Such is procrastination—a thief and a robber.
Ten years later a collegian heard the same text under circumstances which seemed to make that the time of his salvation. Again the tempter whispered: "Time enough yet!”
Twenty years later a statesman listened to the same text from the lips of an aged bishop, and felt it was a message to him. This time the tempter said, "Visit foreign countries before you decide.”
A traveler in Paris was stricken down with a fatal illness. But his greatest suffering was the agony of soul because he was not prepared to die. His last words were: "TOO LATE.”
The boy, the collegian, the statesman, and the traveler were one.
One case is cited, but there are millions more unrecorded. Let not your case be an added one. The remedy lies in your own hands. Be in earnest. Throw off the chains of lethargy. Procrastinate no longer.
How fatal is the habit! How insidious it is! What a successful weapon in the hands of the devil!
"NOW! TODAY!" are words God presses upon you. Will you not hear His voice today and receive Christ NOW?
The wicked shall be
turned into hell,
and all the nations
that forget God.”