A Feeling of Relief

A soldier says: ―
“It was while seeing after the cleaning out of my bed this morning, that I picked up close by the bed of one of my chums, a booklet, “A Message from God” I read it carefully, and it was with a feeling of relief that I had at the bottom of the last leaf your kind offer of pocket Testaments to sailors and soldiers. Would you please address one to: Pte. W. R. S.— B. W. I. R. 87100.
“I had been always seeing lots of chums with the Testaments, and one chap promised me a post-card to send for one, but the booklet came in before.”
How glad we are to respond to appeals like this. Gladly will we send to any soldier or sailor who writes to us for a Testament, and gladly will we send Post Cards, free of all cost, to workers to give to soldiers without the Word of God, all they have to do is to send in the Card and rest it, and a Testament is sent to them at once.