If your peace today is based upon anything whatever in yourself, your faith, or anything else, it may be lost and gone tomorrow; but if your eyes are turned to Christ today, to find in Him all you need to fill your heart and purge your conscience, the question is: Will He be any different tomorrow? Will His blood have lost its precious efficacy or He have changed because you have?
If I have been wrecked and been tossing about in the water till I despair of life, and then find myself on a solid rock, I do not torture myself whether I am standing firmly; but my question is: How firm is the rock I stand on?
And it is so as to salvation: My faith may be weak and poor indeed my feelings often worse; but my Savior never changes, and "He is our peace." (Eph. 2.)
The true way of peace is not to be examining and dwelling upon your faith, but upon Him who is the object of that faith.