Days of the Last Gospel Call

Let us be in earnest now, you and I, dear reader. God is speaking to the world today by His Son. We must either accept or reject God’s personal appeal. No longer by angels or prophets is the world warned or invited now, but God, in the person of His Son, Himself comes down to speak to men. Think of it. God comes into a man’s life and tells that man that He loves him. There is no excuse for any one if they slight the love of God. God loves you, do you love God?
Reader! this is my last appeal to you this year―we have had many talks together, you and I, throughout the year, and now I want, by God’s help, to bring you to decision. God is speaking, God is inviting, God is blessing, God is waiting to bless you. God will have heaven full, and it is filling fast. When the last soul is saved, the Lord will come. Ah! dear friend, one thing I know that you will be for all eternity, either inside or outside heaven. And the death knell of the world is sounding; can you hear it? Will you be warned by me now of coming judgment? I may never be able to appeal to you again, bit you shall not say in eternity that I did not warn you in time. I appeal to you to come to Christ at once. I appeal by His everlasting mercy to the lost; by His divine compassions, and His perfect sacrifice that avails for one and all; by His loving invitation, and His blessed promises. I appeal to you in the name of God, who sent His Son to die for us; I appeal to you by the Son who came from the Father to reveal His love. I appeal to you by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. I appeal to you by the terror of the. Great White Throne, and the everlasting hell; by mercy and by judgment, by light and by darkness, by the 411elujahs of heaven, and the wailings of the lost. Will you, come to Christ? Will you be saved? God grant that I may not appeal to you in vain, but may the Spirit of God make you willing in the day of His grace and love. If any of you are anxious about your souls, and would like help, write to me, and I will try and help you―I want you saved this year―you can see my address on the last page.