States watching and waking up and.
Yes, uh, anything. That's why I love that.
Yeah, there's my story. And since I saw.
Praising by save your all the day long.
Message my phone.
Praise, make my sand, take your Wellness and take it home.
Industry should be divided from other side uh it's making anything like my daughter and dad. Oh sheep of his pasture. There's a long justified.
Nesting and by.
It's not badly.
I'm not I'm allowed to do.
So you know that then you're doing that. Let's see.
No, no.
I hear from the heavens and sleeping.
Newton Valley.
Uh, no, 1000.
Yeah. No, it's actually.
Umm, no, I don't think that's fine. That's fine. That's my daughter name Night.
Dial 05391 Shall I know he'll pregnant come back in wherever I am crying.
I'll come down in the valley by his hands, live without the dream.
They speak and and no.
Oh, it's a family. Umm, that's about an employee.
53 + 9 dollars and a night.
On the mountain.
Step by step by the water damage.
Business day is really good help for someone please or an experience.
It's horrendous.
And I gave we can hear apart.
On the plumber and so the rain.
2-3 bedrooms as well, explained Claire.
Let's see, I'm fine. We shall be on that dear trip of storm.
In the sweet.
By the way.
We shall stay come back here to get the shower.
I don't know.
And my spirit shall sour no more.
No, I don't die for the last day of Christ.
We shall finish the last night during the cold storm.
In the spring, I am tired.
It's not like you're very close to.
In a long time, let's go, Father of God.
We do not know alcohol for our children.
Our Blood reunion and.
Blasting them out of the fireplace.
In the sweet I am lying.
We shall be on that, dear. What's your Lord?
In the street, by the light.
We just now let me see now that you're very good, looks strong.
My Redeemer and I reached the other side, and it's my Little Rock on me.
No, no, no.
Him I shall know. I don't give him. Why not breathe and everything in his hands?
The stone family rapture. When did I do his last mistake? And the bluster of this thy need be now.
Oh my God, I'm crazy. Love and praise every day for me. I'm passionate, not God.
I don't know if you're not sure.
It's not.
I shall tell you.
Here I'm saying glory and one day that didn't need to come and start partying at the river, I recalled.
You can't sleep. There's some reason they will save my welcome home, but I come to keep my savior first of all.
I don't know.
By your side I shall stand.
I don't know.
I shall know him. I don't forget him.
It's OK, it's not steady, it is not a robust of this life. He will leave me without your child ever fall.
In the cloud consultation I shall mingle with these light, but I belong to me, my favorite first of all.
Dial Zero 200 and 31500 and 12/31/75.
It's 116.
I rejoined and down the ground and all that. Wrong.
I see your head.
When is that one? I think I'll arrange.
This one and pray.
And when he died, he had realized.
27 was my second fellow baby.
Done. I am my Lord and He is my.
He throws me and I also don't know when I do come down the one behind.
It's a good day when James does not fall asleep in the rain.
He brought me up to the right and pray and then every soil thing every day.
Umm, he said. Uh, he said we're going to change that $196 away.
Now that's my lungs. It's pretty high in my heart.
There's always.
Ness around northern prawns, thy voice departed.
Will heal. My God, that's crazy dreadfulness.
Again, I have to change that one twice and celebrate.
He brought me around to watch them. Dragged.
And every joy is named and brings back.
Ah, today.
Happy day.
When is the last night?
Wonderful thing that last night.
I'll have to go. I wasn't too bad but.
You know, at home, the thing that I stay at home, my knees and I probably so.
Speed it up, but it really keeps you going with some energy. Sometimes it really sounds happy, you know?
We're trying to fast.
We have. I'm not sure how long we supposed to go for.
Somebody knows a great offer started this morning.
No, I'm here to build the eyes. All this is forever thorough. All thou had to be trolled and yelled.
At a day in the morning.
Wednesday, 2 Thousand 2525 days. Let's try and stop sleeping. And my daughter's her positive painful one. You're saying you need to take a high and it's great and then you're going to be great. Pretty high in my hands.
Wednesday morning.
No more than any sense. No pain.
There and forever, I will be with the water. You die for me.
What a day.
Glorious day, and I will be.
One day without a fruit, it's no way. It's my jeans and I fight something and I love the color you say.
So what you say she's crying crazy. When he finished, he arrived like her hands and he sinks in the promised land.
100 and 28.
Thanks for the help. Sympathy safety was trying to continue to go faster.
It's amazing that, you know, I grew up saying these hymns and as much as Jonathan told me, I should pick somebody and do this.
Saving somebody from.
Let's strain and stress is difficult and say good these numbers and you look at it's like, Oh no.
Remember, my daughter was dead.
But some cleared their growth. OK, All right, I get it. Let's pray.
Our godfather be thank you for.
And so it's encouraging to be able to look out and see familiar faces like this. And, you know, I was driving along heading this way, and I was kind of thinking, well, this is going to be a nice time.
To sit here and listen to the meetings and and take in what the Lord has for me and no real responsibilities except for you know.
The ones that each of us have when we're together like this.
And so I was staying with Mr. Bullard in the living room and we were chatting about a few things and he said, did Jonathan call you?
I said well yes, because Jonathan does call me.
He said. So you're prepared for Saturday night.
For what? He called me, but he was coming to pick up my boys to go out in the lake and do some work. He said, well, he was supposed to ask you to speak at the hymn thing for the young people, so.
I'm thankful to be here and.
I wasn't really sure how or what I might present to you, but I do wanna share a verse with you that my family is known just this past week because I shared it with them and I'm hoping that you may see this verse the way I saw it. I've never seen this verse like this before. It's in Daniel chapter one.
And we were sitting around our kitchen table and we were reading our calendar pages. And so I'm not certain, but Jim might have wrote that particular page, but I don't remember if it was the children's or the young people. But we've all known the stories of Daniel and.
And so.
The story that was on the calendar page, I don't even remember, but this verse was in dark black and I read it and these things just seem like they leaped off the page at me. And so I'm going to try to explain it to you how I saw this. And so the verse is verse four, and it says children in whom was no blemish but well favored.
And skillful in all wisdom and cunning and knowledge and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the King's palace.
And whom they might teach the learning and the time of the Chaldeans. And so it was the majority of the first part of this verse that really caught my attention, and I just want to read it again. Children in whom was no blemish, but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning and knowledge, understanding science. And such has had ability in them to stand in the King's palace.
I'm sure I've read that verse.
Many times.
But to me.
It was Speaking of this time.
And I saw it as the children in whom was number blemish as you and I.
And how God looks down because of his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, And he sees you, and he sees me, and he looks, and he sees no blemish.
We know the verse in Ephesians chapter 5 it says.
I better look.
Ephesians chapter 5, Speaking of the church.
Verse 20.
Six, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the Word, by the washing of the water by the Word. And this is the verse 27, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.
And so it made me think of you and I.
Children with whom was number blemish well favored.
I wanted you to see tonight.
How precious you are and what he has turned you into and how much he loves you. Well favored.
And I wanted you to realize.
These things in your heart.
In your mind it was mentioned today.
About relationships.
Spoke of a lady that translates from English to Portuguese and her husband.
Sitting in the room.
Watching videos.
And you know Daniel and his three friends here.
They were going to be taken into a situation where they were going to be surrounded.
By idolatry, worldly things.
That Lady was translating God's word.
And that TV was going in the background. I don't know if I can explain this exactly how I hoped, but I wonder what distracts you in your lives today?
And when I think of the relationships that you have with each other, I know some of you, you talk often, I know that you FaceTime and you do these things.
But when you consider the place that he has brought you into and you consider if you know the story of Daniel, and we always go by their Chaldean names with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to consider what they went through.
And the wisdom that they had and the knowledge they were given. And you consider what you have, the wisdom and the knowledge that he's given you. And it says the ability. And then to stand in the King's palace.
How did they withstand? How did they do it?
How did Daniel walk out of the lion's den?
How did they walk out of that fiery furnace?
And you?
We know that verse in First Peter 5, which I'll have to turn to as well. I can't seem to quote anyone. I'm standing up here.
But we're in no different condition than they were. Speaks of the devil here as a roaring lion walking about, seeking whom he may devour.
And you're in no different condition than Daniel was in that day.
You're well favored. If you put your trust in the Lord, then you're without blemish.
I think Mr. Bullard mentioned in his gospel.
Can't quite remember exactly how he said it, but what are you taking up your life with? What is in your life? What is in your everyday life?
So Daniel was taken up with the Lord, and he put his trust fully in him.
And these things didn't sway him.
And they didn't affect him and they didn't defile him. I think he says a little further on in verse 8, but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the King's meat. What have you purposed in your heart?
Now I can tell you from personal experience and again I did not know how I was going to present this so.
From personal experience, the things that I had in my life, we just recently finally after I don't know how many years.
Had the cable television taken out of our home and you know, we wanted it out of our home.
For a number of years, let me tell you how Satan works.
Satan has these little things set up to trick you and I, and so I'll just give you this quick example. I called the cable company and I said, well, I would like to keep the Internet, which I really wish I didn't need that either, but I would like to keep the Internet and my phone.
My long distance phone because I get to talk to so many of you and they said well.
Mr. Grinton.
It's much cheaper for you if you keep this whole package and so we'll we'll give you a deal.
And the deal is much better than what I was actually paying, and it ended up it's much better than paying just for the phone and the Internet.
And so I agreed.
3-3 years I agreed that I would keep this cable in my house, this TV that I didn't want because it was cheaper. What did it cost me? What do the things that you involve yourself with cost you, dear ones?
It cost me tremendous because I would sit there with my family and we would watch something and then a commercial would come on the TV.
Satan was speaking again.
So I got to tell you, I'm so thankful to be getting rid of the King's meat, getting that, the filing thing out of my home. That's for me. I'm not speaking that for you and the things that you have. But you know what these things are. And you know, we had a portion in Saint John Laurenville conference, Colossians chapter one was the reading meeting and we got going along and it says about being holy.
Unblameable and unreprovable in a site and then it goes into.
Uh, Colossians chapter one, I can't remember.
How it reads. I'm sorry, umm, right after that verse.
Verse 23.
Verse 22 Says to present you wholly and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight, if he continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away. Be not moved away. Mr. Bullard read if you turn to Second Peter, chapter three. He didn't read this verse but jumped off the page at me.
Second Peter, chapter 3.
Verse 13 says, Nevertheless, we according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved?
Seeing that you look for such things, be diligent that you be found of him in peace without spot and blameless. And I just jumped off the page sitting in the meeting tonight.
Without spot and blameless. And so though he looks and sees you unblemished, you and I have a great responsibility, a super responsibility to make sure that we in diligence are without spot and blameless. And that's what it talks about in that verse in Colossians one as well.
So I ask you again, what do you have in your lives?
And does it take you from the happy time that you have with the Lord? Does it take you from reading your Bible?
These are distractions that Satan puts out there for us. You know, somebody was trying to describe to me in Daniel chapter one, it talks about at the end of that verse four about the language and that they wanted to teach them all those things. You know, umm Moses in Acts 7, he learned all the ways of the Egyptians and they wanted to teach these ones here. Uh, the, those four, those children.
All those things and you know, why did they want that?
Why does Satan want to come and take you away? Because you belong to the Lord and so he wants you to be distracted and he wants you to learn these things of the world. And then what's going to happen? Well, if you're talking to your friends in the meeting, just like who was it said today? The disciples, Peter, he said, I go a fishing, we'll go with you.
And that's what happens. Young people, older ones too. And so maybe I get a little distracted and I get a little bit away and I tell you about it and I learn those languages and I fill you in the next thing.
Well, you'll go with me.
And so that's what could have happened with these ones, but they stayed faithful. They remain putting their trust in the Lord. And they walked out of that fiery furnace and they weren't. He wasn't eaten by the lion. Are you going to be eaten by the lion? Satan wants to, he wants to devour you and I so quickly the Lord says you're precious.
He loves you unblemished, favored.
He's giving you wisdom and knowledge.
Why do we throw it away on things like cable TV and saving money?
Why do we throw it away on our phones and.
There's a verse in, uh, Second Timothy. I read this little booklet last night that was on the table back here. Continue though.
Second Timothy chapter.
And verse 14 says, But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them.
I think that's so important, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. Be careful what you learn. Be careful who you learn from. Do you know one another? How hard have you tried to get to know each other?
How hard do you spend learning the little things about each other that can tell if you're true or not, or if that person is true or not? We do have to trust each other in these things, but you know you can tell a lot by one another if you spend that time together and you find out, well, all this person wants to do is talk about worldly things on their phone or all this person wants to do is.
I don't know shop. There's nothing wrong with shopping. I kind of like it sometimes, but.
I just, I just try to get you to see these things. And so we have to know each other as believers to be able to help each other. And I think Daniel knew those ones. You know, he was.
I don't know if it's fair to say, but it seemed to me that he was favored just maybe a little bit more, and it goes on in that.
I lost my bookmark but.
Goes on a little further there to say.
And verse 17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill.
In all learning and wisdom and Daniel at understanding, in all visions and dreams, he seemed like he was maybe a little favored a little bit more. I don't know. Maybe he was a little bit more faithful. I'm not certain.
But I believe that in his heart he loved his friends, the ones with which he learned these things and communed with. And so I'm certain that they probably spent time over the things of the Lord together and not the things of the world together.
And so I caution you, dear ones, I grew up in a time that.
And I take full responsibility for this. But the young people, we did things that.
We're worldly things, and I continued on in those things as I got older. And you know, I'm just going to say that as you get.
Into those things a little bit by little bit, Daniel said I will not be defiled and he was firm. I will not be defiled. I didn't say that.
And I'm going to give you a little description as best as I can. And again, my family's heard this, but this is defilement to me. Jeremy wears a black coat. Barracks. Got one? OK, I've got one, too. And you know, if you ever brushed up against The Dirty car.
You know, you can take that coat and you can wipe it off. You might even get a little rag and wipe it and it looks pretty good. But you know, if you did it again.
You get same spot and you rub it off and well, I, I think I got it, but you probably can see a remnant by the 3rd or 4th time. If you haven't taken that jacket to the washing machine or to the dry cleaners, you can rub that all you want. That black coat's got a big dirty stain on it.
That's what the defiling things of this world do to you and I. You think you can get in there just a little bit and you can get back out. But you know what? As soon as you're defiled by it and you go back and you're defiled again, and you're defiled more and more and more to where you think it's everyday life and you think it's OK. But you know what? It's not OK. It's not good. Satan is the one winning that battle, not you.
And there was something somebody was telling me about the end of that verse.
I'd be wrong to try to explain it because it was something about the language, but they said it was.
Umm, it was like 1/2 of the language and, and half of the language. But what it made me think of was how we, we try to serve 2 masters. And I know we've heard that before, but we tried to serve 2 masters and you know, with that language where it was half of this language and half of that language, they ended up, they didn't, they wouldn't speak it. And that should be us. We shouldn't have any desire to try to serve 2 masters.
We should only have one in our hearts. We should want to be filled up with that and to go on for him. And if so, if you have things.
That are worldly and defiling and slowing you down in baggage begging now and I'll pray for you. Get rid of it get it out of your life and get rid of it because you have something far greater without blemish favored He loves you the ability to stand up.
He loves you, and He's given that to you all. Now you have it. If you believe in him, if you put your trust in him, why would you throw it away on the foolish things of this world?
It's not worth it.
It's not worth it. And if you would get to know each other, I don't mean that you don't because I don't know you all that well, but if you would get to know each other as as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Everybody knows this is my favorite thing about provoking one another to love and the good works. Poke each other, say hey, what do you doing that for? What is going on with you right now? Don't be afraid to ask, We've come through this time.
And I, I was a part of it that we have, we've gone through this thing where we're afraid to say anything to each other, you know, oh, so and so they might not come back if I said something to them. Well, you know what if you do that in love and you really care for that person.
Then you're doing the right thing and you should go to that person and you should pray about it and go see them and help them along.
Don't be afraid to do it. You love them, help keep them.
The Lord will give you the strength and the courage to do it.
And so that was how I looked at that verse the other night when I jumped off the page. I really, really enjoyed it. I hope you understood it and I hope it will help you realize how precious you really are to Him and how much He loves you and wants you to stay.
That's right.