Who is Your King?

This is a grand subject. It is a great thing to know and be the friend of an earthly king, and it is very few who ever can be known to, and be spoken to, by an earthly king, but there is one King who can know, and speak to, and save you and thousands, nay, millions of people, if these people are willing to know Him. He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ-who is God over all and blessed forever. I want you to know Him, to seek His Face, and be like that dear, rough, wounded, Australian rancher, who said to Mr. Wakefield, the City Missionary in Exeter, with a gladsome voice, “The King who wore the crown of thorns will be the King I shall serve in future.” Oh, blessed man, whoever he is, to know and serve the King of kings—Do you?
Emily P. Leakey.